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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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Posts posted by goatsgomoo

  1. In the Terms & Conditions, they say they are 100% advertiser supported. And they ask for your email address.

    (a) Gratis Internet does not guarantee that a user will receive credit for an offer. We reserve the right to refuse crediting a user for offer completion for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, lack of appropriate information, improper sign-up method, improper browser settings, and/or a history of manual credits. Manual credits are offers that are credited through emailing confirmation of completion.

    And you have to refer 5 people...

  2. Well, I have *no* experience whatsoever with C or C++, but I can honestly say that Java is a very good starter language. Very easy to learn, especially when you know a programmer in real life to debug your code and point out what's wrong with it when it won't compile.

    Also, Emagination Computer Camps offer courses in programming and are very enjoyable. I went for 2 weeks last year, and I'm going again this year for 4. But anyway...try google. :blink:

  3. Dude, get DC++ and download any music you want. It might be slightly illegal, but hey,  it's fun stealing from a multi-bilion dollar industry based on brain-washing teenagers.

    Don't you mean "brainwashed"?

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I have $8, but I don't know how to donate to you. And even if I did, I wouldn't. Just pick up dollar bills off the sidewalk or something. :wub:

  4. Athosino, just go to


    and If I'm on a server at the moment, it'll tell you. ;)

    And yeah, I'm REALLY out of practice in ET... usually my rating is from 9000-8000. When I don't play, it goes down.

    EDIT: Oh, nevermind. Just got on a server, and got highest frags every map, then started getting highest acc every map. Then I lost contact with my keyboard and mouse, so I couldn't do anything, then my comp crashed. Yup, defidently ET. :)

  5. Okay, blue on blue strains eyes. Best color scheme for readability I've seen is white text, black bg. And some fancy graphics would look nice. But not too many, and make them go with the website. Like maybe a banner where the edges are the same as the site bg.


    For if your site has a black background. ;)

    EDIT: Just center it at the top of the webpage and give the page a black background.. and if not white, change the text to at least a lighter color. :)

  6. Just remember, whatever you do has an effect on other people, whether it be directly or indirectly. Before you do something, think to yourself, "What effect is this going to have on people?" Even if you don't know those people, it is pointless to make then suffer for just one person's actions. You're not just affecting one person when you do something. Think about what the concequences of your actions are...even if somebody else didn't.

  7. I prefer EL because of the much better community, (Official forums, people talking to each other, guild support in the game) graphics, gameplay, much more advanced communications, (Channels, guild messages, mod chat, broadcast messages, PMs) and help system (Answeres to your question mostly on the same day that you ask them instead of an email five months later asking you to read the FAQ) than RS. If you haven't noticed, you can get a question answered if you just ask it on channel 1. And yes, there are very few crashes. But really, you should decide for yourself which game you like. Especially since you're asking on the forums of one of the games you're talking about. But you'll probably arrive at the same conclusion as the players of EL.

  8. I.e, if you do go for nVidia, stay away from MX. Oh, and the people I know who thought nVidia cards were good a year ago have all replaced them with ATI cards after their nVidia cards started to have strange colors and system crashes.

    Oh, so my nVidia card was the problem! That would also explain why that stopped happening after I got an ATI card. Yeah, I have an ATI Raedon 9600 (either that or 9800) AGP 128 and that runs Doom 3 just fine. :o I think the 9200 SE would be fine for you.

  9. starts running at _jens_ with a big a mean tit axe, wants to kill him for his opinion, but oh shit, everyone is free to give his opinion :S

    Yes. Your opinion is that __JenS__ should be chopped into little pieces with your tit axe because he thinks that the MoonShadow Tavern should burn. You're entitled to your own opinion, by the way. :) ^_^

    EDIT: Typo.

  10. you're 26 posts away from 1000! come on ggm, start spamming away! errr...start stating your opinions like never before! :lol:

    Uhhhmmm...how about not? I feel no desire to increase my post count. I don't get why people even think other people would do stuff just to increase their post count...
