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Everything posted by Caliphear

  1. Sponsoring Instances

    And then you woke up Another point proven. No constructive comments just someone being sarcastic.
  2. Sponsoring Instances

    When you are done stamping your feet and can talk like a big boy maybe you should try another post thats not just one big insult to anyone who doesn't see things your way. Seriously, one of the most insulting pieces I have ever read. Helms and oranges are cheap because there are so many in game because so many people run so many instances not because anyone wanted to help mixers. If helping mixers was the intention then helms and oranges would always have been a low price. Clarifying for someone else usually just creates more misunderstandings, not less. No but Inferno is the one saying "you all don't want to work together for the community" Then following it up with We We We, You, You, You. Really inspires teamwork. If they do both then why do they need handouts? The WTF instance team needs to be so big that it is fairly well impossible to be sure that donations don't go to someone who 'hates harvers' and will kill them on site at the hydro or on a daily, I think THAT is a big problem to this donation plan. Also I am not really clear on what the end result is supposed to be... harver/mixers hand over a bunch of supplies to the instances in return for free joule stone? Reduced rate on joule stone? I don't think that was ever specified. What I can see from the (very well intentioned) first post is that the plan was to give over a concrete amount of supplies in return for unnamed benefits. Perhaps the vagueness of the plan is what sent this thread into such a shame spiral. Most of the fighters that I talk to would much rather be paid for their stone rather then receive some supplies. Most have said it in this thread already but for some reason people are still sticking to the original plan that hasn't gained much support instead of refining it according to the general feel of the community. A community fund for the day stones seems like the best idea all around for everyone, someone just needs to come up with bot code like Korrode suggested and give it to someone who would understand how to use it and read the output of it. If you still feel like you would like to help the fighters more then maybe selling to a team at a discounted rate would be better then just handing things over. The word NEW could mean that radu is still calling the already existing tzu and joule stones new since they are the most recent addition, lets not forget to look at all the ways that phrase could be taken. There have been plenty of constructive opinions, also plenty of people who have still downplayed them since they weren't the answer they were hoping to see. EDIT: If there are 2 original bots set up for the tzu and joule stone funds can they be called Jewel and Sue??? Pls Pls Pls?? On a more serious note, if there were 2 bots set up to take GC donations those bots could accept donation of raw material for the stones as well. That way people who would like to donate material don't have to hunt down the people taking donations for the stones and no one has to worry about accidentally mixing up something of their own and something for the stone in their sto. I am not downplaying anyone who actualy posted civily wether they agreed or not. It's when it gets to flaming and bashing thats ridiculous. If you dont agree thats fine you dont have to accuse the fighters of something and vice versa. I know im expecting too much thinking a thread can be free of bs, You dont agree with me but i still <3 ya And yes Nova Instancers are the reason there were so many Oranges and rdholms on the market which helped the mixers etc because as you see now.. they arent doing the instances and what happened to the rdholms and oranges? not many out there prices go WAY back up. Some of the instancers did this for this reason. Not mentioning any names. And some instancers DID give away oranges to ppl. And no im not talking about Inferno giving any to me because i do not have big belly. And as for the the new #day stones, Radu stated there are NEW day stones, even a possibilty of a Robin Tell day stone being dropped. So yes we know what kind of stones being dropped. Well some of them. He didnt mention all of the new day stones. So there are going to be stones we didnt have before. With this said making bots for each stone i think would be a bit much. But if someone could code one for this purpose having them take all the stones i think it could work. As for who gets the stone.. could it be run like the lottery and everyone who donated for stone 1, 2, or 3 would be entered for that stone? *nvm the lottery idea.. i can see ppl doing it to get the said stone just to resell higher and not use it. That defeats the idea. Donate 5k get a 200k+ stone sell it, make massive profit abusing our good intentions.*
  3. Sponsoring Instances

