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Everything posted by FeaRM

  1. Depletable resources and multiplaying

    Very nicely put. Now if there was a way to just take this post at make it stand out so that everyone could see it, myabe some people that voted no might reconsider
  2. Depletable Resources Poll

    Yes, in the last two weeks. How would that stack up against what you could make in the two weeks after this change would be made? maybe you didn't finish reading my post. I dont see this change affecting us so much, i don't see why you would think that either. I think it would take me the same amount of time to do the same quantities after the update and the adjustments have happened so that this is fair.... edit: @nova i totally agree with everything you said in there. Sorry for going on about fighters vs harvester, snowbunny was just getting on my nerves with her comments so i had to reply
  3. Depletable Resources Poll

    Lol i don't think you get the point, let me try to break it down. This is how things stand right now: Take a harvester. He realizes that he needs to get some iron. He thinks of his favorite iron spot, goes there and harvests. Once he gets there, there is nothing to stop him from harvesting (dont tell me about evtr mine or mm silver, i harvest enough there at peak hours to know there has never been a problem to reach the actual ore and be able to harvest) Take a fighter. He realizes that he needs to train fluffs. he thinks of his favorite fluff spawn and goes there. When he gets there, it's taken. Now he has to go to his second favorite spawn on a different map. That one is taken too. Now he has to go to yet another spawn, and so on until he finds one that is free These changes will only make harvesters do the same amount of work. Take a harvester after the update. He realizes that he needs some iron. he goes to his favorite iron spot but realizes its depleted. So he goes to another spot, on a different map and so on. Or like I said, he could wait for it to be replenished just like a fighter could wait to his favorite spawn to free up I've harvested enough iron, coal and fes in the last two weeks to get the following: 500 s2es, 1600steel/200iron bars still in sto waiting to be turned into s2es, 16k iron/10kcoal/6k fes waiting to be turned into steel bars. I'm not purely a fighter and these changes will affect me a lot. I still voted yes. I think most people that voted no didn't even bother to read the discussion in the other thread. People are just imagining this will turn into a mad race to get to the resources, where if you dont get to a resource within 5 minutes of it appearing there, it's probably already depleted. However, from radu's post, its clear it won't happen this way. It there are not enough resources per spot when this gets implemented, we just tell radu, he already said he would tweak it. All I'm saying is we should just give this a try, I'm sure it won't be anywhere close to what people here are complaining about and it will surely add a lot more strategy and fun to the game. Just my 2 cents, sorry for the long post
  4. Depletable Resources Poll

    No you actually don't. Let's take iron for example. Once harvesters learn about the evtr cave, they all go there. Almost every harvester I know that needs iron goes and gets it from there, and they dont go check cc or mel cave before going there, they just go straight to EVTR cave for iron because they know it will always be there. Now let's take ogres for example. trainers will go to mel, check the 3x spawn. Most of the time its taken, so they go to skf or zirak. those are very often taken too, so they have to go to yet another spawn to look it its empty.....so plz tell me what wrong with harvesters going to evtr, seeing that the iron is depleted and moving to cc, to see if there's any iron there? or they could just wait in EVTR for it to get replenished just like a fighter could wait at the mel cave for a spawn to open up
  5. Storage sale

    Ill take these: Let me know if this is good. Should come up to 2191gc so 2200gc same name in game. Pm me
  6. Dummy List

    If you are referring to me tokie, and to my post in the bans forum, you just proved to everyone that you obviously can't read. Therefore, I suggest you add yourself to your own dummy list, ban all your bots from trading with you, maybe kick yourself out of your guild for being a dummy or something.... I must have asked 8-9 trustworthy people about him. People that knew him, people for whom he had bought stuff from the shop in return for gc, people that had traded with him in the game, etc. None of them ever got scammed by him, all said he's a good guy and there's absolutely no reason not to trust him.....so plz explain, how am i a dummy?
  7. Kharn banned why?

    so...ummmm....i really don't like accusing you of stuff like this but.....ummmm....where's my p2p? or my 80k you can give me back from the kharn char if you dont plan on getting me the p2p? oh right, you never planned on giving anything back.....sry for asking
  8. Blake (The noobest pr0 or the pr0est nuub?)

