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Posts posted by Khalai

  1. Wizzy commented on the arti capes. Slightly off topic, BUT


    Arti capes take 10 human nexus. The dargon armor and scyth and other high end armor take MAX 7 human nexus.




    There are perks that give 3pp, so basically because I invested 3 pp into human I have a minor perk. I think if you lowered the pp to 7 then more people would use them since they would ALREADY have the pp necessary. However as I said before investing 3 more pp that are ONLY useful so you can use an arti cape is bascially taking half a perk (instead of 7pp for the arti perk).


    I know reducing the pp necessary to wearing the cape would not reduce the flood on the market, however it WOULD (probubly) increase the number of people who want one/are willing ot invest in 1)


    If it was only 7 human, I'd be having one already. However, this is exactly what is not desirable. If half of EL has the arti cape, then it loses its purpose, you can raise the rare chance instead for anyone. There has to be some limiting factor as only people who really want it will be also able to use it.


    But as was suggested, there could be a breakrate introduced (since they are not combat equipment they do not get destroyed at all) either e.g. 1/100 when producing a rare item or 1/10000 when mixing (just like any other tool). Numbers are only illustrative, please don't waste time bashing me for them :)

  2. In order to prevent overpowering dragon shields, all inferior shields would have to be weakened. Now we start at +4 (wooden shield) and end up at +8 (bronze and titanium).


    It could be this way:


    wooden +2

    enh. wooden +3

    iron shield +4

    steel shield +5

    titanium/bronze shield +6

    red/black scale shield +7

    ice scale shield +8


    This way, ice shield would maintain the same top position, titanium and bronze shield now have and would not be overpowered (since ice shield would give you the same protection as titanium gives now).

  3. I wonder if everyone realises that the books generally have a negative impact on exp gain in training...


    Personally I only read ones for creatures i actually want to have +5 to crit-damage on, like say PWs, dragons, etc.


    Years back people thought the books gave +5 to your a/d when fighting the creature, which was incorrect.


    Sure, but ACW is trainable creature? I recall, that once TooMass told me, this was one particulary nasty creature and not very good to train on or to fight and we are talking about time before attribute caps, when he was farming Hulda...

    It's certainly not "nice" for training, like you'd never flee-train it, but it's not completely horrible (except the respawn time, that's pretty horrible ;p). Some people may want to have the ~15 rounds of attack exp while serping them if they can, rather than just trying to kill it as fast as possible.


    Guess I'm just spoilt with incredibly easy training on fluff/feros/desert chims then :)

  4. I wonder if everyone realises that the books generally have a negative impact on exp gain in training...


    Personally I only read ones for creatures i actually want to have +5 to crit-damage on, like say PWs, dragons, etc.


    Years back people thought the books gave +5 to your a/d when fighting the creature, which was incorrect.


    Sure, but ACW is trainable creature? I recall, that once TooMass told me, this was one particulary nasty creature and not very good to train on or to fight and we are talking about time before attribute caps, when he was farming Hulda...

  5. I think it would be nice, if this achievement had 3 levels instead of 2. The difference between 100 and 300 books is tremendous, so I'd suggest 100 (knowledgeable), 200 (very knowledgeable) and 300 (know-it-all) tresholds if possible, thanks a lot :)

  6. This suggestion will likely be considered as radical, as it involves making manu easier to level. In other words, making leather helms SLIGHTLY easier to make. My suggestion is to increase the NPC sell price of thread to 3 gc each, and at the same time increase the price Trik buys leather helms at to 24 gc each. (Perhaps increase the prices of other items that require thread accordingly as well.)


    This suggestion seems to have no benefit, but let me explain. If you buy all 4 thread, your profit (or, specifically, loss of gc) remains the same. If you make 2 thread, and buy 2 thread from NPC you go from breaking even (no profit, no loss) to making 2 gc profit per helm. If you make all 4 thread you go from making 4 gc profit per helm to making 8 gc profit per helm. All of these numbers assume the leather quest has been completed, there is no critical fails, and food cost is 2 gc per leather helm. In a sentence, the school vs Trik argument stays the same for buying all leather and thread, but thread becomes more worth mixing to sell and Trik selling if you make your thread becomes an alternative method a bit more equal to the time spent.


    Leather helms are not the only thing that uses thread. This would influence many items. The price of thread has already been doubled once (it cost 1gc few years ago...) and if you need like ten thousands of thread to make another level, trust me, that you don't want to mix them all. This would make manufacturing only more of a money sink actually, not the other way around...

  7. a/d 70, har 68,alc 64. mag 28, pot 39, man 28, cra 34, eng 24. Other skill levels are not worth mentioning yet. o/a is now 90

    Those are really excellent stats for only 6 months of play. I would say you're doing a brilliant job :)


    have to dissagree, mag level is really sux :-X


    I have to agree. Your a/d is decent but your magic does not compare to this level. You will be fighting armed orcs and cyclops soon and especially on cyclops, you really want to have failproof restoration spell (magic 49 and above), not to mention that you could participate in instances but with this magic, it can get really tricky. But overall, nice stats, keep it going and raise your magic (it's quite fast after 35-37 with mana drain, trust me...)

  8. So it looks like they 'll take any possibility to get quick cash not involving any effort on their part


    As for scams involving RL $$, €€ or whatever, local police likes be be informed of those ;)

    (or perhaps they don't like it, but they tend to take their irritation out on the scammer)



    I'll be the first to call Bull**** on this one.


    Hector scammed Radu out of $$ for ingame items. Radu further getting into it lost another 20$.


    No local police are going to care if you get scammed out of 20, 40, even 200$ over a pixelated game. They just won't do squat.


    Agreed. They'd have to prove it to the scammer, and since chatlogs are easily fabricated, what else do you have in hands to prove it?

  9. Sorry, but teleporting stuff doesn't make ANY sense at all in combat...

    And it does in harvesting? :confused:


    The LotR movies make a good case for someone getting smacked a LONG distance in a battle. That's almost a teleport.


    Sure, but I think that teleporting would more than anything only annoy people, extra damage from combat, relative to the strenght of mob is much more sensible. 10HP damage for all mobs seems a bit unbalanced IMO, for example rabbits and beavers giving newbies with under 30HP very hard beating? Maybe it should be reserved to monsters only, not animals

    (afkers don't train at animals anyway, as they are not hostile to them...).

  10. Treat it like Harvesting - after a period of time (much longer than ridiculous short between harvest events) the player encounters the equivalent of a teleport nexus and is moved to different location.


    Sorry, but teleporting stuff doesn't make ANY sense at all in combat...
