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Posts posted by Doc_Savage

  1. I like the asymmetric option in this point system. It allows for the possibility of movement in the top player ranks which isn't easily done in any of the other skill ranks. Surely there are going to be some run away players in the top ranks but at least it gives new people the chance to get on some list. I think it will be fun to check the ranks daily and be able to see possibly extreme changes rather than weeks to see one or 2 people move up.



  2. A couple of my friends were looking at what books they need to read to finish all of the books and they noticed that the book page said they hadn't read some books that they knew they already had read. Since I have read all the books I decided to check mine and it says that I haven't read four of the books: titanium smelting, titanium serpent construction, bear and puma summoning. I tried to reread one of the books but it says that I have already read it and that I can't a second time. I guees it is just an error on highlighting those four books when they are read.


    Lord Tal