    omg exe finally made an official forums account ..... here come the poorly formulated sentences and bad grammar, followed by childish insults with references to mothers and grandmas....... yay for us Seriously though exe, you shouldn't even be allowed to post in this thread due to the fact that you're mentally challenged. When i was 60s a/d, you tried to brod me every time i ventured in kf, before i even knew who you were. you would say something like: "your guildie pked me so i brod you".....flawless logic right there. The worst part is that u've pulled the brod on me while i had CotU on, and ive seen pics of you doing the same to others. You BroD indiscriminately, brown, red and neutral tags, and then you wonder why everybody hates you. It's already extremely hard to get stuff in this game, it takes a lot of grinding to get decent armors and weapons. It also takes a lot of time to get good enough equipment to be competitive and have fun in pk. So finally, after a person has spent hours and hours harvesting and grinding just to get a BDA set and a decent weapon, you decided to pull the brod on him as soon as he walks into kf, although he might be neutral tagged and you never had any interaction with him before.......why? just because you think it's funny? to destroy something he's worked to get for a week within 2 minutes? you're a retard and I really hope you get BroDed every time you enter KF. And plz stop pming me with racist comments every day kk?
  9. Kharn banned why?

    So let me get this straight.....2 days ago you advertise in evtr mine that if anyone need something from the shop, you will buy it for them in exchange for gc. I ask around, people say you're not a scammer so I give you 80k to buy me something. Yesterday when i asked you about it, you said you had problems with your credit card and gave me some more bs excuses. In reality, you knew all along you would never buy me anything from the shop and that when I would ask for it, the new owner of the frozen character would just say he doesnt know anything about the deal. Thanks a lot for scamming me out of 80k, thank god i didn't give you more. Although this is not illegal and it's my fault i trusted you, I really hope people like you never get to play this game again. Have a good day. P.S. Aislinn, sry if my post is off-topic, delete it if you think it doesnt belong here ummm ask snowghost who paied for his p2p so dont acuse me of anything Prove me wrong then. I respected my end of the deal, now it's time for you to do the same. You do that, today, tomorrow, next week, whenever, and ill come here and vouch for u
  10. Kharn banned why?

    So let me get this straight.....2 days ago you advertise in evtr mine that if anyone need something from the shop, you will buy it for them in exchange for gc. I ask around, people say you're not a scammer so I give you 80k to buy me something. Yesterday when i asked you about it, you said you had problems with your credit card and gave me some more bs excuses. In reality, you knew all along you would never buy me anything from the shop and that when I would ask for it, the new owner of the frozen character would just say he doesnt know anything about the deal. Thanks a lot for scamming me out of 80k, thank god i didn't give you more. Although this is not illegal and it's my fault i trusted you, I really hope people like you never get to play this game again. Have a good day. P.S. Aislinn, sry if my post is off-topic, delete it if you think it doesnt belong here
  11. Swammy and Salt harvesting shop

    im sorry to hear that, was just about to order some iron ore . Seriously though, if you decide to start up another shop in the future, ask around for some prices, do a little bit of research on what people are usually paying for each item you want to add to your shop. I think one of the main reasons you got so many requests in such a short amount of time is because some of your prices were very low. Quarts comes to mind. You were selling it for 0.5gc a piece while it usually sells for 1.5-2gc on the market channel. Review some of the prices and I'm sure you will be fine. Hope to see you back here soon
  12. Storage Clear Out !

    check 2 posts above u
  13. Alchemic Supplies

    1k steel bars plz. 50kgc thank you /FeaRM
  14. Manufacture Shop

    Hi, I preffer 10 order of 1k. Like the order is too huge and fox fur can't buy from npc, It's possible the elapsed time was up than 1 week. But if you still are really interesting I will begin working to manufacture as soon I can. Thank's for your confidence Well the reason for the order is that I can sell the fox scarfs to the general store for 10 gc each so the order will make me 20Kgc when sold to general store. The order was my way of saying - you have too low prices for some items. PS Your price for s2e is too low too. Know tradebot who buys s2e for 950 gc so you really need to price them above that. If you open a manufacturing shop you really need to reasearch correct prices for the items you sell. I sell for the prize I consider just and I think if the ings prize is 7gc, sell it for 10gc is an abuse. I sell for help people and get exp and some gc, but in every zones of the world there are persons egoist who aren't abaible to help to other persons. PD: You only can carry 35 fox scarf for travel and you only will get 70gc per travel ... I think if you want get gc harvest some coal or silver it's more rentable. Hydro bars are 10-11kgc and 10 s2e is 9kgc. You must go to hydro across dangeour maps and only get 3 hydro bars per travel. I think the just prize for s2e is 900 and the 1-2kgc per hydro bars for you hydro working payment. For the fox scarves, they stack, so you can carry a few hundred with you on every trip depending on your emu
  15. Manufacture Shop

