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Posts posted by HierosGamos

  1. solutions to all these things...


    i like the "#humon on/off" idea (for role players who think it would be stupid)


    and to message the animals just do /<rabbit> or any symbol that cant be used in a real name




    but i think there is no need to implement this... honestly how many times are you gonna PM a rabbit and get "whats up doc" before it stops entertaining you and not being worth the keystrokes lol


    ...they could maybe randomize the replies or something tho and have a list of funny replies which i guess might give you people something to do when you're bored ;-P =)




  2. lol no i didnt think you were serious at all, i just know a friend (a young girl) who mentioned something about the president and had the secret service in her house for a year and a half after =( ruined her life. Just seemed a close parallel to your silly joking comment and your ruined EL life. No police needed you seem pretty chill

  3. dude, i feel bad for them being banned for the convo. i understand it's like saying "hey man i'm gonna kill the president" ...you'd hafta arrest that person immediatly even if they were 3 years old. and i know that my guild has plenty of silly, sexual, crazy, explicit convos, w/e it'ts all in good fun.


    however, macroing is not cool. i guess itd be fun and sort of your own game of being god-like in a fake world if you know how to macro, but if you get caught... then you go to hell =)


    everyone who got banned, i dont know many of you well. actually, frogkill i'm gonna miss you buddy.


    and for entro, i'm sure you didn't exactly enjoy banning people from EL so no one should give entro a hard time =P and ps. thanks for makin the game. it rocks. i play whenever i have free time (not too often anymore =(. )

  4. Nice! Maybe the poison could be weaker or stronger than that of the snake?


    I think that's a great idea. Once your HPs are anywhere over 30 or you have magic 21, red snakes become a joke instantly...


    Poison of Scorpion could do maybe 5 damage every second... but perhaps hits you more rarely...


    Another thought on poison. Could be stackable. Every time you get hit another poison drop appears and you lose 1 more HP each second for each droplet.

  5. 1. Do you eat your cheese paper?


    2. Have you ever listened to Barry Manilow cause you wanted to?


    3. What do you consider your worse habit?


    4. Chick Flicks...love or hate?


    5. Napoleon Dynamite...great movie or What the....?

    great movie

    6. China or Japan?

    Samurais?... Japan? w/e

    7. Donkey Kong or Mario?


    8. Cats or Dogs?


    9. City Living or In the middle of nowhere living?


    10. Have you ever been called a goober?

    Yes, by my smeging mother all the time

  6. Something must be done...

    When summoning with a guild-mate, these same-guild sommoned creatures attack each other until only one players summoned creatures remain...

    Would it not make more sense to have guild sommoned creatures not attack each other?


    ...therefor a group of summoners could summon a mass and sweep through KF... not to mention lag-attack lol

  7. idea, im too stoned to see if anyone already suggested this...


    but what if the fire can be maintained by anyone while the weapons are maintained by anyone... or perhaps only one fire can be maintained by guild members and used by guild members... something that can bring team-work into this maybe?

  8. I really like it, and maybe it could also have the time its been sitting there since it was put there or refreshed 


    i think a good thing would be a timer in the open-bag window that can simply count upwards to let you know how long it has been since alchemists crafters etc have refreshed their bags... obviously because of bag spamming there is no exact time when your bag will vanish so people can simply be as careful as they like...


    only con i see to this is it promotes AFKing or laziness

  9. both great ideas...

    ...also cool to see would be a little bit more practicality to using a staff or hammer etc... as is it hardly makes sense


    perhaps the staffs could be blessed for specific targets for bonuses against trolls etc or w/e =) :battleaxe:

  10. The walking is annoying, i wouldn't say it "blows"... but if you stuck around long enough to learn how to play the game you would realize you can use rings. Ps. there is a lot more walking in WarCraftIII. Pss. make some friends and talk to them while you are walking. Psss. it's not choppy... get a better processor and videocard or hint: turn off the clouds, shadows, etc to get your FPS up.


    Yes, chasing the creatues is a bit of work. If you were looking for something easy, short, and sweet... you should have downloaded tetris because this isn't a click-click-done game.


    Weapons... sure more would be lovely... :devlish::icon13: however I really don't think you've put enough time into this game to have any idea what you are talking about. Ps. help entropy out and buy one of the cool weapons with USDs.


    Lol, Wraith being randomly placed is part of the good humor in the game. Also notice the guy naped "tutorial NPC"... also notice the humor in the conversation with the "tutorial NPC"... loosen up bud. NOTE TO ENTROPY: If it was not the intent to be funny having Wraith randomly placed... then def put him somewhere "cooler" hahaha.


    Eating is a pain in the neck??... :confused: moving on...


    You have to wait for it to do anything.. it wont help at all in a battle, youll have to say "wait, dont attack anymore, I have to heal.. thisll be awhile...".


    ...lol you didn't play for more than a day did you? :P You shoulda given EL a bit more of a chance. Ps. if you are lvl 91 in Runescape and came here and are now in a rage b/c the game isn't good enough then please go outside and play =)


    And finally, this game does not bite. Thanks for playing. :icon13:



    :leo: :don: :raf: :miky:

  11. PM Chaoogie, Banshen, or HierosGamos (myself) if you'd like to join...

    Just a heads up... I will generally only accept people I know and trust =)

    But if i've seen you around you can def start off as a lvl 5 member =)
