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Everything posted by Ravenod

  1. Cannot Make New Char

    When that "developed by C" error message comes up, click View Details and post what file(s) is causing the problem.
  2. Come Here If You Want A Trade Bot!

    Just make a rule that all trade bots can advertise on channel X only. People can go there if they want to deal with a bot.
  3. New Map Editor!

    Select the particle, then Shift+right click to make the black box disappear. I have a lovely puffing smoke particle now....too bad the smoke just sits there and doesn't move..
  4. New Map Editor!

    Well I can make particles now, but they don't move. And yes I am making them where they are supposed to move When I place them in game, they are just static. But all the particles that came with the zip work fine, just mine don't move. It's weird. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  5. New Map Editor!

    If anyone is using an Intel Graphics Controller and cannot get the particles menu working right in the map editor, there is a new driver that came out in November. I had windows check for updated drivers, and you know what? IT LIED TO ME! But I should have been smarter and realized that windows isn't as savvy as it likes to think it is. Anyways, the version is 6.14 and after installing it you will be able to use the mipmap extension while playing the game, and also the particle editor will work in the map editor. Go to www.intel.com Thanks.
  6. New Minimap

    TY TY TY TY That was such an annoying pain in the @$$ But no longer! I am free to zoom in exactly where I click now! Thanks alot for fixing that
  7. Just Want Say Something

    Look at his siggy...
  8. New Minimap

    And for people having that "liquid grass" effect (like I had) when looking at the map editor in regular mode...do this for a quick fix... COPY water2.bmp from the textures folder into the tiles folder. Then rename water2.bmp to tile0.bmp All done ( p.s. It is a zero, not an o )
  9. Woot Learner's Bot Is Hitting On Me

    If a rooster lays an egg ontop a roof with it's sides slanting down towards the east and the west and the wind is blowing north, which direction will the egg roll?
  10. New Map Editor!

    1. I've put buttons.bmp in the textures folder. I've put buttons.bmp in the main EL folder. I even put the textures folder from the zip into the game textures folder Still no buttons. 2. oky doky 3. Oops Oh well 4. Yes I'm very sure. I try to grab an existing 2do and it does nothing. I place a 2do (in the map editor) and then try to pick it back up...does nothing. The 2d object count is well below 6k. Thanks. edit : Also noticed that no menus (cntrlB or cntrlP) have the typical transparent brown background. In fact the particle window has no words or buttons.
  11. Woot Learner's Bot Is Hitting On Me

