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Posts posted by Riviere

  1. Here is what im selling, Pm me IN-game, Leave a post or gossip me. I will be in-game for the next fw hours so that would be best.



    5,000 coal - 2gcea (sold)

    4,000 red toads - 1.5gcea (sold)

    2,000 gold ore - 3gcea



    350 Polished Rubies - 20gcea (sold)

    110 Polished emeralds - Offers (sold)



    1 Universal Hood - 69k (ono)

    1 MM cloak - 13k (ono)



    50 Isla Prima Rings - 65gcea (sold)



    1,500 Life essence - 5gcea (sold)



    900 Vials - 5.5gcea (Sold)


    Thanks. - Riviere in-game

  2. Im looking for a guild that will help me learn new stuff and help me to develop my skills while keeping it fun :(

    My stats:

    Att: 34

    Def: 35

    Har: 39

    Mag: 23

    Sum: 17

    Cra: 20

    Ova: 52


    I havent started the other skills yet, just waiting for right time/experience to do this. I don't pk either. And im from New Zealand. (bottom of the world, very cold right now.. maybe gmt +11 or 12 timezone, im not to sure)

    So if you think ill be a good member, Drop me a Pm in game. In-game - Riviere :)

  3. Talking and moving npcs would be awesome..

    I also like the idea of during quest some npcs only talk to you when you have a certain level.


    Just me, but i enjoy reading from some npcs about the background of maps and the races that live there..


    Good idea to have them moving as well ;)

  4. FAQ's

    More will be added to this post as time goes on

    **Please do not make a new thread on ANY of these subjects unless your idea is original! Your post CAN be deleted!



    Weapons & Armor, and other wearable items.



    Will there be different types of weapons??

    There will be different types, yes, but not whips or flails, ball & chain maces, or nunchuks. Nothing that swings.


    Don't know how old this is or if its still active but..


    Looks like we are stuck with the golden star mace as the only "mace" for a bit longer

  5. Selling:



    2,500 - Henbane

    4,000 - Red Snapdragons [sold ty]

    2,500 - Blue Lupines

    2,500 - Black Roses



    2,000 - Silver Ore



    15,000 - Quartz [sold ty]

    3,000 - Rose Quartz [sold ty]

    3,000 - Blue Quartz [sold ty]

    1,000 - Coal [sold ty]



    1 - Black tunic with purple shirt


    Offers please :) Pm me in-game or post here (Riviere in-game)


    Reasonable offers please :omg:

  6. Armor

    1 Bronze Shield


    Catch me ingame or post here, bids way below value will be ignored, ty :)


    Edit: the items in italic can be found on my bot Belur.


    How much for this? if you have no offer ill say 26k (up for negotiation if needed)



  7. I didn't vote because I don't like the options.

    I also would be a flat out no. I don't use it and never will, until something like this becomes official and monitored and approved by Roja (if it ever does) and there is some quality control.

    I will be forever grateful I do not see some of the crap ingame that I see in some of these screenshots floating around. (Bad enough in the screenshots).

    I suspect if Roja wanted an X rated game or cartoon characters or beach bunnies in it, she would have designed it that way.

    I feel bad for the abuse her artistry takes with this.



    I agree with all of that + whats wrong with the tailoring items?


    Good choice of hats/cape/tops/robes even hoods in-game already.. :D

  8. Selling:



    Red Snapdragon - 10,000 @ 0.5gcea

    Red Roses - 10,000 @ 0.5gcea

    Impatients - 10,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]

    White Asiatic Lilly - 6,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]

    Swamp Candles - 2,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]

    Tiger Lillies - 2,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]

    Black Rose - 2,500 @ 0.5gcea

    Blue Star Flower - 3,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]

    Blue Lupines - 2,000 @ 0.5gcea

    Yellow Roses - 1,000 @ 0.5gcea

    Daffodils - 1,000 @ 0.6gcea [sold]

    Lilliacs - 1,500 @ 0.5gcea

    Sunflowers - 2,500 @ 0.7gcea

    Cotton - 2,000 @ 0.5gcea [sold]



    Fire Essence - 2,000 @ 3.5gcea [sold]



    Rose Quartz - 1,000 @ 1.5gcea [sold]

    Sulphur - 5,000 @ 2gcea [sold]

    Coal - 2,500 @ 2gcea



    Please reply here or Pm me in-game (Riviere in-game)


    Thanks :)

  9. Depletable resources is a good idea ;)


    When you look at it, there are 39(ish) maps in c1 and c2, all with harvesting spots and only a few of these maps are used heavily for harvesting..

    Even with max players (2500 i believe) on the server, harvesting on all the maps, there will still be spots free somewhere. Sure, may not be as handy as nowdays, and sure, maybe it might not be the exact resources you were looking for.(e.g silver)


    BUT! I think it opens up a new trade area of trading, the items for items variety..

    You might only find a BSF spot when you wanted some silver, maybe trades will become a more resource based area.

    With the possiblity of at least 1 of every reasource open, and all the alts/mains out there getting them 24/7 i doubt wether the reasources will dry up at all. When i look at it, atm, we get down to about 180 people on atm at around 11pm (new zealand standard time.) (roughly 4am E.s.t). with those people runnin 4 alts each (unlikely) it still wont be as crowded/hard to get ings as people think.


    + we have account with items already hoarded etc, :confused:


    As for multi, it could provide a solution to the supposed *dry up of resources* we may see....


    All in all, i think both are good ideas, especially because alts could make up winfall for lack of resources avaliable..



  10. Selling:


    2,000 Bones - 2.5gc ea (reserved)

    2 Conjurers cloaks - 4.05kgc ea

    1 Body piercing cloak - 1.85kgc

    375 Wolf fur - Offer


    Post here or pm me in-game. (Riviere in-game)




    EDIT: Removed sold items
