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Everything posted by ttlanhil

  1. Oscilating effect for cooldown in inventory

    I have a modified version that I'll put in CVS soon; the 2 main differences are that it's C89 compliant (variable declarations at start of scope) and the beat doesn't increase until it's down to the last quarter. ed: Done.
  2. Shadow bug right after sunrise

    It isn't fixed under NEW_WEATHER, and I don't think NEW_LIGHTING fixes it either (that's more about dynamic recolouring so nighttime looks more realistic; the code for which will probably be redone using shaders at some stage) Thanks This, too, needs optimisation, but I think it's already an improvement over the old weather
  3. Current CVS errors

    Hopefully the issue in asc.c is now fixed. As for the shaders, just don't USE_SHADERS for now, or fix your OpenGL libs.
  4. Shadow bug right after sunrise

    It's an old problem; shadows have a constant brightness, shadows can make things darker than that. I think the right solution is to disable shadows when the ambient light drops below a certain level. If no-one else fixes it first, I'll get it some time (it's on my TODO list, though the list isn't that short )
  5. Defines (again)

    On one hand, yes, new things should be tested first; but on the other hand, so much of what happens between releases doesn't have an #ifdef for it; and this code is almost small enough that it could have gone in without an #ifdef. It's not that large a change, and unless there's an issue with memory lost or an OpenGL call out of order, which seems quite unlikely, it can't break anything. Hence why I thought it was suitable for the list Okay, well, there is a 'hole' in client_serv.h for the number it's given. Other than that, someone who works on the server (which would be you) should check to see if it should go in client_serv.h; having it in a *.c looks like some sort of hack (and it has been there a long time) As I understand it, if the angle of the camera changes, then the scene is set to be redrawn. That's all. Turns out it's something that, IMO, should have been done from the start, as changing camera angle can cause blank areas on the map because the drawable regions data wasn't updated. No, but I'm not saying it should be. I'm only saying CUSTOM_LOOK and CUSTOM_UPDATE should be rolled together to be only the one define. What I've read suggests that they are rather related; and a single define still allows us to disable it on demand.The same thing goes for EYE_CANDY and SFX; while I think they're probably about ready to be part of the main, I'm not certain... However I do think that SFX can be removed and anything it provides to EYE_CANDY can be transfered. Okay, maybe not, but considering how little a change it makes, what harm can it do? Long, long ago, AFAIK. By default, it seems we use use a macro, but there's an inline version as an alternative (possibly for compilers that didn't support tricky macros? MSVC 2k2? Dunno). I'm much in favour of using the inline version instead. Actually, it's the old, Xaphier put in new texture loading as the default. As such, OLD_TEXTURE_LOADER is sort of a fallback in case there's trouble with the new code (yes, this is the opposite of how we normally add things, with a NEW_* disabled by default). The new texture loading seems stable, and has been made the default (rightly or not), so I'm unsure if there's a need to maintain the old code. Well, there's a near plane setting already, and Emajekral's 1st person view has a far plane clipping option... In the case where it would be most beneficial, it's not required... While some LOD checking is required, and tuning it would be good, I don't see the harm in putting it in now and tuning later
  6. New file handling routines

    Ahh, so the only problem with cursors was that you needed to change it to stat() the file for filesize, or similar? In that case, the NEW_FILE_IO setup should be able to work with the cursors compressed.
  7. Invasion

    One way to limit this is if the low level and the high level invasions happen at the same time. The high level fighters involved either go to the high level invasion, were already at where the low level invasion was (probably not that uncommon) or go to the low level invasion just to be annoying (as opposed to seeking XP and/or drops when they go to low level invasions now).It wouldn't stop them showing up, but it would make it less common and the lower level players should have more of a chance to go play
  8. Current CVS errors

    Requiring it to be done correctly elsewhere isn't as safe, so I think I'll make a temp char[] and memcpy to it; null terminate, and then ato[if]() that temp buffer. Well, nuts. Okay, I'll go fix that as well, thanks. ed: Both now done, CVS should be fixed in regards to those problems
  9. Defines (again)

