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Posts posted by Ravenod

  1. He means when somebody sends him a test map, it better not remotely resemble that island :unsure: But even before the tutorial, if you had sent him an island map, I'm sure you would have failed the test. Because on the main site it asks for specific things to be on your test map...which alot of those things are not on this island map.


    And Moonshadow, if you approve of this tutorial...could you make it a sticky?



  2. I left out the browser list on purpose. I wanted them to learn the old fashion way first, before getting all comfortable on the "easy street". I wanted them to learn what they were doing, instead of accepting the editor was doing it for them.


    But for all you people who have read the tutorial...There is a much easier, quicker way to place 3Dobjects on the map. . . Cntrl+B. But I want you to do the tutorial my way. It will help you understand better exactly what you are doing. Please.





    Moonshadow : They are now jpg's :)

  3. If the object is 0,0,0 then the editor can't see it. As far as light boxes, I too have had that problem (I don't remember why I had a lightbox of 0,0,0). But any object that gets stuck, all you have to do is turn it to daytime, and you can pick it up once again.

  4. Rya is the hardest working man in Eternal-Lands. His stats show his dedication to the game, and I am one of many who know he shares alot.


    I've seen him GIVE, expecting nothing in return (non-event) ---


    ..Thousands upon thousands of gold pieces

    ..Serpent Swords


    ..Hundreds of Fire ess


    And those are only things that I'VE been around for.

  5. Entropy. You say you're leaving because everyone gripes at any changes you make.


    Yet because of your post, 95 people at once were here on the boards to read what you have to stay. Look at the bottom of your screen and see how many people are waiting here. Refreshing their browsers , waiting for you to reconsider.


    95 = half of the people currently playing the game.




  6. You're not leaving Entropy. Too long have I lurked in the shadows watching these little spoiled brats complain about how they don't like the changes and updates.








    And even if you don't want to stay, you have to, cause I'm using my one and only, once in 1000 lifetimes of EL to command the all-mighty god Entropy to stay.


    You will stay, You will develop this game into the dream you once had.


    And all the cry babies out there will from now on STFU. Or I will have very very powerful friends of mine PK you forever.


    (I would do it, but I'm too weak :D )


    Seriously Entropy. Tell these kids to shove it. From now on, if you don't like a post somebody writes. delete. It's your game, your board, your rules.


    Stay. So commands Ravenod.

  7. This game does not hinge on the fact that you can harvest infinitely


    Tell me this, What if this game started out with a harvest cap of say 500 an hour? Then nobody would have thought anything of it. The thought of "hmmm, why can't I harvest infinitely?" would probably not have crossed anyone's mind for very long.


    Now that everyone is used to harvesting infinitely (which then in turn means infinite potions/weapons/armor/essences/crafting...basically every other skill) they can't live without it.


    Instant gratification is what I said...




    "Let's see, I want to train my att/def today. I need health ess and BR's. Probably need to make another pair of boots... I can play for 5 hours, so I can go up probably 2 levels in each if I hurry and make my 200 BR and 400 Health Ess....etc.)


    Who ever said you (or me) had a right to go up levels so fast? Or be able to make 100's and 1000's of items in a short amount of time? Nobody, we have gotten used to it. It's normal. But putting a harvest cap dampers that, and people won't like it at first.


    Leeloo made a good point when she said 'leave the macro running for 10 hours so I can get my 5000 items'. But if you think about it, if someone is only playing 2 hours a day...why would they need 5000? Even if they did, would they have time to use it? Even if they did have time, why are they putting so much effort into a character they barely play?


    ""I find it presumptious of YOU to assume that the only reason I object is because I want instant gratification. And I do not want realism here, whether it gets me what i want or not. If I want realism, I'll go back to my rl.""


    It's not an assumption, because I wasn't assuming...I was generalizing the posts. Nor did I ever say you wanted/did not want realism. You are picking apart the parts of what I said (and said generally) to apply to you (as if I were talking about you).