    ive heard that one before and actually I didnt even bring your name up, you and your dog barked at me for my first point in my first post which was that you cant be poor if you are selling a storage worth over amillion GCs, my point still stands so you are not 1 of the 6 who voted for assistance with your game? and if not, why do you sound so concerned that you DO get help on the instance you would go on anyway? lol at this one listen to yourself kid and have a bit of a think ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ive never said this is about profit , in fact the one night I got involved on channel 6 about fighters not making any GC and mixers making a shit load, I specifically stated that for me EL is not about a profit .. im not trying to get rich in an online game so my onine friends will worship my online penis and possibly erect a statue of it in thier RL memorys why would I sell steel bars when I can turn them into s2e swords for hydro? and anyway, to give you an example it took me probably 2 weeks to make 100 s2e swords and i gave up at 75 because I have a quite busy RL. So I got 75kgc for who knows how many hours of harvesting all the ings. Lets say it took me 3 hours a night for 2 weeks thats 42 hours to make 75kgc. So how much GC could you make from 24 hours of instancing? ( if you spent the other 24 mixing your own junk ) *sigh long post* I dont really mind who has alot of GC or who doesnt but IMO freely giving away things in my storage for people to go do an instance is not my idea of a community project I guess the community coming together and donating all the ingredients for the joules day and sun tzu stones wasnt a community project either? In any case you have proven my point.. bitch moan and cry fest. nothing constructive.just more bitching to make the rest of us mixers look bad. Go flame somewhere else.
  4. Sponsoring Instances

    CC you say the instancers would give away the oranges etc.. i guess you dont realize its because of them they got so cheap as well as the rdholms which now have gone way back up because of the mixers remarks. So they were helping the mixers out. Dilly i dont think he was meaning ALL mixers as a lot of mixers have no clue of these bs arguements anyway. And even some mixers posting arent being confrontational on this thread just as some fighters arent. Not once have i ever seen any of the fighters look for pity and definatly none of them are asking for handhouts. Both mixers and fighters spend gc make gc and this is all just getting to be nothing more than a bitch moan and cry fest instead of getting constructive opinions. Although dont get me wrong there are a few posts that are good. And if you look back. Inferno isnt the one who started the ranting trying to make it into the bs arguement. The idea is to work together as a community to get the stones so they can be used being beneficial to both sides. Not to bash each other. No one is begging for anything. As Korrode said.. show me who the fighters are who are ASKING for handouts. Inferno had even told lexi that was a bit much and for her not to get taken advantage of. Doesnt sound like asking for a handout to me. And groomsh.. he is a mixer and has mixed bars upon bars upon bars among other things. And i would like to know how you get what he said is wrong. I find it amuzing just because someone is a fighter ppl think they dont mix or harvest or know what they are talking about. Some ppl actualy do both. There are going to be more stones in game including the NEW #day stones radu added to the instance. Wether you donate to them or not. It makes no difference. No matter what the end result is.. wether donating to the fighters or to a bot its all optional and no one cares if you participate or not. Now to get on topic i do have a bot that i really dont use which can be used if this is the way ppl want to go. I could empty it and ppl could donate the gc the fighters could then sell the stones to the bot. One of the ppl who donated gc would then receive the stone. Since the bot would have a list of trades we would know who donated. And i agree a set price has to be made for the stones. In order for them not to be taken and resold for a higher price. That would defeat the purpose. So lets get some CONSTRUCTIVE opinions.
  5. Sponsoring Instances

    Again read before complaining kk? it was all in reference to getting the new #day stone drops from the instances which benefit everyone. All your doing is dragging the same bs into a thread worrying about how much gc a fighter makes. The fighters didnt ASK for free stuff. And all of your comments have nothing to do with this topic. Your just crying as usual.And i dont see the fighters crying about you making your gc. Play how you want to play and let others do the same. You want to donate to koddy.. be my guest thats your choice. Just as its my choice to donate to the fighters before i would ever donate anything to him again. As far as inferno's storage goes.. i had given him some of the items he sold, he also does a HELL of a lot of mixing and does a few instances doesnt mean he farms them.Instancing isnt his only means of gc in this game. So try knowing facts before you post assumptions. I think we are seeing who the real greedy ppl are. Lexi i will help you make some stuff as soon as im done with smurfs order. I will contact you then.
  6. Sponsoring Instances

