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Posts posted by jojohawk

  1. hey guys, since this topic has been, "revisited", here's the site of a really cool program I used to use.

    Only problem last I used it is that it is killer on resources (depending which theme you use).


    Although if you have a descent computer and want to try a nice 3d desktop check it out.




    i really think it's da bomb .. not really sure why i stoped using it ... maybe i wanted the paid version too much and didn't really want a cracked version :blink:


    as for my home desktop I'm not on my comp atm so I don't have a pic of it. I also have auston desktop installed too (i think it's still there). Maybe if I had more ppl around that house that cared, I would use it more to show off lol

  2. Now turn off your pc and go get some fresh air :D

    Fresh air .. pishaaaa....

    like who in this world really needs fresh air :D


    I could sit in front of my computer for days and days ... as long as it gives me an excuse to not do school work :D


    anyway I'm going outside :)

  3. Not e to selph,


    imagine if someone didn't know how to spell dictionary, then how in the world would they ever get to that site :)


    :edit: I have an idea, that book, you know the one with all the letters, the one that has been collecting dust in the attic for the past 10 years; I don't have an attic /: well not a finished one at least ;) 'I guess the book was put up there by accident' :edit:

  4. I really have to ask,

    how much does this forum really need guest accounts?


    I'm getting really tired of people showing up on the banned portion of this forum as 5+ different guest logins.


    Is there a problem in just allowing registered accounts to post and guest accounts to only read? and if someone is going to say there is no way to stop someone from making a million actual account, can't someone find a way to limit those, or a method to prevent someone from making too many accounts in one area at a time?


    hope that makes sence.. ciao!

  5. trust me  :P

    all faith in ember hehe, *reminds himself not to type it in* although you so know there will be a time when I will after a really long and fustrating school day.

    Actually i have one in 2 days, erm, and tomorrow is hell too, crap and my b-day is soon, doh and I have an assignment and test right after it too :( <_< :huh:


    am i wong in wishing that the next 2 weeks go away, even if it does involve me missing out on some gifts :blink:

  6. i tried the command a week ago when i was fustrated with scentri ... didn't exactly do anything. I could have misspelt it but if I did it was misspelt 5 different times all in different forms. ie.

    #kill_me yes

    #killme yes

    #kill me yes



    and heck maybe i even tried, #kill me :blink:

  7. yo man other than the fact that it's not hard to keep yourself off a bridge, beam or watch were you are going or just close the game quick. alt + x is all it takes. Ent seems to be trying to take a break from this portion of the game for a while, so get used to dealing with the other bad ass mods/admins here. Seems learner says he already gave you a second chance, and maybe you are hoping the savior ent is going to come save you, I really don't know, but if you have done this multiple times it will be pure luck if you get unbanned again.


    sry for comming off harsh but it's the truth, I've dealt with enough people blocking bridges for money (not saying you are one of those) that I am at the point were I believe all players can avoid doing it; even by accident.

  8. Break down of el players:


    -All descent/ dedicated players are lazy and shy ;) (which means commenting on the game is too much work for them unless it's really important to)


    -Newbs that have an account on the el forum bitch and whine because well ... that's what newbs do. :D


    -Descent people that either don't play the game as much or play it in the backgrounds make their voice heard only when they feel they have to (kinda like those lazy dedicated ones :D )




    In general, you mostly hear from complainers because most people whose opinions matter don't think that you need compliments, although they do appreciate everything (maybe they think you are god,,, and well you don't want people to warship you,... or do you?)


    anyway, confused post, by a tired boy :P

  9. ent you have to see the new harvesting thing ... it really makes this game so much more fun. I absolutely love those orange messages :D

    Would be nice though, the more things that can happen good/bad will make it all the more exciting ;)


    I really get a good laugh when people get bitten by bees hehe, even if they don't hurt that much. :D


    commends roja and learner for convincing u to keep this in B)


    *forgot what else I wanted to say* :P

  10. you might wanna consider listening 2 players a little bit more and not disaproving everything before you TRY it

    umm based on that i have to say this. You can't truthfully expect him to implement every change people suggest, or even 1/4 of them. It's pure insanity to think such a thing. Not to mention some people don't even give any of the changes time to be examined before commenting.


    anyway ent, I hope you don't leave, but if it will give you time to relax go for it, as I think this game is costing you more money than it's bringing in right now.



  11. hmm .. don't think this has been asked but maybe it has.


    the monsters are allowed in caves and such .. does this mean they will be able to freely move between caves and the main map?

    or is it that if they start in a cave that they will be confined there? :unsure:

  12. Some ppl make it sound like the end of the world. :)

    Think of this. If the invasion is on the WS map; let's say even 5 fluffies. Count the spaces on the map (essentially consider how big the map is), you take one small square, they take 5 and the area within their attack range. When you log in the chances that you are going to spawn next to a ravage beast is very small, not to mention you would have to take into account the chances that you will even be on a map with this going on in the first place.


    For the comment about being on a map doing something when it get's invaded, well hope to hell nothing pops up next to you, but other than that, don't expect that 2 or 3 monsters on a map will comming running to you because you're the main attraction of the game .. there will be other people for them to pawn through .. so sit still be calm, pack ur stuff if you wish and when you see one near you make a damn descision. God gave you legs for a reason! :P

  13. I'm not saying i'm believeing or not beileving as I know nothing of the situation, but in general: brothers(littler ones in particular) have a tendincy of doing certain things on purpose to screw up their brothers/sisters life ..well u get were i'm going.


    The descision based in this forum should be in regards as to whether the person being accused seems willing to take action to prevent this from happening again.(my personal opinion, mixed in with ent's, "everyone deserves a second chance")


    Truthfully if you look at the alternatives, it's either going to be someone who has been macroing, or a brother/sister/friend that caused the dispute.


    Some people here act as there are a million reasons as to why these things happen; well there isn't!


    Learner seems to be getting more experienced at finding out if ppl are using macros, but all in all, if I had a ticked friend that somehow knew my password(hypothetically) he can easily make it look as the character is being run by computer, if for no other reason to get me banned and angry.


    [edit] I'm getting sick and tired of mentally unstable people that feel they have to make a lame joke, involving what the accused said; in a sarchastic way [/edit]


    anyway those were my 2cents.


  14. The way I see it, this is a group game .. you work for your own skills but you should be willing to help out others in need (free of charge).


    If you do help out someone and they offer you compensation, which has happend with me on a few occations, you can take whatever they give you assuming you did something to deserve it or it won't be eating away at ur conscience(assuming you have one :) "i'm talking in general here").


    I personally don't find it nice to see someone who's confused and go, "give me all you have and i'll think about telling you".


    To bluntly answer ur question, it's not against any rules.. UNLESS you act like an ass as people have before done and block, let's say a bridge, untill they give you 1kgc for you to show them how to cross it ;)


    ciao fn!
