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Everything posted by Damned_Angel

  1. The hall of shame

    Auto-mixer? Auto restoration? The attitude towards the comunity? This clients offered too many advantages to certain groups and in my oppinion Ent's decision seems to be much more than justified. Auto-macroing should be punished since it despise other people's time and money. I want to underline that the people that used this auto-macroing client broke the following rules: #3 #5 #19 #20 #21 #25 This is why i consider the decision to reset all the stats to 0 a fair one. The people that used the client took the risk of beeing discovered. They knew the rules. So what's the problem? Not admitting to use it? I think Ent and the developers have enough information and proofs to accuse someone. So stop flaming and acussing, maybe is the time to bow your heads and show a little respect for those people's work, to show a little respect towards the comunity,at least now. Maybe some are innocent, but i'm sure their names will be cleared by the game management team. As for the rest? A new fresh start will be a thing that will let them understand that rules are rules.
  2. Română

  3. Bugs

    Well: Diamond Cave - Whitestone Map - i was mining diamonds i hit a tele nexus i got near the cavern wall, i had diamond spots and/or other non/walkable tiles around me i had to beam. The spot i was locally tele'd is in the west part of the diamond spot. The multiore/coal spot in VOTD - Not availble anymore - i was tele'd inside the eastern mountain. The fortress/temple in NW Palon Valoren (i hope i spell it correctly) I entered trugh the pass (cursor changed into door), i've visited the area - the stairs with pegassuses and snakes statues around it, when i wanted to get out i couldn't. the door cursor appeared, but i couldn't leave the area. Mixing: While i'm mixing various recipes, and i refresh the inventory with the same item from storage, my recipe (the one i used is changed) i mean 1 of the items is added in one of the spots, without me doing anything, i have to remove the extra item from recipe and everything works fine. Conjurer cloak - appears also in the magic items section in storage (doesnt make sense to me why), and also in the clothing section. Anthill: If you are harvesting near anthill, you might get stucked for a while, because the ants souroud you and you can't leave the perimeter. (this is temporary, but sometimes happen)
  4. Items lost in trade

    The items were traded at beam in isla prima. the last 3 items i gave to mauricio (i put in the trade box like 10 categories of items), the last 3: moon med, mm cape, 260 he's dissapeared from his inventory. No bag was autocreated on teh ground, the items simply dissapeared. I used to have this bug. Even if i had 500 emu free, when i traded 1 item with someone my emu went down dramatically to 30-39 or something. So i wasn't able to trade all the items at once. If i countinued to trade the items 1 after another, my emu rested to normal value, though if i wanted to trade all the items again, i got the no sufficient room etc message. I didn't get that in the last days though. Thank you guys
  5. Toolbox

    I would like to make some suggestions. And since they are suggestions i don't know if they can be implemented or will, but i think since they came into my mind i should post them here. Well i think there will be nice to have a separate toolbox in storage that won't occupy inventory space. I mean is quite difficult to understand how a needle can fill 1 spot in storage, same as 65k titanium. A toolbox would save space, time and so on. i would love to see another tool in the game, that tool that helps you blow air into something, fire etc....i don't know the name Also maybe it sounds strange but i think someone should be able to make vials. Possible recipe? quartz+rosequarz+2fire+water ess = vial (mortar and pestle, and that tool) Also it will be great for people to be able to make sanding paper from quartz+blue quartz+water ess (mortar and pestle and that tool in inv ) Well is another thing related to bottles. I always wondered why i can't use the content of a bottle and save the bottle in inv since pots that follow the same pattern leave me, after consumed with a vial in hand. Bottles could be used to make some alcohool, or mixed with m&p, then resulting some sand, that can be used in vial making...well...lol i have strange ideas at this late hour
  6. Beta Warriors (Beta)

    We are happy to tell you that finally we shaped ourselves a website http://www.timecities.com/Members/beta/ Even if some sections are still underconstruction, you can take a look at it. Also the forums are up and running. Dont forget most of the threads/boards can be accessed only by registered users/members. Take care have fun, visit our headquarters Damned_Angel
  7. Beta Warriors (Beta)

    thanks guys. There is a lot to work on. Lol i've became a pm burden for some wonderful people to help me build up a php stats page for us. Lol learning php now an i find it very hard;-))
  8. Română

    pai frate aveam mintea odihnita:-))
  9. General Axe Construction

    Selling/trading last 2 general axe construction books from the lot of 8 units i had. So i wait for offers (gc) or/and (items). I would prefer (gc) and i'm sure the buyers will prefer that too since the gc offer is cheaper than the one in items.
  10. General Axe Construction