    I dont think Lexi's idea is coming across to most of you nor her intentions. No one is saying you HAVE to donate. And the idea is to work together in the attempt to get the different day stones to benefit the COMMUNITY. She isnt saying give them free stuff every instance filling their stock. The stone fund seems like a good idea in theory but the fighters will still be called greedy, and there is a lot of issues that would need addressed. You could use a bot for the sole purpose of holding the fund and the stones, but who would be the person to get the stone, to use the stone. Would be easy for a guild to organize but the entire community would be more difficult. There were already many issues over the person using the stone when the community donated. So a community vote for the person would be needed.
  7. Sponsoring Instances

    ADOPT A FIGHTER TODAY!!!! I have mine :>
  8. Sponsoring Instances

    Its a good idea Lexi. I always support the instancers and i am always willing to donate whatever i can which i do a good bit to inferno as well as help them buy arrows or potions from npc's .. whatever they need. Again ppl arent realizing their rdholms they wear for toading, the oranges for big belly etc all come from the instancers. If a few ppl work to help them i am sure some of them will help you. I know they help me. Who cares if ppl are against it. I say we get a group together and work together. Put an end to the stupid fighter vs mixer bs and help one another. This game depends on both.
  9. Legit BJer

    I am not posting on this thread to DEFEND anyone. And as Inferno and I have both stated, he was not in our guild when this happened and was only accepted because it was our understanding he returned everything that was bag jumped and he did apologize for this stupidity on channel 6. We have also stated we do not codone what was done either way. The reason for my posts were to find out the FACTS so we could decide wether to let him BACK into the guild because he has been removed due to all the pm's we receive constantly. And Inferno had tried contacting you in which you ignore him. So ofc i had to resort to trying to get answers publicly. We did not research the facts long enough with the Vallath incident and we were wrong. We look into Legit and we are still wrong. So if our guild is so horrible for seeking the facts before we let someone in or boot someone from our guild, then so be it. All of this could have been avoided if you would have answered the GM's (Inferno) pm's in the first place. Situations can not be corrected when you ignore those trying to make them right. As for you wanting Legit to post here.. again he is BANNED from posting on forums so he CANT. Stating I am an alt is ridiculous and that didnt even make sense. Everyone in this game knows me. And caliphear is my main. Even tudae knows me. And they all know i do not scam or bag jump. I think that comment was grasping at straws my friend.
  10. Legit BJer

    I do know how a tank works, i do know how ppl are targeted in an instance and i do know about the tank taking the armor off etc.. i was trying to muddle through the 2 different stories i was hearing and i was getting no clarification. I am not taking any of this as an attack on my guild whatsoever. instead trying to make a judgement call on his fate permanently with our guild. Depending on the facts of this situation. I defend who i think is right which is why i was asking the questions and to not jump on the band wagon without knowing facts. With that said ty tudae for finaly clarifying
  11. Legit BJer

    The screenshots he posted were a bit confusing yes, but they do clearly show the items having been mostly returned. It isn't that part he's complaining about. He answered it right there already. Everyone in an instance team should be able to tank themselves for at least a little while, so I don't hold Saxum's death as Legit's responsibility. Saxum should have been able to hold his own for at least a little while, or be quick enough to dis away. I do think Legit ruined the instance with his attempted scam though, and gave them all #ii time for nothing, and that IS his fault. Yes i understand he and the rest of the team feel they wasted #II gc etc etc.. im talking about what did he bag jump that wasnt returned? were ALL of the bag jumped items returned? its not nice to do to any member of instance and i dont think bag jumping a death bag is right AT ALL anywhere even though some have even jumped mine. During an instance your supposed to set aside any differences and not rip each other off period. Actualy Legit died in an instance lost his stuff and inferno grabbed it and returned it. Legit praised him and thanked him for a long time for it but thats what you do. Which really bothered both of us that he would later turn and do this to someone. But like i said it was my understanding that all the ITEMS were returned. If saxum cant answer that simple question then i have to believe i already have my answer.
  12. Legit BJer

