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Eternal Lands Official Forums

Mellbu Frama

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Posts posted by Mellbu Frama

  1. hey, what? were you suggesting I work on the client? or that "its not a problem" guy over there? 'cause i dont know a thing about working on stuff like that.... but good luck with it anyways.

  2. the bank system is still the same way! the stores as well... now i may sound like someone who rants at any given time... however, this is not the case. i just think that when the most base MMORPGs can have visible item storage, and this one cant (wich, by the way this isnt that bad of a game now that ive fixed the lag...) then there is something seriously wrong! i suggested fixing this months ago, and people said that it was being "worked on" and had been being "worked on" for some time..... i meen, i know that some re-codeings and such take some time to do, but come on! this problem should not have ever existed! well, im gonna go and play this game now....

  3. ok, im gonna paint a mental picture:


    two aposing forces are slowly closeing in on eachother, all clad in heavy iron or steel armor, weilding viscious-looking swords and large sheilds. but a closer look shows you something odd, theire all bare-handed!


    ok, so anyone see what im talikn about? people just dont run arround without greaves or some sort of hand protection on, its nonsence! greaves can save ur hands.

  4. there is actualy an idea similar to this on another game im playing: runescape members can get a cat and send it after mice and things or rats.... but only members

    (lousy five bucks a month man what a rip! why am i payin it?) vbut it dose sound cool


    oh ya and another game that hasa a similar thing to that is: FF10-2 (sucks horably DO NOT BUY IT) the uhhh trainer dress sphere one of 'em has a hawk that attacks the enmy for you (man that game is realy gay)

  5. we need a second server, i say tis because:


    i have seen several people complain of lagginess in highly-populated areas.


    i myself experienc much laggines in heavily populated areas


    a second server would make more room on the two seperate sevrers, therfore less lag.


    or we could all just go and buy beter computers and make several large and allredy prosperous computer companies even richer, but somehow i just dont see that hapening...
