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Everything posted by jakoblin

  1. El Is Capitalist Game Right ?

    i think el is a capitalist game . ent want real money , if u want to be on white list, if u want to buy a axe, if you want anything you have to pay with real life money.
  2. General Ax Book For Sale

    50,001 gp
  3. Stop Complaining About Everyone Having The Highest

    why don't any one give me free stuff. i only have full set of leather items.
  4. New Manufacturing System

    omg these are runescape ideas. learning something while playing game. mining sumthin to make bars = learning like the game runescape
  5. Yahoo Wow Open Beta Yahoo

    update on wow. so many noobs to kill and my storage in wow is now full of gold cuz i sold all the items on wow.
  6. Yahoo Wow Open Beta Yahoo

    oop i forgot to mention they closed it cuz of too many noobs
  7. Bag Jumpers!

    bag jumper is one of way to make money .
  8. Yahoo Wow Open Beta Yahoo

    it is not pointless for people who like free .
  9. ...

  10. Should I Marry Japan?

    japan is a guy ? ewwww
  11. Is This Legal ?

    i hope no one is angry at me. i am usually at pk maps.
  12. The Path Of A Healer

    i am a master healer woo hoo i have spent all my time during summer time in front of computer.
  13. Is This Legal ?

  14. Is This Legal ?

    aaaaa this post was only for it u were beting . not a discussin thread . i do not want to scroll to who found out who is betting .
  15. Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha funny got my ribs split must hurry to hospital really
  16. Halloween Candies

    my favorite candies are hershey , m&m , reese pieces , and see candies ( forest grump saying : life is like a box of chocolate : you don't know what you will get )
  17. Flu Shortage In Usa

    the flu shortage is cause by god. no more old el palyers no more pay el players
  18. Superman Is Dead.

    christopher reeves is dead . SUPERMAN IS DEAD . BOO HOO BOO HOO
  19. Superman Is Dead.

    going to wear super man costume by wearing a red speedo , blue tight , and a cape. and going to suppport stem cell.
  20. Need Web Hosting

    try http://www.brinkster.com for player who like to do what the http://ww.eternalland.com web master do.
  21. Don't Forget To Set Your Clocks Back

    thanks for the info.
  22. a rune where u click u kill a noob ( noobs only has 50 hit point ) a rune that has great fire ball ( GFB ) 100 dmg per click each rune has 100 clicks . a explosion rune dmg 500 per click. a sudden death rune dmg 900 per click just imagine how many noobs i can kill in a pk area . my 2 cents <_<
  23. Screw You Guys, I'm Coming Back (well, Sort Of)

    let me explain . only 10 percent of el has a rl account. so u know small players database.
  24. New Storage

    i think it should be put in wsc it is a tie . my vote should be heavy weight more like john kerry . my opinion is important. i have a blog .