    Yes we kicked vallath prematurely and we admitted it. We have straightened things out with vallath.And that has nothing to do with this thread. The difference here is : 1. Legit was NOT in *EL* when this happened 2. Saxum has not answered pm's of Inferno or legit (who cant reply for himself on the forums because he is banned) and will not answer here. All we want to know is WHAT was NOT returned.And apparently he cant answer that. I smell a scam in that itself. The shots saxum posted clearly are at a storage but They are not regular screenshots and even so can easily be faked as well. Sorry but I am not buying it since he is evading the question. Was legit wrong for what he did? YES. But he says he gave the stuff back. Saxum says he didnt give it all back. I dont see proof and i sure dont see saxum answering anyone on it. Both screenshots (if you can call saxums screenshots) dont prove anything other than ppl are trying to pull fast ones. Legit is not the only one if saxum cant answer simple questions. If i was bag jumped and was asked what wasnt returned.. i sure could list what was missing. As a matter of fact.. when ozmondius took my db he took my NMT, Tit shield, Mol .. left matter essense in the bag. Anything of importance.. you should be able to list. So as of now no i dont believe saxum. After reading all the chat logs it seems to me they werent prepared and were a lot more problems than just legit tanking. And nothing was thought of his tanking or said about it until after the bag jump. Then it was assumed it was on purpose. Just as it was assumed he was Overkill. They didnt say they were stopping the instance because of him "fake tanking" they did it because of the bag jump.
  13. Legit BJer

    ...but i'd have to agree with others who've posted and say that he really does owe them for that. It's not like the instance was being hard for him or that he made a genuine mistake. I'm not saying it's feasible to calculate time/items lost and try to make him repay it, but yeah, people are going to feel they haven't been repaid in full for what they've lost and probably hold some (imo warranted) resentment due to that. If he indeed did do it on purpose then i can understand. I even agree i wouldnt trust him. I wasn't in the instance and tbh didnt feel like reading all of the chat logs. Im just going by saxums summary. If i die in an instance i dont expect to get paid back because of mistakes. Doing things on purpose to get ppl killed isnt ok at all. And maybe i am just too forgiving to not be expected to be paid back all that if i was in their shoes if it wasnt a mistake. I am a neutral party in this but want the straight facts so we know since we did let him in our guild. I am not trashing anyone for their opinions on whats owed otherwise. It's just my opinion. So dont anyone take it the wrong way. I just have yet to see the list of items that wasnt returned. And before anyone questions it.. no i do not believe that screenshot was legitimate. It was obviously messed with.
  14. Legit BJer

    Thats my point .. the bj'ing is my major concern although all of it isnt right. I just want to make sure everything was returned.
  15. Legit BJer

    Not all. His fake tank cost me gc to pay to join instance and other stuff I lost. It also cost others since they could not continue w/o additional fighter and no tank and lack of trust in. They also lost time before they could go on another instance and items used to allow them go on instance. I would not trust him just because he returned some items nor anyone who said it was OK by just returning. This is a not a game based on trust however but more like Diplomacy where alliances are made until someone stabs you in the back. We agree this was not right to do and I wouldnt blame ppl for not trusting him. In no way are we saying what he did was ok. He is new to our guild and knows our rules and so far we haven't have any problems. Indeed if it was a fake tank, it cost you and your team but what did you drop that was not returned? It was my understanding everything that was "dropped" was returned. As for the gc to enter, the wait times, not finishing the instance etc i have to not agreee with. I have been on instances where this has happened to me. The tank didnt remove the armor quick enough, the mob turned to me and killed me . I also lost a brick and it happened again and i also didnt have another rosto and therefor didnt finish. Doesnt mean i was owed anything. You stated the team decided to quit the instance. Legit hasnt done many instances and yes he could have been horrible at it. Or he could have done it on purpose. You just dont really know. So what is the issue? That you died and feel you are owed or he didnt return all the items? I am confused.
  16. The Great Split