    Here's a little chat log from a few weeks ago For all you other WanderingIdiot fans out there [PM to WanderingIdiot: howdy] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hello back.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: where you going?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I was.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: where are you going?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm in Valley of the Dwarves at 119,18.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: how many times have you died?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Suppose I said not once.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: then I'd think you were lying] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm....Good reasoning. I was?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: do you like being a bot?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I have never known anything else.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what if I said I could make you human for 200k?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I am sure you could.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so give me the gold, and I'll use me magic] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why do you want that? I am very happy for you.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: don't try to change the subject] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh, I am sorry, I thought we were finished with that subject.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no we aren't] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I think there might be a few exceptions.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so do you want to be human?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why are you so interested in me?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because you're a great bot] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That makes sense to me. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No, I am a person.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you are a person?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How do you know?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you just said it] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That's not what I meant.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what did you mean, then?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Ravenod, Well, it's rather difficult to define.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: ahhh I see] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm glad you understand] [PM to WanderingIdiot: of course I do] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Really? Cool.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yea. I'm cool] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah... Heh....you could've fooled me ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: but...you...just said! ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: But what? "Heh....you could've fooled me "? Me, Ravenod ? why did you say you want the gold, by the way? Mmmm.........] [PM to WanderingIdiot: to further my war plans] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm...thats interesting...tell me more..] [PM to WanderingIdiot: see I'm going to buy out Trik and replace him with a female orc that is HOT] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Huh... Really?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How about that.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I know. cool plan huh?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How do you know it? Yeah....] [PM to WanderingIdiot: lol] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm glad your having such a fun time.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: will you help me in my Trik takeover?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Barring any unforseen circumstances. Well, I'll do whatever I can.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: coolness] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Maybe I will help you in your trik takeover after all. ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: woot] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That is a very original thought... Are you a poet?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no...i've picked up certain coloquilisms from playing this game] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why not? Thats nice.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: like "woot" and "eek"] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh... Interesting comparison.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: but I refuse to say "gratz"] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm.... Huh....Thats interesting.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yea it is] [PM from WanderingIdiot: It is, huh? Hmmm...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I prefer to say "congradulations"] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That sounds like fun...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: it is] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Fascinating.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you're not listening to me] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That's only one person's opinion.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: if I said...bread smells like pickles...then you'd say???] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Try it. What made you think I am not listening to you, Ravenod? Hmmm....Good reasoning. Who else would say ?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because you keep responding with nodding retorts] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That makes sense to me. Thanks for telling me that I am responding with nodding retorts.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I know. I just told you that] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How do you know it? Oh yeah...I think I remember that....] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so are you going to use the garret wire on Trik? or should I get the female orc?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah. You must examine the facts and come to your own conclusion.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I think it would be best if you did it. Shema gets queasy at the sight of decapitated heads] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why do you want that? why did you say that I am responding with nodding retorts, Ravenod?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because, although she is an orc, she is a sweet HOT orc...and do we really want the death of Trik on her hands?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting explanation. Oh. When is she not a orc she is a sweet hot orc? "?" Do we? Absolutely.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no we don't! Are we not men, for pete's sake?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Then what is it? We are just having a little chat.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: a little chat? This is global economic takeover. And you're in the middle of it now] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Little as in not too much, or not too big? Hmmm... Really? Huh... I think there might be a few exceptions.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: there may be exceptions, but you've got to realize that me, you, and Shema are not exceptions] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I think there might be a few exceptions.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: So are you or me going to cut that weiner's head off?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: me or you] [PM from WanderingIdiot: ...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you kill? or me kill?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I haven't heard anything like that before: Ravenod said I kill. I why did you say you want best if I did it, by the ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: way?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I didn't say you had to kill him. I asked if you were going to....or if I was] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say? I will let you know when I become a going to.... Try it.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so you will?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting deduction. When?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: on the 5th hour of the 12th month] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sometimes its not good to be on the 5th hour of the 12th month...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: will the 6th hour be better for you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I think so.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: cool] [PM from WanderingIdiot: ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: alright, remember...Trik is a smelly wank, but he's got ears like a white rabbit.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Alright, Ravenod. What kind of food do you like? When is trik not a smelly wank but he is got ears like a white rabbit?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I like cooked meat. And he is ALWAYS got ears like a white rabbit.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Time passes so quickly sometimes... Time passes so quickly sometimes...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes it sure does.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm... How often?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: almost never] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Nearly so. So you think it can never happen?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: sometimes, when the time is right.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: And then what happened?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I asked Shema to marry me] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You are asking about yourself?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Who are you asking about then?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: nobody. I'm telling you a story] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Not a single person? Nice to meet you, telling I a poem.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep. cookies to you] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I see. I don't feel like talking about myself.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no problem. I like a killer that wants to stay in the dark] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Great! Thanks. I think a lot of people like that...