  11. Română

    pai 1) poti sa incerci /damned_a e suficient:-)) 2) fii haiduc!!!!!! fura-i vulpile lu' sorinake ca le vana in perioada prohibitiei... serios l-am vazut cand dadea cu bastarca in capul unui mascul de vulpe aflat in pragul paroxismului alaturi de o femela vulpe. Asa ceva nu e permis... ;-))) lolale sori, glumeam bro. Mai da un semn de viata kirk, cand mai esti online
  12. Română

    Loale DG:-)))
  13. Română

    Eu m-am intors in Bucurest pe 7. Am fost la Neptun/Mamaia. Evident ca programele noastre nu s-au "pupat" deloc de data asta. ;-((( Ajungi intr/un final in Bucuresti? Ar fi perfect daca am putea sa ne vedem si sa dam o bere/cafea prin capitala. Unde mai pui ca daca esti de acord putem inregistra cateva vorbe pentru chestia aia de care am vorbit. Oricum sa aveti parte de o vreme exceptionala acolo. Sidenote: Daca inca nu ai descoperit preturile prin Mamaia/Neptun sunt la unele terase/restaurante aproape la fel cu cele din localuri similare de pe Coasta de Azur/Monaco/Venetia etc. Iar la 50% dintre chelneri functioneaza mitul mioritic. Adica nu te baga in seama, nici macar atunci cand vin sa iti ia banii. Ce mi s-a parut mie decent pe acolo: Pai in Neptun: Daca va place mancarea cvasi romano/mexicana - ma rog un melanj ciudata - puteti sa va duceti la "Carnaval" e o terasa colorata cu o scena in mijloc pe drumul spre plaja din Neptun (cel de la steaguri). Daca vreti sa savurati niste cocktailuri klumea, este o terasa(cort din panza de sac imitand o locanta egipteana or something) de la steaguri in dreapta cam 100 de metri. Se mananca decent si la Mediteraneo in oras. Daca vreti peste facut decent, tot pe plaja de la Neptun in stanga steagurilor e un restaurant al unui machedon seamana cu un ansamblu pescaresc din Grecia - ceva cu stuff si ziduri albe). Am mancat bine si la restaurantul Insula - asta e asezat pe micro-laguna dintre Neptun si Mare. Ar mai fi Cafe Efendi/Antik in zona de langa WhyNot in Neptun. Internet: daca nu ai la hotelul la care esti - e un internet cafe la hotel Ovidiu. In Mamaia: Cam ce e interesant e adunat in jurul Cazinoului sau hotelului Rex. Well daca va intereseaza paste&italian stuff Tratoria este k lumea - preturile destul de high, dar klumea. E o gelateria interesanta langa fantani si un restaurant traditional langa ea. In dreptul hotelului Majestic e un soi de restaurant traditional cu animale care misuna pe acolo - interesant de vazut - ma rog si iti fac aia tot soiul de chestii proaspete si destul de bine facute. Se mai mananca bine si prin alte restaurante dar feriti-va de locantele de pe plaja. De obicei se mananca mult mai prost ca in alte locuri si serviciile sunt ma rog... sa nu zic execrabile poate doar cretine. Mai e o chestie interesanta pe lacul Siutghiol in Mamaia un soi de croaziera cu un vapor pe insula Ovidiu. Poti sa mananci pe vapor chestii din astea de peste bine facute. Pentru tochitura/produse traditionale o sugestie ar fi Hanul Piratilor. Sidenote2: Daca vorbiti engleza intre voi evitati sa lasati lucrurile pe plaja fara supervizare. In principiu la hoteluri e sigur. Noi nu am avut probleme cu toalele/bani/mobile lasate pe plaja cand eram in apa, dar am cerut ajutorul unor mame care erau in zona cu odraslele. Oamenii sunt destul de draguti. Preturile la sezlonguri sunt variabile: In general in Neptun 100-150klei vechi 10/15 lei noi bucata, in Mamaia 75-120k lei vechi. Pastrati tichetul pe care vi-l dau aia (obligatoriu altfel nu lua ca platesti de doua ori) - e valabil toata ziua si va puteti intoarce oricum. Daca sunteti cu masina - cateodata drumul dintre Mangalia - Constanta devine infernal in portiunea Tuzla-Eforie Nord. In sensul ca de doua ori noi am stat cam 1-2 ore bara la bara acolo. Daca nu aveti timp prea bun si sunteti cu o masina puteti oricand sa vizitati ruinele de la Histria (25km de la Navodari - cam 30 min din Mamaia) - iar concentrati-va pe partea din stanga a site-ului arheologic. Daca vreti o alternativa interesanta de revenire in Bucuresti luati-o prin Negru Voda (or something) pe drumul catre Adamclisi - unde puteti vedea Trophaem Traiani - inca mai e cool :-) se poate trece cu bacul peste Dunare si veniti destul de lejer. Totusi si varianta Constanta/Cernavoda/Fetesti/Drajna - Autostrada II - Bucuresti e ok. Cam atata mi-a venit in cap acum. Daca imi aduc aminte de alte chestii lol .... mai scriu. Norocele
  14. The Night Of The Shadowcaster