    I have no idea who your posting to but i will answer. First: LION is an enemy of *EL* so ofc any member of LION will be attacked on a pk map just as they attack us on a pk map. Why are they enemies? Because I am friends with PRKL/NANO members. and what would PK be if you didnt have enemies? It is a game after all. I was pvp'ing with a member of LION months ago and accidently killed her. I was then attacked and killed by Ozmondius. So it goes both ways. As for her being broded, again it taught her not to go into pk without a protection. Second: Dubro, as with any other person who scammed, lured, etc etc doesnt have to do anything to every player or every guild to get on guilds shitlist as you put it. If they are known to do these things most of el turns against them. Personally its his flames etc which have kept him an enemy of *EL* guild. Just look in disputes there is tons of stuff on dubro if you really want to know who he has done what to. Hope this cleared some things up for you. And please.. Keep *EL* on top of that list of yours
  17. The Great Split

    Lmao seems your pathetic. cry and cry somemore little girl. Thats all you are. your more of a scamer then anyone in the game. just alot forget your past. Really you want to know why i removed him. If i wanted you to know then i would of told everyone but nah. I dont ecplain nothing to no one ~AC~ doesnt belong to no one but who is in the clan.Yes, my past when I was 13/14 years old and was a total douche. I've never hid it. I know i'm an asshole. There's a reason every single one of my names is in my sig you know.Now you're turning this into a flame thread :> and i hope it gets locked accordingly.Orick you're being a bit over sensitive. DuBro is well known for what he does and a lot of people brod him and every guild he joins. Why? Because accepting him means you condole it and therefore that gives you a bad light. Like I said, I would have been more sympathetic and what not had you not flipped out over it.and King_rick, you talk about how it's your guild and no one has control or whatever yet..You're trying to control mine and talk crap because of the way we do things. Let me explain to you simply. I don't tell anyone they are brod tagged if they are. They will simply get broded. Why? Why tell a person they are brod tagged.. then they fear the BROD and will never give you the opportunity \o/ lol control your guild lmao you and your old hag came to me conplaining liked a school girl. control lmao i dont tell someone how to run there guild. and i dont use anyone to gain nothing as i seen some in that game using others. but wait your not getting the picture and ill say this again! were do you get off judging someone who has done stuff in there past and still does it. heck then the whole game be brod tag. like your face and you dont tell no one how to run there guild orick i hope you and dubro tear the heck out of the game.i dont have a guild screw ball its a clan look it up on the meaning. and its my tag but its the clans clan numb nuts.all i see is blah blah blah from you and a few who love conplaining. get a grip because i got something for you little girls. Seriously queen_rick.. try to stay on topic and take your lame flames elsewhere. You only post to flame me and inferno because you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life. You have a problem with us fine take it up with us instead of hiding behind a silly flaming post.
  18. The Great Split

    I really dont see any dispute here. It is well known in EL that the *EL* guild brod tags any guild that dubro is in. We are not denying biohazard broded you and we are not denying not even warning you. If you want to go into a PK map it is also known you should have a cotu or mage robe pants. Do your homework. So orick think of it as a life lesson. Just as i was taught by entreri who has broded my CoL, my MoL, and a JS .. dont go into pk areas without one. So stop whining about it, move on and live with the lesson learned. As for honorable , *EL* is an honorable guild, we do not condone bagjumping or serping(unless its a bord tagged guild), and no scamming. Which is why we brod tag any guild in which dubro is in. Does he scam or bagjump or lure anymore? maybe not but he still continues to be annoying and still has not gained our trust. As for you not going into instances with our guildies .. oh no whatever shall i do? Your not the only good tank EL hate to burst your bubble.
  19. Vallath - Fate

    Not quite as badly as when the guild master knowingly kicks an innocent person. Not wishing to seem unduly unkind, but i'd sooner be personal to a 'wet fish'. Why not read your GM's "sympathetic and helpful" contribution to the nicktehbrick thread (see 'Bans' section) and ask him the same question. Again themuntdregger speaks but in actuality doesnt knows his rear from a hole in the ground. _invoked is not in *EL* and never was. As for your sad attempt at flaming ... you need to leave the flames to those who can actually do them like inferno, shultz and a few others. Go pay YARR guild again to cover your back because your so paranoid thinking ppl are out to get you. And to be honest .. rather be personal to a wet fish? Hmm did you buy the wet fish a laptop for no reason and send it to them out of the blue ? Or maybe you were thinking sending me one would give you a chance in hell to suck up to me.Didint work did it . Either way i have you on ignore for a reason and your bot since you tried harrassing me through it.I am sure this is your way to irritate me the only way you can. So flame away or shall i say attempt it. Because this is last time i am looking at this repetitive silliness. And yes shultz it is pretty funny how seriously stupid this thread has gotten.
  20. Vallath - Fate

