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Everything posted by Dent

  1. IRON and Orcs

    that seems to be the important bit. the rest was background and story. A brave effort you guys, and a good chuckle. That sort of fun and teamwork is what makes EL worth playing.
  2. Hope that everyone weathered it safely and is able to quickly pick up any peices. Stay safe down there and dont drink the water!
  3. Art programs! :)

    I was directed to this site for their light version. So far I have found it relatively easy to get started and make basic items. As for more advanced stuff, I will let you know... GameSpace The light version has minor limitations relating to size and coplexity of the file, and has an inconspicuous watermark. A lot of the learning materials have a price tag, but there are some great basic tutorials for free. I made my first basic object within 4 hours of downloading this, while Blender is taking a lot more time to learn.
  4. street drug?

    In any other country besides the United States, it is much more difficult to sue due to your own stupidity. I think that the US is the only one who punishes people for not assuming that everyone is a moron. I would be a bit annoyed with that system if I lived there.
  5. EL Mad Gab, err sorta

    Get it? Got it? (!) Good!
  6. virtual crime

    Found this through another game forum I belong to. I thought it was especially pertinant here, as EL is gaining in popularity and in #of players. We here have already been targeted at least once, and I imagine it is only a matter of time before some numbskull thinks about doing it again. Computer characters mugged in virtual crime spree The important conclusions from the article: People are being arrested and prosecuted for virtual crime. Think about a permanent criminal record for stealing things in a game. Hehe. I can see it in the cellblocks now: Cellmate: 'What are you in for?' V-criminal: 'Stealing a magic sword from a 14 year old and selling it on ebay' Cellmate: 'Welcome home, honey, smile like a doughnut.' :lol:
  7. virtual crime

    True. However, it should be pointed out that NCSoft is Korean, and the arrest and prosecution are in Japan. As well, crime on line is being treated as cross-border by any nation that I know of. In the US, it is the FBI that investigate it, not podunk police department.
  8. virtual crime

    Then let me add another quote, which you would have gotten if you had read the article: It is the first paragraph in the article. Pretty hard to miss.
  9. old shows

    It may sound odd coming from a north american, but I really like 'Allo 'Allo, Mulberry, Blackadder, and a bunch of other BBC classics. TV from the US really has little lasting quality for me. What may be cool or amusing one day quickly gets old.
  10. Chat log quotes

    This is one of my favourites so far. I just about spit my whiskey all over my laptop.
  11. Admit it...you're jealous!

    People still use film?
  12. Vote for game of the month on mpogd.com

    I think I may be the only one who has voted all of these sites over the last week vote a bit ppl. I still shudder to think that a wrestling game constantly places higher than this one.
  13. Fighting Hamster

    Awesome! The expression on the hamster's face sais it all This goes to my sister. She has NO sense of humour when it comes to little furry things.
  14. Humor test

    Not too sure about this one: the Ham (43% dark, 52% spontaneous, 33% vulgar) your humor style: CLEAN | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHT Your style's goofy, innocent and feel-good. Perfect for parties and for the dads who chaperone them. You can actually get away with corny jokes, and I bet your sense of humor is a guilty pleasure for your friends. People of your type are often the most approachable and popular people in their circle. Your simple & silly good-naturedness is immediately recognizable, and it sets you apart in this sarcastic world. I did, however, manage to join Der Resistance in his Nazi test: Der Resistance Achtung! You are 23% brainwashworthy, 22% antitolerant, and 85% blindly patriotic Welcome to the Resistance (Der Widerstand)! You believe in freedom, justice, equality, and your country, and you can't be converted to the the dark side. Breakdown: Your Blind Patriotism levels are borderline unhealthy, but you show such a love of people from everywhere and a natural resistance to brainwashing, you would probably focus your energy to fight Fuehrer with furor, so to speak. Conclusion: Born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would have taken up ARMS against the oppressors. Or even your friends' oppressors. Congratulations! Less than 5% of all test takers earn a spot in Der Resistance! w00t! 85% patriotic, and I opted for world anarchy!
  15. What do EL players drink?

    Crown Royal Canadian rye whiskey is my preferred. I will have 'a' (1) drink of pretty much anything else, as long as it is not mixed. I like to have a Sheridan's or a Guiness every so often as well, but if I'm getting tipsy, it is on Crown.
  16. 9/11- the Great Illusion.