    Okay, I think I have the full list. I've trimmed out map editor, platform, debug (Although it might not hurt to trim the number of debug commands), etc. defines. This is how I currently see things. Roll in: AFK_FIX AUTO_UPDATE CLICKABLE_CONTINENT_MAP (might be better in the keep-experimental section, but it seems stable) COUNTERS FONTS_FIX NEW_TEX (this one seems to be required to play EL at all) NPC_SAY_OVERTEXT (move the #define to client_serv.h where it should have been all along) OPTIONS_I18N PARANOID_CAMERA USE_INLINE Roll out: USE_VERTEX_ARRAYS(Only use in code is commented out, and '#if 0'-ed out, and there's a variable used instead anyway) Combine: EYE_CANDY & SFX CUSTOM_LOOK & CUSTOM_UPDATE EL_BIG_ENDIAN & LITTLE_ENDIAN (Opposite each other, of course, but I see no reason to have both of these) Leave as defines for portability/library reason: PNG_SCREENSHOT ALUT_WAV NO_MUSIC Leave as defines because they are, currently, new/experimental/unfinished: ALPHA_ACTORS ANTI_ALIAS DYNAMIC_ANIMATIONS IDLE_FIX MASKING MINES MINIMAP NEW_ACTOR_ANIMATION NEW_ALPHA NEW_FILE_IO NEW_LIGHTING NEW_SOUND NEW_WEATHER NOTEPAD USE_SHADER USE_TANGENT PAWN UID USE_EXTRA_TEXTURE ZLIB And a few remaining ones: ATI_9200_FIX (Roll in? Would it be that bad for other cards to have this?) FUZZY_PATHS (Roll in? It shouldn't do any harm.) NO_PF_MACRO (Roll in? That is, use the (typed) inline instead of a macro.) OLD_CLOSE_BAG (Roll out? Or is there still a need for this?) OLD_TEXTURE_LOADER (Roll out? Or is there still a need for this?) SIMPLE_LOD (Roll in? It shouldn't do any harm.) Which of the above do people disagree with (or agree with, for the last section)? If the list is getting close to accurate, then maybe we can have it trimmed down soon (I'm happy to make the changes, if no-one else feels a need to do it themselves, once we have the list) ed: I'll attempt to compile the map editor with the changes in #defines to make sure it doesn't break anything there, but there's no guarantee I can even compile the beastie now...
  10. Selling some stuff

    How much for these?Eh... around 500gc maybe, contact me in-game it figure it out... Though you'll have to come to a storage near me if you want to buy, I don't generally travel for small orders
  11. Current CVS errors

    My vote is for platform.h, move the platform stuff from global.h. out to there, and #include platform in global.h (All existing code will be unable to tell the difference, new/changed code can limit it self to what's appropriate).
  12. Current CVS errors

    Now in CVS Multiple declarations, as long as they're the same, should do no harm. However, the fact that it doesn't find find the function in the opengl library when you get to linking is a problem. Either your OpenGL libs don't full support version... 1.1 or 1.2, I think Xaphier said, or you haven't got the linking working properly.
  13. New file handling routines

    I think it was mentioned elsewhere on the forums, but yes, cursors is possibly the one data file that can't be compressed.
  14. New file handling routines

    The two sections are intended to do the same thing, in different ways: Use DATA_DIR if it was defined outside the code, otherwise use "./". The different is that the first uses a preprocessor define, and the second uses a char[] . I removed the first, as I much prefer typed data than untyped, but either alone would have worked.It was initially there because I wanted to make datadir configurable in the code, but it turned out that it'd be messy, so the assumption that we chdir() to datadir and stay there stands, even with NEW_FILE_IO.
  15. New file handling routines

