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Posts posted by Suskie

  1. i was sitting at the beam during an invasion an noticed that there was a few healers, and ALOT of players with 5hp, i thought a healing ward or area effect healing spell would come in handy, say it uses 5-10HE's or like i read in another suggestion a enriched health essence and a few magic essences, and say it lasts for 1-5 minutes, and heals 10-20 health per 5-20 seconds, and affects an area of 10x10 squares? so anyone within that area would be healed while the ward lasted?


    feedback please :)

  2. Im posting this because.. i know me and alot of other PKers etc.. love NCa.. alot more then KF and im sure that if we made a poll they would change nca no drop instead of KF in no time.. although it is a small map.. it has had the most memorable fights.. atm KF isnt that fun, most ppl dont enter at the chance of getting ganked. with NCa they have a chance.. anyways enough blabbering


    what does everyone think?




  3. ive been watchin this thread for a while and since i cant access the OL forums i was wondering if you could post and update here for me?

    O-L is currently on hold because too much time had been taken up in RL. I want to get back to it soon, but lots of things keep coming up and the next step I'll have to be able to really focus on it for a while with few distractions.



    ok, thanks for the update on whats been happening, if i have some spare money soon i might make a donation.

  4. i got this idea that we bring a new plant into the game when radu mentioned his "job field" , cucumbers, which you harvest and can eat, for like 5 food points, whatever but, if your an alcher you can make cucumber juice.


    Cucumber>Cucumber Juice, Cucumber Juice Restores 20 Health & 20 Mana (expensive to buy and require a high level to make) not to mention the 1/10 chance to get sick (poisoned) no one likes drinking cucumber juice :)


    just a quick idea



    and please no negative feed back, i get emotionally hurt easy :D
