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Posts posted by groomsh

  1. maybe some screen shots or something... layout of the city we need to protect... do the waves come from more then one side(would be cool) have not played in a few months but this idea is sweet sounding

    The map were you have to protect the city is the same as isalrith and you have to ensure, that no monster enters the fort.

    Monsters are spawned outside the fort and roam the map, so it is possible to hunt them to an extent, but you must ensure that there will be somebody protecting the fort if some monsters appear there. It is a good idea to use snares to hold the monsters (like a last resort to prevent them to enter).

    From what i heard the monsters position check is made on every minute change. So if a monster enters the fort, you have few seconds to kill it before you lose the instance.

    If i'll be able to enter an instance, i'll take and post some screenshots ;)

  2. Would help you get a good team to pick from, I noticed a lot of the lower level "invances" had "tanks" with bad stats or a dps with insufficient gear dying constantly.

    Weren't there only 120+ invances so far? (or you mean on test ?)

    But yeah, if people like, they can add their stats ...

  3. If you are interested in the new invance (invasion instance) and are in range 80-99 please post here your in game name and what time would you usually be able to participate.

    (List will be updated)

    Please check your time >> here << and write the timezone info (it's the row under the current date), it will make it much easier to create a team :medieval::bow_arrow::mace:


    Groomsh: 19:00 - 01:00 (Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC)

    Tosh: 12:00-16:00 GMT in week, and depends in week-end

    Gwaew: evening in the Central European Summer Time - no earlier than 20:00 (as a pure ranger)

    spiderPYE: 21:00 onwards most every day (GMT)

    Lillaka: mostly on between 13:00 and 24:00 GMT

    Terminetor: any time (for next 2 months)

    Szmytek: any time during 27,28,29.06.2011

    RedDevil: Mostly anytime :)

    Krlc: anytime (GMT +1)

  4. Hi,


    so we got 3rd 120+ instance now ...

    I was wondering why not the other ones and thought something is needed before it is run.

    Then i was told by a friend that you (Radu) asked on channel @6 if there are people for 100-120 instance and that after no response you started 120+ instance...


    Well i know LOT of people who don't have @6 open and would gladly go into this instance.

    Would it be possible to somehow announce them in other way then on channel 6 ?

    Maybe a forum topic/poll or something ? It would be sad if you (Radu) would gain the feeling that other players then 120+ have no interest in these instances.

  5. I think this might be your problem Aitor. You do have to reopen storage to deposit materials. You can't just leave the storage open and hit STO ALL. I have tried that in previous times and it does not work.. (if you know how to get it to work, I would like to know :)).

    It works. I harvest with opened storage most of the time (if i harvest something that is on a map with storage NPC outside - like for example cotton in PV). You have to stay on the same map tho (storage window is closed on a map change).

  6. For the ‘less chance of stopping’ while mixing I would instead suggest an item similar how the “Point Defense” item is instead, high level to make but low ingredients needed, stackable and gone with each use.

    I don't think this would be a usable solution. At least as i see it, i'd click few times more instead of having to have some items which lower my EMU while mixing (3 EMU from a medallion is ok)...

  7. Don't forget, that with every new special day introduced, be it either bad, good or neutral, the chances for all other special days to occur are lowered.

    I haven't seen some special days in months.

    I think we already have enough special days.

    Well i think that depends on server side implementation ...

    No idea if Radu said how it works, but if it's like:

    1. roll the dice and decide if it's a special day

    2. if it's a special day, roll a dice to decide whether it's a positive, negative or neutral day (does not need to be evenly distributed probability)

    3. roll a dice to get the actual special day of the rolled type

    Then the chance to get a certain good special day is always the same (of course it's changed when you add more positive days) ...

    But this is of course just a guess :)

  8. With recent addition of new positive days, it would be good to add some more bad/neutral days to even the chance.

    Here are some that could bring interesting situations (all are magic related) ;)


    Day of no magic.


    Today the moon position is interfering with the magic channels of Draia.

    Therefore it's not possible to cast any spells or use any magic device (rings).


    Day of wild magic.


    Experiments in Tarsengard magic school have caused an unfortunate side effect.

    All spell invocations result in random spells being cast, possibly harming the caster.


    Day of chaos.


    Our scientists have traced a planar being traveling across Draia, causing interferences in planar travel.

    Today all teleportation magic (spells and rings) end in random locations.

  9. My concern was that the only team to go up against will be a team of pr0s. You could deny fighting that pr0 team if you are a newbie PK team but will there be another suitably leveled team to play against? I'm not sure if others had different concerns.

    Well i don't think there will be a big problem to find let's say 6-8 people for this instance - not if you're not a total *** :D

    Also, if you decide who you fight with and against, it's your rules and your instance "setup"... This is what i like about the idea, because i don't care much about PK in overall, but it would be fun to make some friendly fights without interference of some ebul pr0's :P.


    This is also completely different from gathering people for PvE instances - there are a/d rules enforced by server and also your #ii must be ok, you need to have a rosto (or more), you need good equip etc etc etc ...

    • Player made teams. You join a guild (can join/leave whenever you want, subject to the GM approval).
    • One guild challenge another, and when that happens each guild can see the other guild overall PK strength.
    • If the other guild accepts the challenge, they go to an NPC which teleports them to an instance.


    From this i thought there you'll be able to form more then two guilds/teams (what would make sense if Radu was thinking about tournaments).

    Taking this into account, i really don't get the argument about fighting a team of pr0's (or the lack of interest in entering an instance because the fear of always fighting against team of pr0's)...

    If you can chose a team you want to fight against (i understood it this way from 2nd and 3rd quoted point) then i don't get the whole hype about always fighting a team of pr0's...

    Or did i get something wrong ?
