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Posts posted by hecklar

  1. @revi i have logged on eventually for short periods of time but didnt actually 'played'


    @aislinn i trully understand your concerns given the last events involving the character. I dont consider that person (you know who im talking about) a friend anymore.


    Well, u guys know what happened, i undertand and agree with the actions game moderators took.


    Now its all up to you to decide if you will allow me to have the opportunity to prove you i will not be a troublemaker.


    Thank you for your time


    Best regards

  2. I totally understand your concerns and i assume all responsability for giving away my password and all the problems that were caused with Hecklar character. That is my fault for not complying with the basic rule of not giving away my password.

    The main reason im sending this request now, is because some of my old EL friends are getting back in the game and i just want to have a good time with them and play for fun.

    In past, before all the problems caused, i have fairly and by rules developed my character up to high levels, and yes, that would be great if you guys allow me to use the character again.

    I accept all restrictions you find fair and also will accept a no as an answer.

    I will not share, try to sell or anything against the rules.

    I'm just here humbly asking for a 2nd chance to play in my old character. And all i can do is give you my word that nothing like the nightmare of trouble caused in the situation ure aware off will happen again with my envolvment.



  3. 1 played EL for 8 or more years unfortunately I was wrong to let someone log into my character, I have no intention of selling and letting a "friend" use it is something that is out of possibility for obvious reasons. My exclusive use only.


     2 Many of you who play (and yourself) remember the time I played and I've never had a problem with any rules until now.


    3 never break any rule until now (rule 8 yes my mistake)


    finally as mentioned above, it will be for my personal use I will change the password

    thanks Aislinn


  4. Hello.
    I stopped playing a few years ago and lent my character to a friend and he got banned for a known reason.
    I would like to play again and if possible recover my old character.

    yes i read rule 8, i am aware of the consequences and i will understand if i don't have a positive answer to my request.

    thank you for your attention


  5. entao tico aparentemente o que houve é que a porta 2000 foi bloqueada no firewall, tenta logar no test server que utiliza a porta 2001.


    caso consiga a unica forma de voce entrar no jogo nas proximas 2 semanas seria burlar o roteador vai proxy, e isso só atraves do learner que utiliza o endereço " proxy1.other-life.com 443" custa 5 dolares por mes.


    ou seja ou voce paga 5 pratas pro learner ou fica 2 semanas sem EL.


    ps: limpa a pasta de mp do forum da <TE>, nao consigo te enviar mp.





