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Posts posted by Melerion

  1. Let me start with: I know there is no policy against it.


    That said: there should be.


    In todays incident it was through my own carelessness and while I was actually on the way of finishing this latest session a fellow player and I got bagjumped by members of the infamous YARR guild. We have spent countless hours preparing whatever was in that bag and for the most part been tremendously careful that there was no chance to get jumped, however a split second delay in the handoff sufficed and everything was gone.


    My point being that nobody around could have ever had the impression this bag was abandoned or intentionally left for anybody else.


    Harvesting and mixing is something that takes a lot of time and is something that is encouraged not to be done afk. Which I can understand. However if the time invested by me / us / any other player can be instantly transformed from having been a few hours of pleasant relaxation to a weeks worth of wasted time by a few antisocial punks I see no point in taking part in anything that endorses this kind of behaviour.


    This event basically lost me and everybody I can reach as a player and customer. I am aware that I have not yet paid the big bucks at the store but I was actually on the verge of buying items because for the most part this game is well done and highly addictive.


    Thanks for listening