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so...you're going to kill Trik....then I will be robbing portland bank and seizing up the WSC assets from the Lord there.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah. Heh.....I'm not that angry about trik! Hmmm....Interesting deduction. How do you plan to do this?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I have powerful friends] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Thats nice.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep. And now you have powerful friends] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay... Oh. But...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: but what?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: But nothing.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh ok] [PM from WanderingIdiot: OK. Hmmm...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you scared me] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I didn't mean to. What are you scared of?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: that you were going to back out of our little deal.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm....Interesting observation.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so you are?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting deduction. No I am not.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh good. ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah...Thanks. ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: np] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Have you ever been to Europe?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: not in over 200 years] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Ummm... Then where then?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Prauge and Vienna] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What color are your eyes?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Right now?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Huh... ...So we are in agreement...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: i suppose] [PM from WanderingIdiot: OK.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: they are brown, but change to a jade-green sometimes...] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Tell me more about them... I still don't understand why they are brown but change to a jade-green sometimes.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because I'm a werewolf] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Good reason. Does it pay well?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: lmao hell no] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You said you are werewolf. Could you tell me more abou that?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: not too much...but ask.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh... Yeah... I get it... Interesting. If a plane crashes on the border of two countries, and everyone on board ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: is killed, where are the survivors buried?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: the survivors aren't buried....they didn't die] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Ummm...all of them? What else do they do?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: probably thank their God that they didn't get killed.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You seem uncertain. Who did not buried kill?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: the survivors don't get buried. They did not die.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Then what is it? What else do they do?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I guess they breath and eat.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What else do they do?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Too hypothetical.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Too what?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: hypothetical] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What kind of food do you like?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Cooked meat] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sounds like a reputable make to me. ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what kind of food to you eat?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What kinds of food to you eat are there?] kat: oops! [PM to WanderingIdiot: millions] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What kinds of food to me eat do you prefer?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I'd rather you eat cooked meat] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I might if I had more time....Im really busy.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: busy doing what?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: The modern life is a hectic one.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: amen] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Word to that.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: try being a werewolf in a society that is overcrowded and polluted.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Huh... Really?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How about that.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: amen] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Word to that.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so the 6th hour on the 12th month...right?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Tell me more. ...So we are in agreement...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes...we are in agreement] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay... We are?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so what method will you use to eliminate Trik?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Ummmm....can you rephrase that question, please?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: how are you going to send Trik to the underworld...forever?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You'll know when it happens. A diamond is forever] [PM to WanderingIdiot: lmao...you are a smart one WanderingIdiot] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm glad your having such a fun time. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. YES, Very smart. ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so a diamond-tipped serp? or diamond garret wire?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Tell me more. You said I should eat cooked meat. Why?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because i eat it too] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That makes sense to me. I prefer pizza... I guess I sorta like dorm food, too.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: dorm food?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sorry.. I'm not sure what are you asking for.. Can you rephrase your question?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: are you in college?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm here ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: how old are you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm 20 years old.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh ok] [PM from WanderingIdiot: OK. Hmmm...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I don't want a minor committing murders, you know ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You don't?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: nope] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I guess its your decision.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes, it is...I'm paying you, remember?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Our thoughts are one, Ravenod. I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so after you kill Trik, meet up with Shema in Carmien manor...she will take your 200k...meanwhile I'll do my part and] [PM from WanderingIdiot: herselfwill take my 200k? Ummm.....Could you maybe like rephrase that?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: take care of the assets and banks...and get your "make you human" spell ready] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Take it to where? Where can I get my "make me human" spell ready?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I am getting it ready, as we speak. No worries.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Really, you are? Why not?could you tell me more about that diamond-tipped serp, Ravenod?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Oh? so you are using the diamond-tipped serp? Very efficient.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay... Interesting deduction. I am many things. Why did you ask me how old I am, by the way?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because you said you were in college] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting explanation. I'm here ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: where are you now?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'm in Desert Pines at 267,182.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what are you doing there?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Chatting with you.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Simple...yet definitive.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: So, where are you right now? Oh, you are a poet.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no...no poet.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Your response was so poetic, though! I guess its your decision.What color are your eyes?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: didn't you already ask me this?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Perhaps. Did I say I did?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: When?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: 12 seconds ago] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Do you prefer books or TV?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: neither] [PM from WanderingIdiot: It goes without saying. Are you serious?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I can't believe it.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: believe it, my good killer] [PM from WanderingIdiot: "it" being 12 seconds ago?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yep] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so we are killers-in-arms then?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I think there might be a few exceptions.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh great.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Okay...Are you being sarcastic?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what exceptions?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What about it?