    I don't like fighting either. Before the reset, my att/def were my lowest skills. So you are right, this game lets you choose NOT to be a fighter if you don't want to be. Put a harvest cap in. How long will it take you per game hour to harvest 500 silver ore? Let's say you have no fails in a straight 500...it would take you 8 minutes and 20 seconds to harvest that much. Can you carry that much at a time? No. Factor in times it takes to walk to storage and back. 15 minutes? Let's say you don't have sunflowers or food to make the HE. Well that will have to come next hour. What will you do for 45 more minutes? Well you do like fighting a little bit, so get your gear on and go fight your monster for 20 minutes...ok you're bored now. 25 minutes to go. Go do a quest, chat with your buddies, help a noob out, go get ready to harvest those sunflowers.


    I admit, there are not alot of other things to do when you're not harvesting or making something. Believe me, I know all too well. But the people who don't really like fighting (and me included) are square pegs trying to fit into a round hole.


    This game is designed in the end for fighting. It's what Entropy wanted. Every skill can (and in Entropy's eyes probably) be classified as a stepping stone towards being a better fighter. Magic, Essences, Potions, Crafting, Manufacturing. What things do you really make in those skills that are not designed for fighting? Items that help you do the skills better--is the answer.


    But as my previous post also said, I'm done with the idea myself.


    Then why did I just blather on about this idea, when I'm done with it? Because I still believe it would be a good idea...IF there were more choices of things to do that weren't dependant upon harvesting.


    Harvesting is tedious, but required for this game. And so, I'm done with the idea for now.

  8. With a harvest limit you say macroing would still exist. You are absolutely right.




    What I'm talking about is not the macroing itself, but the effects of macroing. If cheaters and normal players alike can only harvest (say 500) every hour, then in the end the differences are minor.


    So, as it stands now macroing is a major issue because of all the benefits of 24/7 harvesting and the like. Take that away, and the macro'er has little advantage over the regular players.


    I doubt if there was a harvest cap very many people here would really care HOW a player got his 500 ore/flowers an hour.


    Will this completely eliminate the cheater's edge over a normal player. No.

    He could still have his macro char harvesting while he's off fight training. But the endless stream of potions, metal bars, armor, weapons, and money for them would severely get cut.

  9. Roja. I read that post link you gave me.


    Everyone who was complaining and said NO to the idea either mentioned


    1. they wouldn't be able to make 1000's of 'blank'

    2. it would take to long to manu, advance, get money.


    Everyone is so used to instant gratification on an extremely large scale. Players want realism only when it will get them something they want. If it in any way hinders what they have come to know as "normal progress" then they gripe.


    I'll say this, and you can delete my posts on this thread if you want (cause I know it's probably not productive to the topic)


    This is beta

    Things have changed and changed again, and yet 100's of people still play.

    Even with the new harvest rules, everybody got in an uproar, yet 100's of people still play.

    You can't please everybody

    This game's success does not hinge on the fact you can harvest infinitely

  10. It seems to me that macroing will always be around as long as one can do it.


    So I say cap the harvest (as I mentioned in the General Chat post) per game hour. Maybe at first when you reach 120 successful clicks, that's it. No more harvesting ANYTHING until the next game hour. People can't macro if there is nothing to macro.


    Put in a few quests here and there that once completed allows for your harvest cap to rise. After all quests are done, you can harvest XXX each hour.


    I think it would


    1. Increase the prices of basically everything.

    2. Get people more interested in quests (if they aren't already)

    3. Obviously stop macroing :blink:

    4. Open the economy up to a broader range of people

    5. Make the game more realistic (in terms of having to carefully choose what you want/need)



  11. Since I'm not a programmer, I didn't want to post this under the new programmer's topic.


    I just thought. how about at any and every cave entrance (this wouldn't solve flower macroing) when you click on the archway, a picture appears of a dial.


    All around the dial are numbers and or letters with little tick boxes next to them.


    ON the dial is a word or phrase or gibberish or question

    (Ex: What monster lives in the gold mines in VotD?)


    You would click G then O then B then L then I then N.


    Then the cave entrance would "open" and you could go in.


    Maybe every day or every week Entropy and Roja could think of new questions and add them or replace them into the rotation.


    Protects from scripts going in mines, and adds a nice rpg element.
