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Everything posted by jakoblin

  1. Screw You Guys, I'm Coming Back (well, Sort Of)

    let me clarifie number 3 for you : no one has a www.paypal.com no one has a real life account like a saving account or a checking acct to link to www.paypal.com to pay for EL2 . btw i have these accts that i mentions in rl. but these r only for emergency money only . not to waste on fruitless game that has bugs every other day of the week
  2. how can anyone stand so many bugs in el ? i have lost so many research book times in a month.
  3. Screw You Guys, I'm Coming Back (well, Sort Of)

    EL2 reasons no one will play. 1. Too expensive 2. Postage is too high for check to mail. 3. No one has paypal.com 4. Credit card is out of the questions for 13 yrs old. 5. No one has pay direct from yahoo.com 6. Games that require real life money = no young players or poor player sin rl. 7. No teens has a checking account. 8. p2p that lag . any thing over 100 ms lag 9. p2p that has scammers.
  4. America, Fuck Yeah

    entropy is only 25 yrs old ? i thought he was 29 yr old .
  5. best way to make money is to wait by the diamond mines and wait for a miner to die and grab his stuff as long as you have mm ?
  6. Monsters Invasions

    I also want to know when monsters are implement so i can get free stuf from noobs . i am a pwerful magician in el. never dis me.
  7. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/salathe95/de...990.jpg&.src=ph just look at what mikeh draw he did it and not me . i think he should be ban for 7 months .
  8. When Will Making Axes Be Implemented?

    I think it will be implemented when the new president get elected. and when the ne president get elected . he will do the draft : ( the draft is a thingie that say age 18 - 29 will have to go fight these terrorism countries) so you will not be able to play eternal land at all nor make axe at all . period <_< <_< <_< <_< <_< <_< <_<
  9. Starting A Guild

    only overall lvl 9 player allow
  10. Starting A Guild

    the maximuim
  11. Thank You!

    *coughcancoughsomeonecoughdisablecoughhiscoughsignature?cough* *coughsocoughwecoughdon'tcoughgetcoughdistractedcoughfromcoughthecoughtopiccoughtitlecough* *coughlolcough* i agreed with marc
  12. Is This Legal ?

    taking stuff from a afk 9k of items from a auto miner to make stuff. is it legal ? <_<
  13. Is Afk Research Legal ?

    some player r using auto clicker to eat food afk
  14. my friend -----> http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=KRAYGEO&key=DFC me ----->http://meetme.hotornot.com/r/?emid=KQGRASE
  15. Starting A Guild

    I meant a low attack lvl of 8 in order to join my guild. and overal lvl can be high.
  16. El T-shirts

    does 25 usd include shipping ? if not i do not want to buy one.
  17. Another Awsome Contest

    drop party = runescape runescape = bad!!!!!!
  18. $1 usd per month for players who r cheap but not too cheap to pay el ? or does ent really want us to pay $5 per month ? cuz $5 per month is too high for some 1 % of the players .
  19. Is This Legal ?

    charging players for info and service like where is this place ? or can you take me there ? or you know ....
  20. Where Is Diamond Mine ?

    where is diamond mine ? and plz mark on the map how i can get to the diamond mine plz
  21. Is This Legal ?

    dude i am not using my jakoblin char to play el .
  22. Where Is Diamond Mine ?