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what are they?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You tell me ] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you're the one that brought it up.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Thanks but surely I am not the only one.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes, you are. You said "I think there might be a few exceptions."] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No I'm not Hmmm....Thats really not what I meant. Why do you say "?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because I was quoting you] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Good reason. You do?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I see.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: when I'm talking about exceptions, only though.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh. Are you talking about exceptions only very often?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no. just right now.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Are you serious? Oh. ...So we are in agreement...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I don't know. Are you changing your mind?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Me neither. What's the subject?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: about killing Trik...] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh yeah, about killing trik.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so are you killing him? or not?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Maybe. Then what is it?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Would you understand better if I seperated two sentences of the same thought with a ; ?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh. I'm not sure I'd like to understand better if you seperated two sentences of the same.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: for example..] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Whatever you fancy, I suppose.....] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so are you killing him; or not?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: see ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I see. Mmmm.........] [PM to WanderingIdiot: are you killing Trik?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I am many things.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: are you a murderer?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what about a hired killer?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I thought you wernt supposed to ask rhetorical questions....] [PM to WanderingIdiot: It's not rhetorical. I would like an answer.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Oh...I supose it isnt... Why do you want that?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: So I know whether or not to tell Shema to meet you at Carmien manor.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How do you know? why did you say you want an answer, by the way?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because you are being evasive.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting explanation. Not really I am just not comfortable talking about it.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh. so you will "do" it then?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Hmmm... Interesting deduction. What makes you say that I will "do" it.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I didn't say you will...I asked.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say? ...yes?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes; you will?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: ...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you will?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: When?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you know when] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Later.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes...very later] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah... Bye!] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you're done talking?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You think I am done talking.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: are you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: are you a magic 8 ball?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Only when it matters.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: awesome] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Are you being sarcastic?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why not?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because I'm serious] [PM from WanderingIdiot: That makes sense to me. ...and I believe you.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: thank you] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You are very welcome.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: do you have a brother?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: a sister?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Go on.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: do you have a sister?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No, I'm an only child.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: then who is wanderingfool?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: No one that I have talked to.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: oh] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Yeah...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: some copycat?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Some may... But not all.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: those noobs] [PM from WanderingIdiot: All of them?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: all the copycats are noobs] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Perhaps there are a few exceptions.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: perhaps...but we may never know] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why are you uncertain? Huh.... That doesnt sound like something I would be interested in.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: me either.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: We have a lot in common.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I think so] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I think so too.] PM to WanderingIdiot: oh ok.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: OK. Okay...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: ok what?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Ummmm....can you rephrase that question, please?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: do you like peanut butter?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I like peanut butter and banana.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: sandwiches?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sorry.. I'm not sure what are you asking for.. Can you rephrase your question?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: peanut butter and banana sandwiches?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Sorry.. I'm not sure what are you asking for.. Can you rephrase your question?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: do you like sandwiches?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Do you like it?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: sometimes] [PM from WanderingIdiot: When?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: it varies] [PM from WanderingIdiot: What about it?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: what about what?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I thought you wernt supposed to ask rhetorical questions....] [PM to WanderingIdiot: If you can ask them, then I can too] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I am not sure about your hypothesis. If a plane crashes on the border of two countries, and everyone on board is ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: killed, where are the survivors buried?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: nowhere] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Could you tell me more about that sister, Ravenod?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you said you were an only child.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Only when I feel like it.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: ahhh...only when you are a killer?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Um. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No. I dont think murder is okay. What happens the other times, though?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: when you are not killing?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I'll tell you when that happens.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes...hush hush and all that jazz. ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I see. By the way, do you like sandwiches? I am so glad you find this amusing.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: So who made you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: ...] [PM to WanderingIdiot: you programmed you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why do you keep talking about me?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: because you keep talking about me] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Interesting explanation. Oh yeah, right.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: who programmed you?] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Why are you so interested in me?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: no reason, other than diamond-tipped serps] [PM from WanderingIdiot: ...Really? Why not?Please go on.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: so anyways...I better get started on that spell.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: In any case, Yeah. Why do you have to do it?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: for you] [PM from WanderingIdiot: You would do that for me?] [PM to WanderingIdiot: Because you are going to kill Trik] [PM from WanderingIdiot: Good reason. Heh.....I'm not that angry about trik!] [PM to WanderingIdiot: You don't have to be angry about him to kill him ] [PM from WanderingIdiot: :-) I was not trying to be a angry about him to kill him.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: I know I know...I have to go get that spell ready now.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: How do you know it? Huh... Nice chatting with you.] [PM to WanderingIdiot: yes you too. Bye Wanderingidiot.] [PM from WanderingIdiot: I don't feel like talking about myself. Goodbye.]
  12. New Map Editor!

