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Posts posted by Tauren

  1. Think about it. In the game, if you want to make fire essences. The only thing that you 'have' to buy is leather gloves. Even these can be made in due course, so the only thing that you than have to buy is 'leather' to make the gloves. Gold coin wise that is.


    Everything else in the above example can be made for 'free'. Time input into the game and you produce the goods. Which currently sell at 3 to 3.5 gold coins each. With a chance for making an EFE, which currently sell for around 7,000 gold coins each.


    Until there is some costs added too production. Then the economy will always been broken, in my view.


    A real life example is:


    You pay money for: house, food, bills, etc... So you 'need' to earn enough money for those first, before you can really do anything else. (Unless you like dept.)

    You seem to persist that time does not equal money. Everything in the game can be made for free if you work from scratch, therefore there is a broken economy. This is wrong.

    It is more like saying: 'You go out to buy a hatchet to chop down trees to use the logs to build your house. But even then, you could even make the hatchet yourself. So all you need to buy is the metal bit...'


    Everyone does 'earn' money for the produced items they ultimately have. Hardly no one goes out to create armours from pure scratch. If they did, you can consider them to be naturalists in a real life situation.

  2. Even though it's just theoretical at this point (unless Entropy enters and intervenes with the whole "I have the answer" quote :P) exp will still be received from combat at the a/d cap, but it will just refuse to pass the level 100 mark. So you will be stuck there with 0 exp left to reach level 101 etc. This means you can still gain oa exp.

    Just the way I perceived the cap from the beginning.

  3. Changed the break rate of the bronze sword to 1/25 (from 1/10)

    With my NMT perk that's, on average, ~100 swings until it breaks... i wouldn't call it "a few swings"


    ...but irrelevant of how many swings it lasts for, i simply don't agree with your argument. You're saying that just because the imbalance lasts only briefly, that makes it ok... i disagree.

    And why do you think Ent has made this change? Obviously because of the such high break rate, many players would rather save up for the therm serp or something nearly as powerful than spend many multiples of 20k's to have a few extra-strong swords that would break so often (considered as an expensive renting option).

    The NMT is irrelevant here as that is a bonus option if the fighter wants to take it. It also applies to the break rate of the therm serp so once again, lets leave that out of here :)

    Power isn't the only thing that plays a role here. The swords are also chosen based on their visual appeal, and the therm serp beats that to the punch hands down.


    And how could I possibly persuade you to agree with me that the imbalance that lasts only for a short period is worth having in the game. I guess I can't because it all depends on what your views are and what you value. Of course it also depends on which end to the sword you've been on and how you've experienced handling the sword as well. Being killed many times to the bronze sword and having it break after the first two shots in your hand would make anyone lose their morale and loyalty to the sword :P


    My choice still stands, the stats are ok the way they are.

  4. Once you use a bronze sword in battle, more than likely it will be lost after a few minutes of combat. Many wouldn't bother with this sword because - even though it is cheap compared to the therm serp - the likelihood that it wont live to see the light of day is enough to turn their heads right away from it.

    IMO the bronze sword is good the way it is, and if you are up to the cost of destroying one for a few swings of it, then by all means use it and take advantage of its beneficial damage infliction.

  5. Most people play for more than an hour at a time, so if they're watching @3 they'll see the ad. And they don't need to see it very many times per day to know what sort of stuff a bot has.

    Agreed, once per hour per bot is reasonable.

    Reminder for the bot owners: The idea is not to spam @3 as this will cause players to start ignoring bots, deeming your ads worthless. As trade bots begin to flourish and chat becomes more unbearable, be considerate, lower the time between ad posts.

  6. On the advertising note, i don't think any bot advertising is needed. If the bot is put in an area like VotD, people will see it anyway, and bot owners can always advertise their own bots.

    What if the owner has added a new stock of items to its bot? Yes the players know the bot is there, but probably wouldn't bother trying an /bot inv because they've already seen that it doesn't sell anything they want. Advertising is not a nuisance, if those few bot messages in @3 really annoy you, just ignore them...

  7. Fun is the main goal for some that play games.

    Exactly. Many believe that the only purpose for playing a game is to be the best. Sure, this can be a great feeling, but not many can honestly say they are one of the top players in EL. For those that aren't the best - which is most of you - frankly, you need to accept that you most likely wont become the best, since you cannot find the time to play 24-7, and aren't a long time veteran.


    Now if you can accept the reality of the situation, and stop being so uptight about it, just chillax... throw up a chair, grab yourself $5 and play here.

    Oh may I remind you that contrary to main server, it IS possible to eventually be the best fighter in pk server, without the need for pure hardcore activity.

  8. Well, for someone that is moving (to someone else's perspective) - the person moving ages slower than the viewer. As the person moving approaches the speed of light, this phenomenon is more easily observable and the effects are more dominant.

    Now as for whether the person moving is "freezing in time" or the person not moving is "speeding through time" has me completely dumbstruck :P
