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Everything posted by Daxon

  1. Top 50 list

    50 is better.. maybe top 100 when player limit reaches 800+ or something.
  2. Mitch3 - Steer clear of him

    Looks like Tinkerbell has a couple more aliases. Went silent then.. I was particularly surprised why he told him to 'ask daxon.' I don't know the brat and I'd never approve of him if he thinks that. Stupid little boy. Can't he be banned just for making a lot of sub. chars that he's probably trading scammed items off to his main one?
  3. Pig Skin Death Burka

    Just one thing. The only reason our presidents don't go to prison for their actions is because it'll make the country look bad to have a former president jailed for actions in office. It's just tradition for us (and probably for a lot more countries) to have the next president pardon the former one. Only deal with that is that sometimes, the people don't agree to it and the current president takes a hard blow to reputation. (I.e., Ford & Nixon. Ford's rep. took such a slash as to mostly cause him losing to Carter)
  4. Result War With Rich

    You're joining for the wrong reason then.
  5. crappyandrew10

    This outlaw has already been posted before.
  6. Cash Drain Ideas

    Then prices would be easy to keep up with. () I think the better idea here is to get prices lowered with a lower money supply than having everything inflated through the roof, behindthemask. I'd rather be buying FEs for 1gc each than 15gc each when they are worth the same (on different monetary scales). In this game, it's deflation and that deflation is costing certain skills some serious pain (looked at the crafters lately?)
  7. Unicorns

    Well, maybe having a reputation/karma system in would really subside this (having negative karma can lower your skill abilities while a positive helps them out). Unicorn killing should kill that karma.
  8. Cash Drain Ideas

    And that's what they need to target next -- lowering the ridiculously high selling prices for flowers.
  9. Complaints About Rich

    Well, that IS what you have implied about your guild.
  10. logging into the forums...

    Same problem as you Roja, but like CK, mine has no apparent pattern.
  11. Player Owned Houses

    Derin.. it can have harvestables.. but you have to make the map non-harvestable via the .def file.
  12. Rat/coal cave map bug

    Map Bug Reports
  13. Map Editor Bug :(

    Well, the 'blended' objects for my map only make it look tacky in minimap mode. Otherwise, I can't see them causing a problem.
  14. A joke

    Rofl, smart dad.
  15. Multiple PK's and particle editor

    Which little box?
  16. Multiple PK's and particle editor

    I actually had an idea how to make a functional waterfall, assuming there was a 3d water tile. (But that's probably complicated as the water also moves, etc.) As for making certain areas PKable, that is supposed to be in the works. If they even finished it yet is beyond me. Oo
  17. Vacation?

    You're welcome to move away at any time.
  18. ps3 rumor

    From something roughly estimated to be 1% as smart as a human brain (think about how intelligent that truly is), you can expect it to host more than just Linux at the same time. :\
  19. micheal jackson is not guilty.

    Knew this like 10 hours ago.. Most of the charges on him were just he says/she says, although I thought it was particularly peccant for him to be acquitted on the charge of giving alcohol to minors. I'd find it very likely for a civil suit or something of the sort to follow this.
  20. testing maps

    .. ? You don't really have to test the height mapping. :/ Just.. check. Press tab if you have to. Black out the 3d icon and look and see if there are any loose height maps out in the null section of your map (if you have null sections).
  21. Monster Invasions

    Was mowing outside.. the whole time. Missed every single one myself.
  22. TheFraglord

    But they're just so tempting..
  23. RESET get rid of it

    Those five pickpoints at creation come from you having 3/3 a/d. The experience from those two combined gives you the 5 OA. When you reset, you don't lose those 5 OAs. You just have to regain something around 500-600 exp to get those back.
  24. some suggestions

    I was actually hoping they might remove it completely, perk and cape. Oo Or atleast make it where, on certain maps, it doesn't work. The systems are going to be undergoing renovation.. perhaps they will add a ton of things. More of them are coming. Roja has already stated that plenty of times. From what I can tell (and I can tell ), the mapmaking is starting to finish up in some spots, but like any other person can tell you, it may be a good while. Can't predict things like this. It's also a matter of using up a lot of time. You try building a semi-decent 64x64 or larger map. Skill renovation.. I'm sure they have something planned to change about this too. Be patient.
  25. Vacation?

    Did you tear the belt? Oo Hello Mr. Future-Engine-Damage-Repairs-Landing-In-At-A-Whoppin-$1500+.