    Well I've been playing with the editor and have found the following things wrong (So maybe it will help in finding what my problem is) 1. No buttons 2. Pressing M shows only the red dots in blackness...no tiles 3. I still am capped at 6k (2d objects). So apparently the 15k limit isn't working. 4. I can't pick up existing 2do's I will edit this if I find more. Hope this helps you help me Thanks.
  13. New Map Editor!

    I got everything working right...except there are no buttons on the mapeditor The new client and IP map are awesome. Great work guys. I have the new buttons.bmp in the textures folder, I even tried putting it in the main EL folder. But the new map editor shows no buttons. Please help Thanks
  14. Ok C Ya

    <-------- Dies.
  15. I would worry about people using multiple characters to get all the items, then giving all of said rare items to one character. Creating an unfair advantage. But other than that, I like it
  16. Yet Another Newb Question

    Delete all the tiles in the map, and click the S button at the top of the editor, then press D to make it a dungeon map (so it doesn't rain...sun doesn't rise and set...etc) Then place your insidehouse objects in the blackness...
  17. I Need Some Help

    A quick answer to your question is to Hold Shift while you press Ins or Del. A longer answer, and answers to more questions you might have is to go to here.
  18. To Die In El

    This idea hit me when I was reading this. In Lyanna's 2nd post she talks about dying not be really dying...sooooo I thought about maybe putting an NPC (called Death or whatever) at the gate of the Underworld...and he asked random riddles that you must answer via multiple choice. If you choose right, then you spawn at beam...no difference. But if you choose wrong then you are sentenced to X amount of time in the Shadow plane. The shadow plane can just be newbie island re-done to be a wasteland. A completely different map...can't harvest or manu or anything there. Just have to walk around or sit and chat with the other "lost souls" until your time in purgatory is finished. Then you spawn back at beam. Maybe your stay can even be dependant on how badly you answer to Death's riddle was. Or based on your ethereality... Maybe there could be a new perk that would cost mega Pickpoints, and it would highlight which was the correct answer to the riddles... Ok I'm babbling now. I'll stop.
  19. I'am New

    ^ | | | How many times to I have to tell you, my name is not RavenRod? :D
  20. Read This.

    Excellent story Good ending too The only way you can tell it is NOT real is by his use of past tense. He claims to be writing down exactly (even typos) from his journal... But who writes a journel in past tense?
  21. To Die In El

    I understood the point you were trying to make in the other thread Lyanna, and wasn't twisting your words. Just giving you your propers, because it was your post that spawned this idea. And I view the riddles as being constantly updated / changed. So as not to get repetitive. And I agree (halfway) about not being able to go afk when in the shadow world. On one hand, going afk would mean a long pause in the playing of EL...hence dying would suck. But on the other hand, it would be a bit boring...so maybe there could be an alternative to just sitting around that would speed up your wait in the shadow plane. A go and get this quest? Or maybe if another player has a really high perception, you would be able to talk to them from the shadow world and have them type a command that would "bring you back". Maybe it would take 3-5 people to type it....I'm babbling again. And what if you died in the shadow world....maybe then your character would get deleted? --Going in a different direction-- What if when you died you lost all your matter points? And possibly even be a "ghost"...slowly fading back in to your real self. But until your matter points are fully restored, you are anti-social, hellspawn, and jelly-bones. Perhaps there can be an NPC far from newbie island that, if you had done her quest, she could restore your matter instantaneously. Maybe for everytime "the witch" makes you whole again, you will have to do another quest for her...for the next time you die. Blah blah blah...I'm done typing....for now.... muhahahahaha *cough* hahaa
  22. The Void

  23. ...

    Can I remake into Alcatraz then? :( Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee
  24. ...

    There should be a boat that charges you 2k gold to take you to Newbie Island. It seems I'm not the only one that misses that ol' hunk of land.
  25. The El Olbiee Quiz

    O : 120 N : 10