    This week I am having problems with my ISP and I have not internet in my house. I must connect in my work centre and I can open the game I hope this problems finished soon, sorry. The request will be made when I recover mi connect. thats fine, whenever u have them, pm me
  16. Storage Clear Out !

    Ill take those 2 s2es, send u message by gossip, pm me when u get on /FeaRM edit: 950 each i guess
  17. Manufacture Shop

    hey I'll take 30 s2es Tks /FeaRM
  18. Selling some items

    ill take 1 conjurer cape, pm me in game /FeaRM
  19. Should selling gc for $ be banned

    good man ! glad to see someone with some standing say something along these lines some people have suggested that in ''other'' MMO's its impossible to catch all the GC farmers, the games ive seen mentioned are WOW and PruneScape , well I dont know about PruneScape but WOW has a player base of millions of people you cant possibly compare the technicalitys of finding GC sellers in the two games. Youd have to search through millions of players to find someone doing it on WOW , but youd have to search through maybe what ? 800 players on a really busy day to find someone doing it in EL, theres no comparison ...... You conveniently forgot to mention that WoW has Blizzard's millions of dollars to work with, definitely enough money to hire a shitload of people to do that work. EL only has unpaid mods......i would say it's a lot of extra work to do for free, on top of all the other things mods have to do....
  20. Little Storage Sell

    withdrew offer
  21. Gold membership

    I voted yes and for the advantages, I voted for everything except more experience. With the player base being composed of mostly low level people though, I have a feeling that's the option that's going to win
  22. One character per person at a time

    First of all, I don't think that each person should be allowed only one char at a time. Yes, there are gold farmers but most people use their alts in many other ways which dont damage the economy so why should they be punished? Like many people have said before me in this thread, the core of the problem needs to be addressed, which is gold farming. For people that said that gold farmers should be banned, I agree with the principle but you and I both know this is impossible. Runescape tried it and failed miserably. Let's say that uneven trades (like 1 person give 1 mill gc and gets nothing in return in the game) get outlawed and you get banned from doing it, the the same thing that happened in Runescape will happen here. The gc seller will farm flowers, sell to npc for a week, make 300k and will buy bd set. then the buyer who agrees to buy 300k worth of gc will go in a pk map with the seller, pk him and take the bd set, selling it on the market and making back the 300k. How are you to distinguish between someone doing that and someone who decided to harvest for a week to make enough gc to buy himself a bd set and go pk for fun, and forgets to wear rosto when going to a pk area.....if he loses his stuff, will u ban him too? even if he didn't lose the items on purpose, he just forgot to take a rosto (and dont give me bs about how nobody forgets rosto when wearing nice items, i hear people saying it every day). So what then? Ban pk? Yay what a great idea, why dont we just train on the same monsters for months and months, make nice clothes and armors and just live peacefully? Maybe change the name to Runescape 2? Because this is where it's heading. Radu, I really think that your best choice is to compete against the gold farmers by lowering the prices in the shop. Think about it, buying a rosto from shop now is 5$ and is worth around 24k in game. Now a player could buy them from u for 5$ or he could go buy 24k for 3$ from farmers (8k:1$ rate is common now) and get himself a rosto in game. If you keep the rosto prices at 5$, people will use the second option because it's almost half the price and you will sell very few from shop. On the other hand, if you were to lower the price to 2$/rosto from the shop, people would start buying from you. Even people that dont need rostos but buy gc from farmers for other purposes will still buy rosots from you and sell them in game to get a better ratio that they get from the farmers. This will cause the price of rostos to go back down and will also force the farmers to increase the rate at which they sell, maybe to 10k:1$ or even 15k:1$ making this so unprofitable that some people might not think it worthwhile. The rate of 8k:1$ is already high, making it hard to even make half of minimum wage for most us/ca/eu players so making that rate double would make it extremely unprofitable. One last point: this will also not affect people like Garnoo that decided to sell some gc in order to buy stuff from the shop. Although he will need to provide more gc for each dollar if the rate hits 15k:1$ (or whatever) he will not need that many dollars since prices will be lower in the shop, so it evens out. Therefore, this will only affect the gold farmers that inject gc in the game and trade them for RL money which they don't invest back in the game, profit that should be going to you. Anyways, sorry for the long post, I really hope at least some people read it, just my 2 cents
  23. Fed