    80-90% pure bullshit. Im not kidding. Most of the stuff in there is supposition based on inference and incomplete data. A few points : As a former pilot I know without a doubt that aiming a plane at specific targets when flying at full throttle is nearly impossible. Those planes were going too fast to aim for a specific floor or specific area of the building. The plane that hit the pentagon had actually missed its first target. NORAD scrambled every fighter it had (5 out of an alloted 4) as soon as it had reports of the first hijacking. It had an extra plane in for repainting. The battle cab was conducting an exercise the morning of 9-11, and so was over staffed. Even with extra staff working, it was nearly impossible to track 5 jets out of over 6000 signatures. There are proceedures set in place for most scenarios. All of the proceedures for a hijacking were followed. Other situations were tabled. The order to shoot down suspected airliners was not given, and even if it had been, there was almost no chance that this could have happened. Not one of the points that was discussed in that video was made up of more than a small amount of truthful data. Every letter or number that was brought up was either partly, or completely false or uninformed conjecture. His implication that an explosion destroys everything inside of it is untrue. Things dont just incinerate due to explosions. There are several very easy ways that a passport could have been recovered, but because they are not proovable fact, they were not widely disseminated. Not that this stopped the makers of the video. I have a strong dislike for Bush and this iteration of the US Government. I really do wonder what the American people were thinking this time around. That said, I willingly defend them on most of the points raised in the video. It is almost complete bullshit mixed with spin and conjecture. It is an insult to thought, to the people who watch it, to the people who were directly affected by 9-11 and to the victims. Get out your tinfoil hats people! This one is a doozy!
  17. Omg I almost got scammed today!

    Muahaha. I bet that really brightened everyone's day. I know I laughed. The best is the #MOD chats. rofl!
  18. Articifier/luck skill

    Also this would push the balance of high priced items even more in favour of the long term and power players, making it even harder for the new folks to get a leg up.
  19. How did you all first found EL

    hmm. I was very new to online gaming, having played World of Pirates for a few months, and Americas Army. I was unimpressed with the community and dev response with WoP, and AA is only fun for so many hours of the week. I googled around a bit, and found all of the sites that listed free and beta games. After having read a few hundred web pages, this one looked like it might fit. It did, and I have been happily wasting time here ever since. I still cast around for new free games, but cant get away from how good we have it here.
  20. Few Game Design Suggestions

    The problem I see with the nexus system as it is proposed here is the ranges. The current range for the average player is 0-5. There are exceptions already for axes, but the standard range is a lot lower than what was suggested above. Keeping in mind the actual nexus ranges as they stand, a dead zone may only occupy one or two PP.
  21. Rant On the World

    oooh. Politics AND religion in one thread. What's next? Oh, right! Sex. Well, I will play along. Religion has always been a very good thing for people to bring them together in a community. People really need that feeling. What makes a community work is the things that the people have in common or are willing to work together towards. The flip side of this is that communities are naturally exclusive of those who are different for some reason. It is unlikely that you will have anarchists and republicans (note the small letters) forming spontanious communities. Where this goes bad is a) when the communities are more than exclusive; when they are closed to people due to percieved differences and when the exclusions are based on things that make no difference to the core precepts of the community. This includes racism, both pasive and active. It includes any small minded and destructive behaviour, really. I have known many religious types who really did try to follow their beliefs. They are a pleasure to deal with. I also know many more people who are part of a church for the sense of security they find in a community. They resent any intrusion into that security and will lash out in the silliest ways. To blackball religion for an integral part of human nature and relations in also kind of silly. Look to the root of the problem, not at the symptoms expressed by one organ. Two footnotes: 1) A community that is not exclusive in any way is not a community, it is a mob. 2) I do not subscribe to a religion, but am a big fan of community and culture. Hope this falls in line with the discussion.
  22. hunting of cats to be legalized

    ... That didn't really address the question. Rats, coyotes, skunks and loads of other animals are also only following their instincts. What makes feral cats any better? And pardon me if I don't equate the life of a cat up there with that of a human. Nor do I beleive that animals have the same ability to take responsability for their actions. If you own a pet, take care of it. Dont forget that if the shooting is judged illegal, charges ranging from illegal discharge of a firearm all the way up to reckless endangerment could be levied. This translates into jail time. I am not advocating unsafe or irresponsable acts with firearms. I am just stating that this law codifies a scenario that is already in effect. This isn't anything new. This is just the courts catching up with a situation that has been around and working for a LONG time. ... To interject a bit of humour: Fair Play Cat Shoots Owner Thursday, March 10, 2005 (03-10) 16:31 PST BATES TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- A man cooking in his kitchen was shot after one of his cats knocked his 9mm handgun onto the floor, discharging the weapon, Michigan State Police said.
  23. hunting of cats to be legalized

    Well, the really easy answer to that is keep your cats collared, healthy and under control. If someone shoots them, then you have a legal case as they are obviously not ferals. Or is that too hard? Am I missing something here, or do you really expect someone else to take responsability for things you are claiming ownership of? Your cats - take care of them. Feral cat - do what you want, but recognise that most farmers I know shoot them as pests.
  24. hunting of cats to be legalized

    Yep. And I bet you knew all of your cats. They weren't a problem, were they?