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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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Posts posted by brim

  1. lol its true wow has alot of fighting, but its the quality that matters. In el fighting is just massclicking monsters - after five minutes the brain activity sinks down to the bottom. you do the same things over and over again and this raises your level. the same with alchemy or any other skill, forthermore you wont be able to trade the goods properly, since the market channel is something like a madhouse/kindergarten. the main feature in el is that you can get into serious issues with your mousehand or die of boredom. In wow you have great possibilities of styling your individual char, you have many different races and many classes too, you can do stuff like tactics and strategy, use distance weapons and a great repertoire of spells. Also ride on various creatures. the tactics and magic in el are very very limited. also you have this thing about buying magic weapons, how crazy is that. dont get me wrong, i dont hate el, i think its at least a funny chat program in a funny drawn "adventure"world.




  2. imo there definitely should be such new race pk books. it doesnt get in my head why people who paid rl money should have an advantage like that. in the way it is now a two class society of fighters is created. New races look cool and pwn better. this is not very fair and also, in the context of a fantasy world its simply unlogic. then you also could make a new race of dragons, for people who pay 1000 $ , that spit fire and have poison breath and kill any other player with mighty bites :)

  3. Hey und Hallo an alle !


    Also sry ich muss jetzt mal das thema wechseln.. Rechtschreibung .. puuuh! :( dabei bin ich seit 5 jahren aus der schule raus. Und das ist auch gut so.


    Ist ja toll das es so ne Menge deutschsprachige Spieler hier gibt. Ich wollte auch mal anmerken dass es auch eine deutschsprachige Gilde gibt, eris. wenn interesse besteht, meldet euch doch bitte bei mir, brim_steeleater, malaclypse oder celine_hagbard. Wir erklären euch dann alles wissenswerte :D


    So jetzt hab ich werbung gemacht, jetzt können unsere Sprachanalysten und Rhetorikprofs wieder zu ihrer geliebten Grammatik zurückkehren.


    Ich verschwinde schnell :)


    grüsse von



    ancient transformer of matter

  4. yeah herny you seem to be a bag jumper yourself and furthermore to have no experience in training high monsters. i really like to come to "watch" your training, would it make me a rich man? to all you "spawntourists" out there: du bist fehmbar.


  5. Hi All!


    Well im glad if the new system causes unpatient people to leave, those were a spoil to the game anyways. I like it better than before, it allows to chat while working and the speed is just right i find. If it prevents people using their modded client from harvesting huge craploads in no time, its just the better. I just want the developers to know that theres still people on the game who do appreciate their work and say thx for everything and keep up the good work!



