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Posts posted by kl4Uz

  1. On the contrary, this is a perfect example of why things do get changed. Unless you live in an authoritative society, threats such as the one above (in sufficient manner) can become catalysts for improvements :)


    I tend to agree partly but please take into account

    • Players leave daily. As long as it's not a mass movement, a single voice doesn't have big potential of threat
    • EL is a complex game. We don't have the "OMG I'm not level hundred after 10 min and i don't have the best weapon yet - this game sux" people here. Most players accept the game as it is - sure we'd all like to see this and that changed, but as a whole we like and love it, and even if something changes to the negative, we stay for the reasons stated before. So I think we achieve more if we try to be reasonable.


    Some bitching is a must of course - I'm just doing this course on psychology of communication and most psychologists agree: Bitching is healthy for one's psyche :( However it might not be the best strategy to achieve a certain goal :happy:


    edit: typo

  2. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been different if the p2p mode ever had been implemented and the items shop had closed down instead - though it wouldn't have changed much in the end as I believe. People would still whine.


    Maybe some day Entropy might consider making some items more durable - or rather more repairable. It would be a nice gesture to calm some people down and I do believe it could be implemented as an item sink too. However I doubt that threats such as "OMG I R WILL LEAVE EL" will change anything. Not that I don't understand the feeling - sometimes it is really frustrating to see the work of so many hours go POOF.

  3. its a lame weapon i agree.. but its not a weapon if it breaks in 10sec


    yes that's true. the problem is the random chance thing, that is not really fair. for some it can break after 10 sec, for some it remains intact in ages. but then I can't see how it could be made more fair? if it wasn't random anymore, it would be annoying too.

  4. Must be bad luck - after the kusamura event I had some pk fights and didn't break anything. On the other hand I broke tons of leather in training, but well you can easily replace that. Maybe the durability of some items such as titanium could be expanded, although I had a lot of luck with mine through all the time and I think I never broke a titanium item at all (well I had long breaks from the game but anyways).

  5. I'm sure there is a reason why they are gone (maybe the internet connection, vacation of their owners, etc). I agree it would be nice to have them back, but you have to understand that they are a FREE service provided by players just like you and me. So please have some patience and let's all hope they will return :medieval:

  6. I don't see the sun and moon either. When I turn of sun during the sunrise, I notice that it lacks a light source from a certain direction, however I don't see a sun like in this screenshot: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...=si&img=502


    The moon I've never seen so far. I suspected it might have been covered by trees or other things, but I tried to look all over the sky and I simply couldn't find it. So I guess it doesn't work for me.


    just fyi: I'm using the client provided by Roja. All textures are there.

  7. I don't know if this is the right Thread, but I'll mention it anyways. As far as I noticed the clouds on the normal sky are bitmaps. Some parts look a bit pixelated, which is probably a result of the low texture resolution. However in underworld they seem to be generated through an OpenGL function. Would it be possible to do that on the normal sky too?

  8. If you have compiled the client yourself without cluster_insides then yes you will see other map insides. If it's on and if you're using the official build you shouldn't-there are some places however that do need to be fixed so that this won't happen so they could be bugs.


    I'm using the W32 build you provided in the first posting of this thread and I saw the problem there.

  9. I stopped training too (from almost nothing to nothing). I think I will just go back to low level monsters. Sure less exp, but I don't need armour and I hardly need to restore etc. Actually I did have fun with orcs today. The exp is not worth anything of course, but you do get some items etc.