    First of all i want to underline that English is not my native language, and it is possible that my story to have some grammar and vocabulary problems. Please help me edit it. Also i might have mistaken some gods' names. Thank you. Now the story... The night of the shadowcaster As the tale of the shadowcaster long faded in the hands of time, people of Seridia forgot about The Great Pyramid of Eladria, which once, stood still, within the very heart of the Morcraven Forests. As time has passed, only the high initiates of Eladria’s Secret Council know that in just one night, that wonder of the ancient times was turn to ashes by the most powerful elemental storm the wold has ever seen. Many, too many nights have passed since that moment, and year after year the water, the wind, the fire and the earth finised the work of the destroing storm, covering the ruins and buring them in the depths of what we now know as the marsh of Morcraven. Each year, in the first day of the winter, the members of Eladria’s Council gather in a secret location to worship their godess, to remember the past and to uncover the future. At the end of the ritual, the high Priest, opens a silver box, from which he takes 2 black crystals. By inserting them into a strange device, a vortex of power is created that links all those present there. In that way, each one has access to the ancient knowledge and can deposit there all the things he finds important for the future. When the vortex is closed, the High Priest puts the crystals back in the box, and using the power of antimatter hides it within another dimension. Then the best of the disciples is asked to come and he is told the story of Ariel, the great priestess of Eladria that saved the ancient alchemy knowledge from the wrath of Mortos’s High Priest, Decebaal. “One day, a strange messager came and asked for an audience with the Great Priestess, saying that he bears a message from Mortos, the God of the Gods, the ruler of the world. Ariel knew that this moment will come, she was prepared for everything. In her soul she was in a way happy, because two of the Temple’s alchemists that left the pyramid long time ago with 2 crystals of knowledge send her a message that they have reached a new continent, where, using the new essence of antimatter, they have hidden the precious knowledge from the eyes of Mortos, focused in that time only on the battle with Aluwen’s forces. With her mission accomplished, she received the messager of Mortos, who proved to be the high priest himself, the powerful Decebaal. “I come to claim your knowledge for my powerfull god’s weapons. Join us or dissapear forever under the feet of Mortosâ€, said Decebaal, then proudly look into her eyes. “First of allâ€, she said, “let me welcome you as a guest Decebaal. Since our gods aren’t enemies, please take a seatâ€. “I want your answer now, Arielâ€, replied Decebaal. “You gave me your knowledge or not?†“The knowledge of alchemy is not mine to give Decebaalâ€, said the priestess. “Then all of you shall die like the restâ€, said the high priest, turning around and leaving the quarters. Smiling, Ariel asked for the members of the Council to join her in the room of shadows. Everyone knew that this was the end, and slowly, she looked at each of them and released an anitmatter essence over the thousands of essences gathered there since the ancient times. Decebaal did not had the time to leave the temple and didn’t had the time to understand what killed him. Those who passed trough Morcraven said, many years from the storm, that at night strange shadows are wandering trough the region. No one knew their origin so they thought, that somewhere in the marsh, there is a strange shadowcaster that tryies to speak eiter with the alchemists from Eladria’s church, eiter with the warrior of Mortos that died in the storm… Maybe the initiated alchemists now the answer…
  15. The Night Of The Shadowcaster

    Guys you did an amazing job. For me is just perfect.
  16. The Night Of The Shadowcaster

