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Everything posted by Itami

  1. How Do I Take A Screenshot?

    alt+Print Screen to take the image. Open an image program like Paint or photoshop. Hit ctrl+v(paste). edit and save image as you see fit.
  2. Banned

    YOU have done nothing wrong other then spam the forum incessantly. Your ISP is blacklisted. That means all the IP address from that ISP are banned, if you had ever bothered to read any of the replies on your previous threads you would know this. If you have a static IP address it can be whitelisted, another thing you would know if you ever actually bothered to read replies instead of just repeating the same idiotic whine about not spamming and creating new threads to repeat said whine(which is spamming).
  3. Banned

    someone doesn't under the concept of black listed ISPs and how not to spam a forum. At this rate you're going to stay banned.
  4. Pimpslord Banner

    for firefox there's always the right click and select "open in a new tab" option as well.
  5. Perk Question

    When you click the specific perks in the Wraith's dialouge window it gives you a little blurb on what they do and the option to take it or not.
  6. Godless

    I like Godless. Before the big server crash over the summer i did the Def God quest and it wasn't worth the hastle. I'm much happier to have the pickpoints then the piddling exp bonus you recieve after giving them hordes of expenise stuff.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems part of the problem with people using macros to harvest is that they can earn huge amounts of exp and become bloated, uber characters very quickly. Instead of adding weird random punishments to those who harvest since this will only drive away players in the long run, how about changing how harvesting functions? 1.) Eliminate harvesting as a skill altogether and make it so it doens't give any exp. Instead make everything equally harvestable but add more books to balance it out. Keep a few basic things like fruit, veggies and flowers generically harvestable. Everything else takes a book and possibly add a new tool for more advanced items like metal ores that are semi-rare or expensive. And keep the nexus requirements for various items. 2.) Keep harvesting the way it was(a skill) but make it so none of the exp earned goes towards OverAll levels. Harvesting stays it's own thing. 3.) Only half the harvest exp earned counts towards OA lvl. But all of it still counts towards harvest skill. Well it's just a thought anyway. Thanks for reading.
  8. What Can I Do?

    Well I'll do my best to chrun out a truckload of potions for you by this weekend after I do my homework.
  9. Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

    Sorry to see you go, your skills and contributions to the game will be missed for sure. I was never trying to sound bitchy about game changes as most never really bothered me. I and many others try out best to offer constructive critisism about things that bother us. Things that we feel could make the game unsuccessful in the long run since I(and many more) want nothing more then for this game to be the very best it can be and to be successful. Wind to thine wings. May whatever you go on to do in the mean time I wish you the best of luck. =D
  10. What Can I Do?

    What sort of potions do you need? I can make all of them =D
  11. It isn't the best idea sure, but to many it's better then being instantly killed for harvesting 20 fruit. At least we're thinking of ideas, if you have nothing to contribute other then empty critisism then don't bother posting.
  12. Even if no one bothers to read this I'm adding my two cents on what should be changed: --teleporting should be reduced, and PK maps should not be included --instant kills for harvesting should be removed --huge hp smacks should be either reduced or removed --tool breakage isn't a bad idea but perhaps it's chance should be reduced slightly. Or new less breakable kinds of pickaxes are introduced. And perhaps some sort of control mechanism can be added so that instead of smashing people who just started harvesting it hits people who've been harvesting for like 10-20 mins or have harvested large quantities. And perhaps have the chance and punishment reduced or made proportional to the person's total HP and harvesting lvl. Now the concept of light HP slaps and a little random beaming is a pretty clever way to deal with macroing. It does take the mononity out of harvesting as well. But instantly killing people is bad and will only drive away valid players till only the fighters are left. Well that's my two cents.
  13. Randoming killing, hurting and beaming people who harvest is a terrible terrible idea. How many people need to harvest and go it legitly for their trade compared to the number who macro? What about the newbies who just learned to harvest silver and are busily harvesting away when poof they're sent to a pk map and loose everything? Adding such uncontrolled negative events is going to cause a lot more problems then it will solve. Sure it'll stop or slow macroing but it will also drive away tons and tons of players. Now a little random beaming to NON-PK maps or small hp hits after some condition is met like x amount successfully harvested or so many minutes without a map change or movement. But killing someone for harvesting 20 quartz is just stupid. I was killed and nearly lost my brand new excavator cape. Lucky me i found my bag. But really this is a terribly stupid idea. But if your goal was to drive away everyone who ever liked this game, then congratulations, just leave this server patch on for a week and no one will be playing.
  14. Banned Before Playing?

    Read the pinned topics.
  15. Simple requests. -Make all potions stackable. I think it's kinda silly to only have some of them stackable and some not. If you're worried about players having too many BRs or something just make them heavier then 1emu. -Make all furs stackable. Why is it deer fur is stackable when fox fur is not? Deer fur is larger and heavier, this is another thing that never seemed to make sense to me. -This may exsist and i've never figured it out but how about a keyboard command for sitting/standing. like ctrl+i is inv. how about ctrl+s makes you sit or something similar.
  16. Fluffy Drops

    At the very least fluffy should drop white rabbit fur.
  17. Sounds good to have the wraith or something teach newbs. Without just dumping them right into one of the busiest channels. Though probably one of the first things it should say is how ot join and talk in channels along with how to change your screen res so the chat text doesn't take up so much space. =D
  18. Hell~!

    perhaps non-hostile monsters, but normal skeletons would attack most of the people who die and prevent them from ever leaving. And never getting to escape it would really suck.
  19. I try to have rather high carry capacity as most good potions require heavy things like Quartz or ore and it's much simpler to harvest in bulk and make in bulk. Now if only i could trade/sell in bulk. And customers get so pissy when i can't trade another 30 in less then 45seconds(impatient bastards) OK if stackabilty is a no go how about adding an extra row the inventory window?
  20. I don't get PK'ed as i rarely go into PK maps, on the rare occasions i do go in i go naked so i'm not worth killing. Like I said the potions could be made heavier. As a potion maker it's rather hard to make speedy sales of more then 20 of the stupid things because they don't stack. And bag trading though i havne't been scammed before isn't that great of an idea and people when they buy the potions get insanely impatient. You wanted suggestion, i gave my two cents, i never said you had like them.
  21. Heaven Idea

    How are we sinning if we get attacked by a goblin while mining gold. And it isn't hell, it's just the underworld. It's just called hell by many players for lots of reasons. I call it hell because it's boring and hell is shorter then underworld and I'm lazy. In many cultures/stories/myths the place you go when you die is the underworld which often has subsections for those who are good and those who are bad. The EL underworld is just a neutral place for you to go when you die so no heaven is needed.
  22. What Once Was?

    I think it would be a good idea to include a short ingame tutorial place for new characters. Though perhaps with an option to skip over/repeat it so people who skipped it can do it again or old players who know everything already but want a new character can just skip it since they know the basics. I don't know about anyone else, but as much as I like helping it does get very tiresome to have to answer the same really simple questions over and over, like how do I eat? How do i equip stuff?
  23. Petoria Banned

    I walked through beam a few times to hear Petoria ranting and spamming. It was incrediably obnoxious. Though I figured Roja would take care of him as she was standing right there. Thoug I think there were some worse things then got included in the chatlog, but maybe you were AFK during them Roja? A local mute would be great. Would stop so much spamming.
  24. Black listed ISPs list

    Can't ban the abusers from Bell because of their dynamic IPs. Therefore the entire ISP was banned for good reason.
  25. I Got Banned For No Reason.

    First off, learn to read pinned topics when you go to forums. Second your ISP is most likely black listed. If you have a static IP then they can white list it for you. If not then your outta luck.