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Everything posted by Vegar

  1. thanks It's a branch of destruction.
  2. Currently it's always there, but that can be changed if you want.
  3. No. The input cursor can only be moved when the mouse is within the input widget's area.
  4. Windows Compilation Guide

    You're missing a file. C:/Dev-Cpp/include/ogg/os_types.h:38:26: _G_config.h: No such file or directory
  5. cal3d refresh bug

    I can commit it if Placid can confirm that it is unbreakable.
  6. cal3d refresh bug

    Is there a missing {, or is the indenting misleading? - destroy_all_actors(); - our_actor.our_model=NULL; + if(our_actor.our_model->calmodel!=NULL) + CalModel_Delete(our_actor.our_model->calmodel); + our_actor.our_model->calmodel = CalModel_New(actors_defs[our_actor.race].coremodel); + + // Attach the Meshes.
  7. Using 24 bpp bitmaps for maps

    I don't think having 24-bit bitmap support would hurt. The patch looks great.
  8. cal3d refresh bug

    The character creation screen destroys the actor and recreates it.
  9. XML rendering error

    The config window is like this too, so it must be a window manager issue. Edit: The bug is in the bounds checking in draw_window(). When you move the encyclopedia window towards the bottom of the window, the bounds checking will move the child window (the current opened tab) out of position. Edit2: The easiest solution would be to disable bounds checking on borderless windows. These windows can't be moved anyways, so the bounds checking is pointless.
  10. New spells interface

    An octet is an eight-bit byte. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octet_%28computing%29
  11. Chat interface modifications

    I cleaned up chat.c a bit, moved some code around, made some cosmetic code changes, made the scrollbar show up only when needed, made the scroll wheel work in the whole window. http://dev.sunscream.net/el-patches/chat.c.diff I'll commit the patch later today.
  12. Saving server to client bandwidth?

    which is extremely annoying
  13. More compact inventory

    /* Prototype added to prevent warnings on most compilers, I call show_items_handler(window_info*) from display_items_handler(window_info*) to redraw the window, so when I select/unselect the compact_inv_window option, the window is redrawn properly */ Wouldn't it be easier to do it like this (in elconfig.c)? void change_compact_inv(int *var) { change_var(var); if(get_show_window(items_win)) { show_window(items_win); } } <snip> add_var(BOOL,"compact_inv_window","uci",&compact_inv_window, change_compact_win, 1, "Compact inventory window", "Use a more compact inventory window",MISC);
  14. More compact inventory

    Can you make the floating quantities only appear when the quantity has been shortened? Compile warnings: items.c: In function `display_items_handler': items.c:496: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code items.c:508: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code trade.c: In function `display_trade_handler': trade.c:113: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code trade.c:121: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code and please, indent your code.
  15. Signedness warnings (linux, gcc 4)

    It does. Don't use gcc 4 if you don't like warnings.
  16. Patch: Dynamic Scrollbars in XML Windows

    The patch looks good, but it slows the loading a lot. Can't this loop in ReadXML() be optimized? 500 is a bit much. for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
  17. gl_init.c/h opengl capabilities suggestion

    C99 has bool (stdbool.h).
  18. Ignore List Bug

    Patch commited.
  19. [patch] side stats bars

    I have a question. Why do you assign the values to new variables before passing them? baselev = your_info.attack_skill.base; cur_exp = your_info.attack_exp;
  20. which defines don't we need?

    Fixed in CVS.
  21. Chat interface modifications

    Does the patch depend on getting the channels in some predefined order?
  22. Chat interface modifications

    Can you do that? It pollutes elmemory.log and makes it harder to track down memory leaks.
  23. Chat interface modifications

    snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/languages/%s/strings/channels.txt", datadir, lang); is not working on win32 systems and where are you free()ing this? + ||((entry->description = malloc(strlen(desc))) == NULL) + ||((entry->name = malloc(strlen(name))) == NULL)){ in tab_special_click() + for(;step->next != NULL;++listlen){ + step = step->next; + } wouldn't it be easier to use chan_name_queue->elements instead of counting the nodes?
  24. Chat interface modifications

    May I ask what this is supposed to do? - if (use_windowed_chat == 1) - display_tab_bar (); - else if (use_windowed_chat == 2) + if (use_windowed_chat == 2) display_chat (); + LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_blue1, "This is a _Custom_Client_. Date of CVS and the patch numbers can be found in #ver");
  25. which defines don't we need?

    Would anyone mind if I made ATI_9200_FIX a runtime option? (looks like there's room for one more checkbox in the advanced video tab)