    ? DATA_DIR is only set if it wasn't defined before, datadir is only set to "./" if DATA_DIR isn't defined (which should be never). This isn't the cause of your problems. It's a non-breaking bug; because we do the same thing (use "./" as datadir if unset) in two places.It will be fixed in CVS in a moment, but won't make any difference to execution of the code.
  16. New file handling routines

    Ugh... There was a recent bugfix where if could attempt to look for $HOME even on Windows, in init.c; I've fixed a bug where it would fail to find .gz files in datadir, and Xaphier has made changes about stdint and all that... Can't remember much else that changed... Good luck finding the problems, I'd like for this to become standard soon (since it's not only featurefull, it's also a lot cleaner)
  17. Current CVS errors

    Xaphier has removed the stdint types from the code, so it should all be working again.
  18. question about floating xp pts

    Given the interest in the 1st person view code from Emajekrel (which I'm still trying to wrangle into commit'able form), we're going to have to make some changes to make 1st person view look good... Those same changes will mean that a larger zoom is possible, without any degradation of quality, if so desired by Ent/Roja. Of course, I have to somehow get it working so Roja can play with it before I expect much decision making and such will be done
  19. Tankel quest restarted

    I'm assuming you've been banned (or otherwise away) for quite a while, yes? If so, then no, you haven't finished the quest, you're almost at the end, where it used to end. Go back and try to find a problem to solve... If you can't get it, then go to the usual approach of asking for help from someone in game to chat in PM, and be ready to show that you have tried and are stumped
  20. Change Windows on top behaviour?

    Hmm. That would be because it simply check if there are any windows open at the time. To 'fix' that would require an extra call each time a window is closed, in case the static int needs to be updated. It's not intentional, but considering how little harm it does I'm unsure that it's worth fixing
  21. Intel's drivers claim to support Vista. It's likely that they do, and are simply not signed in whatever way Vista likes, if there's an issue. Note that integrated video chips will not give good graphical performance, and while they may be usable for EL, you will not get all the latest graphical features. On http://www.intel.com. 's front page, there's a bar with the title "Downloads". You may need to get the "INF Update Utility" install. You will need the "IntelĀ® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver version 15.2.3" Install. Be sure to read the readme and realease notes before attempting to install. If Vista complains that the drivers are not signed and not supported, you can either wait for Intel to sign them (not ideal) or install anyway. If you opt to install anyway, I'd recommend you make a system restore point before doing so (I've used system restore in older versions of Windows. I haven't used Vista. It may have a different name, but I expect it's there somewhere).
  22. --------- ed: The poll part is over now, people can stop voting because it'll be ignored --------- Some bots already announce the new hour, and such... I imagine a lot of people would be interested in getting a warning before the new harvest hour, etc. the dusk/dawn probably won't be of interest to as many people, but it does make a difference to how far away you can see critters, so still of interest to a number of people and warning for a potential new #day should be obvious Now, you'll be able to turn the warnings off in the options window, so don't vote no just because it might get annoying if you want the same for new hour and new day, vote the same on both... if the concensus is for it to be the same or close, then there'll be just the one. if, on the other hand, people want 15min before new day and 1min before new hour, there'll be two if you're not sure about some detail, ask first and vote when you get the answer --------- ed: The poll part is over now, people can stop voting because it'll be ignored ---------
  23. This is now in CVS. Check ctrl+o->chat (I wasn't exactly sure where it was best suited, but chat should be reasonable). It will default to -1 until you change it, so no suprise warnings Currently it's set to allow up to 30min warning before the new hour/sun/day happens... If that needs to be adjusted, it's pretty easy to do. Please test it out, and report any bugs or change requests
  24. New file handling routines

    There was a bug where it would try to use $HOME on windows (which is wrong) when NEW_FILE_IO wasn't set. Luckily, someone pointed me to the problem... I'm still waiting for any other bug reports or feature requests
  25. Current CVS errors

    That's intentional It's designed so that it will no longer allow levels that your computer doesn't support.