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Posts posted by dns_server

  1. When they first implemented harvest events they where really seviere and had really high chances of hapening with them all about equal. For the first day it was posible to harvest anything (with equal chances of an event) to be hit with an event includeing 50hp (or was it 60) radon damage. It was especially bad for newbies that where harvesting lilacs who would be teleported to gumbadi panintula or KF and be instantly killed with no way of getting thair stuff back. Just about everyone complained from the top pk fighters down to all the harvesters and the effects where greatly reduced, initially removeing the pk maps then removeing teleporting to different maps altogether and just teleporting to a short range.


    Harveting events where introduced to catch people that use macroing to cheat, these are modified clients that send the commands automatically and are used to make essences for example by first harvesting then mixing and eating food. This has become verry effective and we still catch a lot of people that leave thair clients still active when they die and try and harvest ore while they are in hell.


    Something like this would never return as the effects are far to great for the community to accept but they still do tweak the system a little from time to time.

  2. how about we get organized about this and share these custom clotes etc between our guilds.

    Does anyone have any that they want to share with everyone? If you do lets put them together.

    Just put a zip file containing the mesh on your guild web server and we could create a simple tool to fetch them. How about a simple bash script, first it would contact a web page to download a master list containinig a list of URL's to the zip to the guild files. it would then go and download these files if they are newer and then extract the files to the correct directory.

  3. I'll defenately try and implement a /. or other feed reade but how to implement it in a way where people can add thair own feeds. If it is just /. it would be reletively easy, just maintain a list of people to notify but if i add the ability to add feeds to modify might make it a little more complex but i'll think about doing atleast a /. feed.


    i'm not shure about an admire command as it has the high possibility of being abused as the messages can contain anything. i would probly need to have some way of reporting abuseive messages.


    I like the idea of sending text messages but it would require a lot of work to implement as this is an international game and would need a bit of tweeking for each countries respective phone company.

    If you are willing to help me do something like this i would be greateful. the bot is GPL and avalable in the JELC project. doing something like that would be best to implement the 'Replyer' interface as this is what i use as an abstraction to allow the returing of results to several different backends.

  4. it currently you need to pm him with anything and he will say wether you have a mesasage, in a fiew days i will have hopefully written a service that monitors the online pages to see when they login/out and pm them.

  5. i really need to move iknow to use a database instead of lots and lots of flat files.


    One option that i could do is store the stats pages when i download them. if someone has privacy on it would check for a cached version and display just a combat level and state that it is most likely wrong.


    what the user would need to do is:

    #set_privacy off

    /iknow cacheme (or something as stupid)

    [PM from iknow: cached correctly] (or say that it failed)

    #set_privacy on



    Blame brom for the combat level :P he wrote it. Combat level is calculated with:



    If someone would like to make a suggestion for a better equation i would be happy to use it. This provides a good aproximate but is not extreemly acurate in determineing wether you could beat them and does not take into account magic level or summoning level. If someone has any idea's tell me, ie should you get a higher combat level if you are more likely to cast restore? or if you can summon fluffies? etc.

  6. [PM to iknow: help]

    [PM from iknow: My commands are:]

    [PM from iknow: msg message = sends a message to dns, if you want me to add a feature do this.]

    [PM from iknow: joker - displays top 10 people to find the joker(that i've seen)]

    [PM from iknow: msg message = sends a message to dns, if you want me to add a feature do this.]

