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Everything posted by zalic

  1. 10k Thread Auction

    15kgc -- zalic
  2. Harvester medallion

    You forgot 5. players who don't harv tree shrooms 6. players who take time to get the ingreds I've broken at least 25 harvester med's that were made by crafters in exchange for ingreds... (a BIG thank you to all the kind crafters ) IMHO getting the ingreds for Harvester Medallion isn't that difficult and doesn't require that high levels - it's just a little time consuming
  3. IRC support/chat channel for EL?

    joined running irssi in a screen 24/7 and have been actively in freenode for about 2 years (although i must admit i only check the channels for activity once in a while from work)
  4. Main languaje

    second that
  5. ubuntu karmic probs:(

    same thing under fedora with ATI video compared the error log to error log from running the last official build (that works)... nothing there tested various options including "poor man" still the same problem.... note that EL crashes when clicking "log in" not on the login screen EDIT: i currently cannot test any solution offered because i don't have enough free disc space on my laptop to set up a build env
  6. first game you ever played?

    pong ftw! that was my first console game too but first computer game was digger http://www.digger.org/java.html EDIT: add link
  7. Weird, i was trying and couldn't get it working (CTRL+F opened map) (under linux) but ALT+F did the trick... awesome
  8. help

    how about unzip? unzip yourfilename.zip (you may need to install the package unzip.... apt-get install unzip iirc)
  9. Gatherer Medallion of life ingreds: Gatherer Medallion 2 Enriched Life Essence 30 White Chanterelle stats: same as gatherer medallion + 30 material points Gatherer Medallion of mana ingreds: Gatherer Medallion 2 Enriched Magic Essence 10 Henbane stats: same as gatherer medallion +20 Mana points Gatherer Medallion of life and mana mana (might be a too overpowered item?) ingreds: Gatherer Medallion of life Gatherer Medallion of mana Binding stone stats: same as gatherer medallion + 30 material points +20 Mana points note that it would also be a good idea that the gatherer medallion of life and mana would only be made by chance when making either gatherer med of life or gatherer med of mana
  10. Some commands do not work

    had that problem under linux when the "selected" browser wasn't installed, you might want to try changing the default browser in config (under Misc tab)
  11. could someone please explain to me now what you mean when you say "it would be to overpowered" SenZon suggested that it would be bad because ppl with more gc would have more power nathanstenzel on the other hand suggested that it doesn't cost enough? are the stats to high compared to the price or are the stat as overall too much? or is just the power of picking up objects so important in PvP too? if the stats are too high would the gatherer medallion of mana not be overpowered if it's stats would be "picks up items of the opponent you killed" and "+20 mana" not be overpowered? I thought i was following what you were saying and i accepted the idea was that this item was not "up to standards", but now i really would like to know the principle behind it sorry again for being too n00b to get it
  12. I didn't think that 30hp's or 20 mana points would be THAT overpowered ... considering max HP's are over 200 and Mana points over 300 via pickpoints? and we allready have items like "red dragon helment of life and mana".... and... other items that give extra life or mana points..... that i cannot remmber at the moment but reading the replys makes me think i may have been wrong I do enjoy it, and I AM gratefull for the gatherer med - it's one of my favorite objects in the game that's why i made the suggsestion in the first place - to have more items in the game that would give the gatherer effect don't be angry/upset about my suggsestion - note that I'm just a n00b PvE fighter - i fight in a leather set - so i know nothing about balancing items strength... and it did seem like a really good idea at the time guess i'll just set some more PP's to will edit: typos
  13. Harvester Medallions

    thanx again Dilly for turning my harvester med ingreds into harvester med's
  14. Forgive Me but ...reset?

    well for me as a player who reseted at a relatively low OA (52) the biggest downside was losing the EMU... it was quit irritating for some time, second downside was losing the health points, and third was the mana.... losing the nexuses didn't bother that much but overall, reset isn't such a bad thing... the higher the lvl's the quicker you get your OA's... i had some ingreds for bars in sto so first OA's after reset came pretty quickly with alc EDIT: note that i didn't have any positive perks before the reset, otherwise that would have been a downside too
  15. forum name change

    could i please request forum username change from zmurf to zalic as i changed my in-game username
  16. forum name change

    Thank you
  17. a/p protection spell

    i think it's a great idea - especially getting a use for air sigil agree with this, other protection spells last 90 or 120 sec so IMHO it would be logical that this spell should also last for either 90 or 120 sec agree with this too EDIT: but not from lvl 45, perhaps 42 or 47 seems better? ... between magic levels 40 and 50, currently there is only True Sight at lvl 45 and no other spells become available between those levels i just think it makes magic leveling more interesting when you need only a few levels to unlock a new spell... makes things more interesting ...
  18. Eesti | Estonia

    tulen ka siis peidust välja
  19. ELG is recruiting

    I joind ELG, and i'd like to add that the guild is peacefull and friendly, and altho the shop might temporarily be closed there are always things to sell and buy