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Everything posted by Roman

  1. DPA King Contest

    Ok guys i have been doing some advertising loads of #ig and pming people, but still we need like another 8 or 9 people, i will let you enter with your alt if your alt if you want. SIr_exeus im sorry i think the time will have to stay the same. But good news is Bigshock28 has generously offered to donate a MoL.
  2. DPA King Contest

    I think the time will have to stay at 2:00pm NZ time. I might change it still, but its only fair if the majority want a time change from 2:00pm NZ time. Btw Peeves please tell Bones this contest is on cause hes a favourite to win. So far this is who I have entered, please tell me if this is wrong or you can't make it. Shujral Eden Peeves Sir_Exeus Blox
  3. DPA King Contest

    Thanks guys i'll change the time to maybe 2:00pm NZ time, so thats 9:00 for you guys and make sure you get the right date for the contest.
  4. Owners trading with bot

    I was thinking about the whole Ip trading thing.
  5. King of DPA Contest

    No interest in it sorry.
  6. Hi my ingame name is Arrow, I'm wanting to know what other EL players are from NZ, cause i'ld love to get in touch. SO far i know of Gildrig, Sodpaz, Happey, Lowdwarf(my brother) and myself (Arrow). If theres any others let me know ingame or on the forum. Maybe we could make a guild so or something, where we can bitch about Australians betting us in rugby lol.
  7. Delete Unused Characters

    I am thinking of getting a name change, i was pming names to gossip to see if they had been taken. One name that appealed to me was Shadow, but it was already taken by a character that had only ever been used once and hadnt logged on for 403 days. Is there a way i can get the name Shadow.
  8. The *HH* guild is auctioning 15k of Titanium Bars. Auctioning begins at 40gcs a bar. If interested contact Lordscrooge or Sexydevil ingame or on the forum. Auction closes in 24 hours from when this was posted.
  9. HI im looking for graveyard, his name isnt graveyard on the pk sevrer, so can someone give me his name on the pk server? Cheers
  10. Could I please have Drujen back

    My character Drujen got banned approx. 6 months a go. I have since then learnt the consqeunces of my actions and promise to be a better player. I have since started a successful debating contest and have became friends with ladybea since man_of_legend incident (I also still stand by story for that). I have been honest and true with holding my competition on the events forum, which I think helps my case. Yet again i'm sorry for the stupid mistakes drujen made. Could please have him back.
  11. Could I please have Drujen back

    I have apogisied and made up for my actions. I have done the crime, paid the time and now i'm asking for a second chance.
  12. Could I please have Drujen back

    Ty Sir_Exeus. And I tried to get pookies in trouble because when i asked if I could be allys with pkg he just basically told me and my guild are pathetic. I realise revenge was the right thing and it wasn't a funny joke thats why im asking for my character back., I swear i will never do any thing like that again. Please could i have drujen back. I made the Drujen brother thing up ok. And looking through the ban forum I can understand why you would be annoyed that used the old blame the brother exuse but I still believe im a good player and person. As I said I'm sorry and promise never to it again more than happily do EL community service or have a storage wipe on drujen.
  13. Could I please have Drujen back

    Can't remember but I think I did it as a joke to get back at pookies for bullying me.
  14. The NEW PK server...lol

    Lost Excavator cloak found a cutlass its all good
  15. Whats happened to PKG?

    Where has PKG gone to they used to be everywhere pking, fighting, chatting but now you never see them since that whole merge with *CO* thing. Not to be nosy but I would like to know whats the story?
  16. Debating Contest #2

    Hey Everyone, This weeks Debating moot is "Should level for being a guildmaster be raised". The prize for best debator is 1000 Iron ores.
  17. Debating Contest 1#

    Hi welcome to the first proper EL debate. The moot is "Was there point in bringing out the engineering skill". Feel free to state your opionion and point in an apporiate manner. The prize for best Debater is 1000 Fire Essences. So go ahead start agruing!
  18. Debating Contest 1#

    Congratulations Usl and to all Debators. Usl meet me ingame to collect your prize of 1000 FEs. For next weeks in debate there is 1000 iron ores up for grabs.
  19. Debating Contest

    Hi this week's moot is "Should No more tears(NMT) cloaks be breakable". Everyone feel free to state your opionion, you can do so several times without being repeative. State wheather you are affarmitve or negative, then you opionion. A judge will decide which side had the best the agruement and award them the prize. There will also be a best Debater prize given each week. So go ahead have a go. This contest will be held on the forum not at WS town hall.
  20. Debating Contest

    Well done Learner! There will be a new debating topic on a new forum page now.
  21. Debating Contest

    Jumpy the debate is going to be held on this forum not the WS town hall anymore. Feel free to say your opionion.
  22. I prupose that we organise debates (Im more than willing to be chairperson), its chance for EL players to have a bit of entertainment from other players and to use and there brains and typing skills. A debte works by having 2 teams of 3 people. There is a topic or more commonly called the moot (Moderators of adims might like to chose). The team that is for the moot is called the affarmative and the team that is againist the moot is called the negative. The first speaker of the affarmtive (A1) comes up defines what the moot means and says why the moot is right. N1 comes up and dis/agrees to the moot, then stats his opionion and why. A2 then agrues what the neagtive is said and says why the moot is right. This carries on until all speakers have said there opinion. Finally N1 comes up and does a leaders reply adn sums up the debate (no new information can be used). A1 does the same. Th judges decide who wins the debates and thus the debate is over. It would be good if soemone sent a global meessage across saying to people to pm Roman if they want to deabte and i can organise the rest.
  23. What was your first guild?

    KoS but its hard to get your opinion across in it because so many ppl
  24. A dragon not meant to be

    There are some really talented story writers in this game i reckon a few should almost consider short story writing for a living.