    [PM from iknow: info - info about my bot]

    [PM from iknow: sing - let me sing to you]

    [PM from iknow: time - show the current el time]

    [PM from iknow: seen [name] - shows seen stats, or when i last saw that person]

    [PM from iknow: guild [tag] - shows who i have seen from your or the specified guild]

    [PM from iknow: stats NAME - shows combat statistics for the player]

    [PM from iknow: skills NAME - shows all skills for thaty player]

    [PM from iknow: on [guild] - shows who i have seen from that guild or your own guild]

    [PM from iknow: online

    • - shows who is online in that list (default is moderators)]

    [PM from iknow: online list - display possible lists for the above command]

    [PM from iknow: fortune

    • - displays a random fortune from a random or the specified category]

    [PM from iknow: fortune list - show a list of possible categories]

    [PM from iknow: friends - your friends online]

    [PM from iknow: friends add - add a friend to your list]

    [PM from iknow: friends del - remove a friend from your list]

    [PM from iknow: mail name - sends a message to the people, you can send to multiple by adding names space seperated]


    there is also 'mail get' to retrieve a list of messages, and 'mail read number' to read the message.

  7. As you probly know i'm the creator of the bot iknow. I would like to ask you what features you like, what features you don't like and what features you want me to implement.


    I've been buissy rewriteing the internals of my bot. i'm moveing from a system where information is stored in various places to a more structured system where there is an account object to centeralise all account settings. This will allow some customisation of my bot, where the user will be able to disable the mail system and add people to the list of blacklisted people to reduce possible abuse of the email system.


    The other significant change is i have made changes to allow for session-less communication. This has allowed for the implementation of multiple line messages to be sent as a sequence of messages and i plan to implement a proper email application where you can open a message then you can ether reply, delete etc based on that message.


    I also plan to implement a fiew more features such as games, i might add blackjack. If someone is willing to help me i might implement a quiz, i need someone to write a set of questions and answers.


    What features do you think that i should implement i would like features that should be reletively easy to implement and take a fiew hours to a week to implement. Remember to think inside the contstraints of the game, input is restricted to just text in the form of pm messages.


    Now back to what you can do. I need your feedback and how you can help. First tell me what features you like? what you don't? What features do you think it is missing? do you think it is easy to use? what is hard to use?

  8. Overall the idea of a coundown system is a good one but in my opinion the times need a lot of tweeking. i would suggest that no countdown should be more than 30 seconds with the average being around 10 seconds for each type. for example i think countdowns of fruit should be 30 or 20 seconds.

    Perhaps it might be better to reduce significantly the food countdown and increase the contdown for manufacturing items so they are more closely matched


    In my opinion it would be a good idea to compensate people for this extra work required in alchemy/crafting/manufacturing/potion makeing by ajusting the experience curves so it is easyer to gain levels. One of the percieved problems with the economy is there is too much mass production haveing a countdown system solves this by makeing it far slower to make items and therfore mass produce them but if you ajust the experience gained or ajust the curves so you require less experience there will not be as much of a need to mass produce these items. if implemented correctly it should allow people to spend an equivelent ammount of time gaining levels than before ths countdown system but removeing mass production of items,


    Think of the economy as a bath that is being filled with water and is about to overflow. there are two ways of stoping it you can ether turn the tap and slow the flow of money in curculation or you can pull out the plug and try and take money out of curculation. This reduces the flow of money and may increase the demand for items being bought from npc's if people turn to buying potions of feasting from mira. alternatly you ajust the experience system you will reduce the need for this mass production of items in the first place.

  9. i'm mainly a harvester and crafter and am around the top 50 in both (same level as others in the top 50 in harvest) and have worked on manufacturing and am going to work on potions when i gain a fiew more levels so i can buy the vegetal nexis.

  10. Overall it seems like a resonable idea.

    I would set it up as something like the United Nations and provide a forum for guilds and guild leaders to talk with eachother. It could be a forum where people can discuss and resolve conflicts between guilds for example.


    The group would not have any direct power but it could have some effect if members agree to a "code of conduct" that would promote better behavior between those guilds that agree. It could also be possible for members to agree on things like minimum prices for items.


    It is up to my guild wether the "EL Linux Community" (lnx) or who is the representative is up to the fellow guild leaders.

  11. The way that i would implement dueling is by makeing a map like the arena or perhaps the great hall of the magic school, there would be one or two npc's that are used to teleport you into the arena and out once the match is over. this would allow for an enlosed place for people to duel safely without haveing other people interacting.