    The Night of the Shadowcaster by Damned_Angel and Brom As the tale of the Shadowcaster long faded in the hands of time, people of Seridia forgot about The Great Pyramid of Eladria, which once, stood still, within the very heart of the Morcraven Forests. As time has passed, only the high initiates of Eladria’s Secret Council knew that in just one night, that wonder of the ancient times was turned to ashes by the most powerful elemental storm the world has ever seen. Many, many nights have passed since that moment, and year after year the water, the wind, the fire and the earth finished the work of the destroying storm, covering the ruins and burying them in the depths of what we now know as the marsh of Morcraven. Each year, in the first day of the winter, the members of Eladria’s Council gather in a secret location to worship their goddess, to remember the past and to uncover the future. At the end of the ritual, the high Priest opens a silver box, from which he takes two black crystals. By inserting them into a strange device, a vortex of power is created that links all those present there. In that way, each one has access to the ancient knowledge and can deposit there all the things he finds important for the future. When the vortex is closed, the High Priest puts the crystals back in the box, and using the power of his forerunners hides it within another dimension. Then the best of the disciples is asked to come and he is told the story of Ariel, the great priestess of Eladria that saved the ancient alchemy knowledge from the wrath of Mortos’s High Priest, Decebaal. “One day, a strange messenger came and asked for an audience with the Great Priestess, saying that he bears a message from Mortos, the God of the Gods, the ruler of the world. Ariel knew that this moment will come, she was prepared for everything. In her soul she was happy in a way, because two of the Temple’s alchemists that left the pyramid a long time ago with two crystals of knowledge sent her a message that they have reached a new continent, where, using the new knowledge they had acquired, they had hidden the precious knowledge from the eyes of Mortos, focused in that time only on the battle with Aluwen’s forces. With her mission accomplished, she received the messenger of Mortos, who proved to be the high priest himself, the powerful Decebaal. “I come to claim your knowledge for my powerful god’s weapons. Join us or disappear forever under the feet of Mortosâ€, said Decebaal, then proudly look into her eyes. “First of allâ€, she said, “let me welcome you as a guest Decebaal. Since our gods aren’t enemies, please take a seatâ€. “I want your answer now, Arielâ€, replied Decebaal. “Will you give me your knowledge or not?†“The knowledge of alchemy is not mine to give Decebaalâ€, said the priestess. “Then all of you shall die like the restâ€, said the high priest, turning around and leaving the quarters. Smiling, Ariel asked for the members of the Council to join her in the room of shadows. Everyone knew that this was the end, and slowly, she looked at each of them nodding, they knew what they must do, focusing all the power they had into one spell, they destroyed the temple of Eladria! Decebaal did not have the time to leave the temple and did not have the time to understand what killed him. Those who passed through Morcraven said, many years from the storm, that at night strange shadows are wandering trough the region. No one knew their origin so they thought, that somewhere in the marsh, there is a strange Shadowcaster that tries to speak either with the alchemists from Eladria’s church, or with the warrior of Mortos that died in the storm… Maybe the initiated alchemists know the answer…
  17. The Night Of The Shadowcaster

    The work of Brom is amazing. Thank you bud for this. I love it. Only 1 edit to be made. In the 4th paragraph - Aluwen to be replaced with Eladria since the action was taking place there and the story itself is dedicated to the Godess of Alch. So Brom you did a wonderful job, and yes Quinticus - you can start converting it so it can be ready to be placed in game. Only with a single remarque. "The Night of the Shadowcaster" by Damned_Angel and Brom
  18. What's the first thing you do?

    Other. #jc 3 #ci @hi @the market is ruined allready? @i knew it
  19. rabbit + beaver

    Mother Nature at least you don't have to take a shower as you should do after you get out from the Grue's belly. Eek. And yes, beabbit...don't know why.
  20. since when you play this game?

    3 months ago in a clodly night, as a result of googling on my mozzilla browser.
  21. Contest: find the burried treasure

    gratz all of you. ;-)
  22. Short Story Contest

    Well monkeyiki's story is just great. after i've read all the stories i think he was the most fascinating and made me read...and lol...meanwhile i almost forgot breathing. nice story, with a system of reference similar with one within the stories from EL site. Great job monkeyki, i just love the way you are writing. Keep the good work
  23. Sugestions

    - Ipothesis:wine/ale/mead can be bought only from taverns and the bottle dissapears after consuming it as ingredient in potions for instance. - Idea: It will be more realistic to have empty bottles after you consume a bottle of wine/ale/mead (in potions). this empty bottles could be stored. By mixing fruits with a mortar and pestle and using an empty bottle you could be able to make some alchohol: wine, mead, ale. this could improve the alchemy level of the newbbies, and help them learn that harvesting fruits and veggies is difficult, but offers more experience - Ipothesis:vials are the most important thing in game that can't be ever made by antisocial players (except sigils, that can be bought) Idea: therefore i think that vials should be included also in alchemy. a potential recipe: tools mortar and pestle and hammer - 5 quartz, 1fire essence. - Ipothesis&idea: - also titanium plate should be an interesting item to bring on - if ranged weapons are to be included, gold or silver chain could be an asset. The magic lacks in damage spells, so fireball and ice storm could be included (this will bring an use to fur items as well)