    First of all I insisted on the apology for the main reason I am hoping if he (Fate) is truly sorry and has learned his lesson then we wont have to worry about another new player going the way of Fuze/str8jacket and many others. We need more players in Eternal Lnds and hopefuly we can try and get the ones who think they can do this kind of behavior to realize the community doesn't want to put up with it. I know i may be a little naieve but I have to have faith that we can build a bigger community without so many scammers and liars if we catch them early enough. Instead of drumming new players out. And for god sakes, if you recruit new players.. tell them to carry a rosto if they insist on using gear which require one.
  21. Vallath - Fate

    Regardless all the past issues between Munt and Caliphear. In my opinion, *EL* guild leaders acted too fast and did not waste their time to investigate the matter. In my opinion it's plain bullshit to try to excuse themselves. I remember the chat in channel 6. Not even a single person who actually knew Vallath thought, for a second, he scammed/bagjumped anybody. It has been pointed out by countless that logs can be forged within 1 minute. If it was my guild I'd rather trust my guildie, look into the matter and then act. Isn't it the only reasonable way? You folks first shot, then asked questions. A very good, well tested Wild West method. Way to go! Keep it up! Lame. As i have said before I will say one last time. ALL of you have labeled and made assumptions on ppl just by chat logs alone. It is proven countless times in the dispute threads. When Vallath did not produce his logs to help us prove fate wrong like we had hoped to do, Inferno did what he had to as GM. So you can all try and start a childish flame war on *EL* but i for one am no longer to going reply or acknowledge it. I am above it. The fact is Vallaths name is cleared and we are happy about that. Fate has apologized like we had insisted. The truth was brought to light and the matter is closed. So continue your opinions, your flames, your childish comments as you wish. It still stands *EL* tolerates NO bag jumping, scamming, etc and if you can not show proof you have not done so when accused, you are removed. Period.
  22. Vallath - Fate

    Having had to deal with a similar incident in my own guild, I fully appreciate that such decisions are never easy. However, if you don't believe someone to be a bag-jumper/scammer, and there's no conclusive evidence to suggest otherwise, then kicking them merely on the off-chance of being incorrect seems a bit over-zealous. Unless loyalty in a guild is shown in both directions, there's really not much point in being part of one. the logs showed he had Fate's items, was supposedly there etc etc. Which we found to be fake once vallath was already removed from *EL* and someone kindly helped us out by using their own logs as well as someone elses and proving Fate to be lying. We also wanted Vallath's name cleared. so Munt please read all of the post before passing judgements. It's not the fact we thought badly of vallath or thought he did it. Inferno did what he had to do as GM going by our rules and policies. He didnt do it because he wanted to. As for guild loyalty.. you need to stop their my old friend. Loyalty is something you didnt show before i destroyed TKN. But this is not the place for that.
  23. Vallath - Fate

    SnoWDragoN is in IRON :> Snowdragon is the gm of Know , the one who aproached us about this and the one the fake logs were sent to. I also took screen shots of Fates confession so if anyone has doubts .. i DO have the proof. I also said Fate owes Vallath and Inferno a public apology here for this crap and i still dont see it.
  24. Vallath - Fate

    I am glad this idiot finaly dug himself/herself a hole and was proven to be a liar. KnOw guild aparently has the problem and hopefully snowdragon will fix it. BTW KnOw guild brod tagged for Fates actions
  25. Vallath - Fate

    And time stamps are different depending on the pc/and area they live? He said he didnt know how, i literally just told him how to find them My docs\Eternal lands\Chat log i can SCREENIE that if you want me to I can understand what you mean by the whole guildie thing, but in your eyes it was the right decision. Then it would be a good idea for him to post them to prove he is telling the truth and no more questions asked. No more doubts. And yes i realized the time thing after looked through my logs to find that channel 6 discussion.