  12. i finally have a working mail system.

    to send pm: /iknow mail send names seperated by spaces

    enter the subject line

    enter the message.

    end with a single line containing a single '.'



    /iknow mail get to check for messages

    /iknow mail read number to read messages


    it is not yet complete but it is atleast partially functional.

  13. yes i'm working on a mail system for iknow.

    you woud pm:

    /iknow mail send Brom ttlanhil -you can specify multiple people seperated by spaces

    [pm from iknow: Names are valid please specify the subject] - ie checks if the people exist, have not dissabled the email system and you are not on thair blacklist

    /iknow this is a subject name for the message

    [pm from iknow:you may now enter the contents of the message, to end send a single '.']

    /iknow hi my email system works

    /iknow it is cool

    /iknow .

    [pm from iknow: message sent]



    I currently have the input working as above and it stores the messages correctly but i still need a fiew more days of work before i will release it.

    I have been working on createing an account system to make it easyer for people to disable/enable parts of the bots like email and store more of the user data in a ceneral place and this has taken longer than expected.

    I will have it notify people that they have unread messages when you use iknow and i need to create a service that regularly parses the pages to see when people login.

    I also need to program mail reading, deleteing etc commands.

  14. Createing something to be easy to use is really hard to do.

    First it requires a bot to be written in a completely modular way so it is possible to mix and match several versions of the same code so this would mean that it would require someone to write the major parts of the bot several times so you have options. It also requres us to have ether a time machine, telepathy or some kind of future sight to think up all the ways that the bot would work in the way the user would want it.


    My bot is slowly evolveing into a more modular archatecture where each command is processed by a seperate module this allows me to add commands easyer.I'm working on createing sessionless communication to allow developing more interactive inputs, ie filling out a form where it asks for your name, email adress etc and am working on an email system to allow you to write letters that take up multiple lines.

    I'm also working on adding services such as account managment to allow things such as email to be personalised and add things like mail blacklists.


    I need to get interested and rewrite the networking code for my bot to fully implement the protacol. Currently my bot is pritty dumb it processes createing actors so it can extract names and guild tags and can chat but i should actually write most if not all the protacol. i have not goten the bot to trade with the new protacol yet and that was months ago that it changed.

  15. For the next war we probly need to be a little more organised with the bots.

    I would also like it so that you only get 1 or a limited set of lives say 3?


    The way that i would implement it wouldbe to have atleast 4 bots. perhaps with some haveing moderator privelages.

    There should be one in the underworld to count people as they die and notify people, perhaps nelson could be reserected?

    Then there would be 3 bots sitting on the entrance to watch for people re-entering the maps after they die and give one or all of them ranks as moderators so they can be demigod and not attackable and have permission to send people to the wraith if they have already died and are out of the game.


    The next war should also have a goal this could be a person being marked as a target that your team has to protect this could be a bot. There could be a person that you have to rescue this could be a moderator that you have to rescue by going into the enemy base and standing next to them and then escort them back to your base to score points makeing it sortof like a capture the flag idea.

  16. i'm involved in writeing a server for another game and am planning to create a really basic web browser for handleing just about everything. it will be used for npc's, books and item information, possibly in game player information etc.

    By useing something like this for npc's it should make it easyer to program and test npc's as they can be programed in any server side language like php but could be a bit more compex to implement this in el as the server is not database driven so manipulateing user data is a little more difficult.

  17. Incase the_antiroot cannot make it i will be the moderator for the contest unless another moderator wants to join me. it will be fun with demigod on (green name so don't attack me) and watch the slaughter :hiya:

  18. If it is just simple things like bones or raw meat and the player has decided to leave it i clean it up. but if the bag has an owner and contains anything of value i will make every effort to track down the owner of the bag. i will try and pm them and in most cases ether take the bag to beam, sit on it or take it where the person wants it.

    Some admins includeing me have a special command to see who the owner of the bag is (to spot bag spamming) so we can accurately dettermine who droped it.