    U got to be fuckin kidding me......I tell you to go look at some trusted sources and you give me a link to the Dixieland Law Journal? did u even see their fuckin website? here it is, you go down the page from ur link and click home, ull get to this: http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/ Oh im sorry that really looks legit. let me go create a website now, it will say that money is created by leprechauns locked up in some caves in Mt. Washington and that they chose who gets the money and who doesn't. Phear the leprechauns, they own our economy! I won't even bother replying to this joke anymore, you have fun arguing with yourself from now on Edit: did u even check the disclaimer at the bottom of this dude's page? let alone that it's one guy who typed this while he was locked down in his mom's basement, he made sure to put this on: "This website is purely a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date."
  24. Fed

    Nah, i'm pretty sure it's right That's not right. Profit from those loans go back to the Fed. The Fed doesn't just give the US government money for free, it loans it to them....the Fed prints the money, loans it to the US gov......it never was and it will never be the government's money....What you are saying only happens in countries where the central bank is owned by the government (India for example). The US is not one of those countries.... WTF? did u read any of my post? I guess you skipped the parts where I said the Fed prints the money...and the part where I said the Fed is a private institution that isn't part of the government.....and the part saying that the Fed treats the government the same way a bank treats its customers.....selective reading ftl? So wait, what you're saying is that the government prints its own money...gives it to the fed and then the fed lends it to banks at an interest. the interest comes back to the government and the fed is just a middle man? are u retarded? About every single part of that statement is wrong......ive explained it to u already....here i'll break it down in two easy point u can't miss: a. Fed prints the money and uses it like any other bank would do b. Fed =/= US gov, it's not part of the government or owned by the government, it's a private institution, just like ur local bank. Ur statement is the equivalent of saying that McDonalds and Nike are owned by the government and all the profits they make go back to the government..... So I got a little exercise for you now, i'll break it down into points since I have a feeling it helps u out: 1. Go back to the beginning of this thread and read every single post in its entirety (except for urs of course, its full of shit false information) 2. Go do some research, read some articles from some trusted sources, etc 3. Come back here and agree with me kk? tks Small note just to get back on topic, I think HR 1207 is a great idea. Although I'm not a huge Ron Paul supporter, I commend him for pushing this bill through and I do hope that it gets passed. If you think that a private institution shouldn't have full control of the money supply without being held accountable, then like Ateh said, you should probably contact your representative and tell them to support this bill
  25. Fed

    im pretty sure ur wrong. that IS how it works. The Fed acts as a central bank. It is the institution that is responsible for printing money in the US. But once the money is printed, the Fed doesn't just give it away to the government in order for it to be put into circulation, it loans it to them, at interest. Since they are the only institution that can produce money in the country, the only way the government can pay that loan is by borrowing more money from the Fed, again at an interest. This creates perpetual debt. The debt that you are talking about that the US "owes" to China and other nations is something different. We're talking about US treasury securities here. These securities include bonds and treasury-notes that can be purchased by anyone, me, you any person in the world. China happens to have bought a lot of them, giving us money in the process. The thing is that if they decided to sell them back to us, we need to provide the money for them. Therefore u can say we owe China and other countries a lot of money. Although these securities are issued by the Fed, the money that is received for them goes to the Fed and in order for that money to enter the circulation, it has to be loaned out by the US government at an interest again....causing the same problem...perpetual debt.....which becomes the burden of the taxpayer in the end. The thing you need to realize is that the Fed is not a governmental agency, it's a private institution. It treats the government the same way a bank treats its customers....if you want to borrow money, you need to pay it back with interest.