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Everything posted by bugabear

  1. WTS: Magic Removal Stone

    I'll end this tonight when I get home from work. So about 10hrs from now. Thanks!
  2. Unusual problem...with ALT key?

    This happens to me often. I run in windowed style and as I alt-tab b/t windows I can't F1 restore and have to hit the Alt key to release it. Or if I'm typing to someone I will enable range-lock, turn mini map on/off, health bars, names on/off, hit Enter and suddenly Video changes will take effect next time you restart and you'll be in fullscreen mode. I've come close to dying but never actually have, PHEW! I'm on XP pro fyi.
  3. Felk's mule services

    50k Wine please :~)
  4. Selling Iron Ore

  5. Selling Iron Ore

  6. Selling Iron Ore

  7. Selling Iron Ore

  8. Selling Iron Ore

  9. Selling Iron Ore

  10. Selling Iron Ore

  11. DOA is recruiting

    Best of luck to you and DoA :~) ~hugz~n~ROAR~
  12. Auction of 150k Silver Ore

    365k ~bug
  13. Removal Stones - where did you find one?

    Inorganic Removal at PV dung :~)
  14. New Website testing

    It looks wonderful so far... just a few spelling things I found on first glance :~) On the License page http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/license.txt '5. If something goes bad with this game (ie. it doesn't work on your computer, it crashes your computer, it kills your GF/BF/cat/familly/etc. it is not our fault, and you agree NOT to sue us.)' family '9. If something happenes with' happens On the page http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/manual.php Alternatively, you can right click until the cursor changes to that icon, then click on the item with that icon to preform the action. perform On the page http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/developers.php ks_copy,www.miseryincorporated.com 2D concept art: Chimeran wolves, statues, misc. buildings & tombstonesm. just an extra letter here? Sid Barnhoorn, info@sidbarnhoorn.com, www.sidbarnhoorn.com I compose mainly for films but also games and other multimedia. My compositional styles range from orchstral to rock/metal to electronic/ambience to ethno and Jazz orchestral On page http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/donations.php Please support us by donating a small ammount, that will be used exclusively for amount The more you donate, the more work we can put into the game, pay for our food, advertising, etc. So, if you have the posibility, please do it! possibility On page http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/download.php • Also, please make sure you have a harware accelerated video card, with at least 32 MB of video memory, that supports at least OpenGL 1.3 natively. hardware
  15. new quest ?

    Good to know, I had someone asking me but I didn't know either... many thanks. ~bug
  16. Selling some Flowers Animal stuff

    I will buy all of the following... not in game until later tonight, I will contact you via private message for further info. Thanks! ~bug
  17. New Ring

    Not a bad idea for a crafting skill bump to the game... perhaps if not Irsis then Zirakinbar as Irsis is easily accessible from there. Khalai makes a good point, EVTR is fairly close by. I don't believe Irsis is as rarely used as it would appear, not that it's a happening hot spot but I'm sure it has its fair share of visitors on Daily business. I guarantee Derzelas does his fair share of business regularly...
  18. The Fast Giant Breeding Program(tm)

    Good invasion Usl... iirc you had 3 basic maps going for diff lvls but no actual caps. Then added anotehr map or two later. Good mix of creatures in EP, hawks thrown in are always a nice touch (turning darkside on us Usl?) Tried my hand at AA but just couldn't handle the chims alone. Also, you kept everyone on their toes with the bordering maps could be invaded comment...no one knew what was or wasn't, going to be safe. Keep them guessing I say ~hugz~
  19. 100 k Blue Quartz

    201k /bugabear
  20. Trust is everything and NOT gold coins

    Good song! PS. This is my 6000th post. Pity it will get removed 'cos of lack of any sense in the context of this thread. Hell, spam 4tw! Congrats Vanyel!!!
  21. Junk Sale

    Will take all listed below. Won't be in game until much later though, will pm you. Thanks. /bugabear
  22. The Happy little golden Cockatrice.

    looks like there were 9 eggs and only 7 seem to have been found, is my math correct?
  23. The Happy little golden Cockatrice.

    ELE (finally!) You are in Willowvine Forest [193,251] ty :~)
  24. All SkillZ FTW!!!

    2k Wheat @ .50ea and 4k HE @ 7ea total 29k gc Thanks! /bugabear
  25. The Happy little golden Cockatrice.

    Fore~ You are in Willowvine Forest [37,349] Serpent stone :~)