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Posts posted by TessAnna

  1. of course it should and of course it should have limitations... not helping limitations, but character limitations. I think each person should be allowed one alt to act with as they see fit.....


    PK server rocks without the worry of rule 5.... no stress about proving families, no section for people full of banning and whining and begging to be back in game, lots less hassle for Aislinn and others too I would believe.


    Okay, thats my two cents.... take em or leave em.


    Saying this, if it does not go through, I would still obey it on Main as I always have.

  2. Update from me


    I traded SL7YZ0R for Infection (mostly because the name is MUCH easier to type and explain to people who want to test him), the goal with Infection is to bring another person over from main. I also currently had Satans_Wife and am glad to announce that I have given her to LadyLissa of Main Server. So far, no one is on Infection other than myself, but if that changes for a few minutes because someone wants to try him out, I will announce it in general conversation channel.


    My Main as always, TessAnna and my alt that I will NOT give up as always, Giggle. *Side note on Giggle, sometimes, I might let people from Main come on and test her out (guildies of mine from main, people I trust, no one else) but again, if that happens I will let all who are on know in the general conversation channel.


    Since I gave away Satans_Wife, I will make a new female character (next week) to bring another over. Any and all alts I get (other than Giggle) are solely for the purpose of bringing people over.... nothing more, I have NO desire whatsoever to keep up with an army of alts.

  3. I am very excited about these changes. I hope all welcome the changes as we do. Help us to help PAL grow to be the best supplier guild on the PK server. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss these changes and what they will mean to you.


    I look forward to retaining the many NAPS and Alliances already in place and creating many others :)



    On a side note:

    Leaving LVL^ was a personal choice. The guildies there are AWESOME people, I just needed the types of things I am normally used to :) Can't teach an old dog new tricks.... Too comfy with the old ways;)

  4. My vote said no restrictions of any kind by the community. The players don't own this server, Entropy does. I say if Entropy allows it, then so be it. If that causes people not to use my bot when she is created here, then so be it. And NO, I did not, nor will I read each and every single post here, I knew my feelings well in advance when I was hoping that we could have bots here.


    Please don't pm me or harass me in game, you won't change my mind.





  5. We would like our answers from Entropy as only he knows for sure.


    EDIT: PK server is FAR from a waste of time. We have a lot of fun here and since we are the ones actually playing, it should be our opinion that counts. If you come over with a negative attitude, then it won't be fun for you, but if you come over and have fun doing whatever you want to do, then I assure you a great time.


    The community rules are not bad. No one says you can't argue until you are blue in the face and everyone is tired of hearing it.... all we ask is to keep the vulgarity out of the community channel. What you do in PM, other made up channels or IG is different. The problem is, no one has any clue the ages of each and every single person on the community channel, and since the community is still small, why should we have to leave the channel just to avoid the vulgarity? Thats plain nuts. Anyway, that's my two cents.

  6. I found the post about name changes being once a month. What I would like to know is what are the fees and which paypal link to use. I am not sure if PK server is handled the same or differently than Main server accounts.


    Thank you.

  7. LVL^ is a guild all about leveling. Whatever skill a guildie choses we will do our best to help them out. There are currently even some interguild leveling quests being designed to help in the process.


    I, myself will be a mixer/supplier. Each guildie can answer here as to what their goal is IF they wish to.



    TessAnna of PK LVL^

  8. I have been playing a little over a week now... I love the PK Server.... but I sure miss my bot. I would love to see them implemented here. If and when that happens, I will be one of the first ones to get one. I am pretty sure with the small size of our community we wont be "over run" with bots. If and when they advertise on market and you dont care to "see all that spam" you can always put them on ignore. There has even been a universal command put in to ignore all bots at once as opposed to each one at a time (don't use it, so don't recall it at the moment but am sure someone will post it since I mentioned it).


    Marr, hi :icon13: There is no way "one slot rental" would EVER work. Most of us have more than one item we make and sell. I would not even bother with something like that, it would not be worth my time... not to mention the idea that if it doesn't sell within a week it gets dropped and its gone? I wouldn't even waste my time with restrictions like that. I am not bashing your idea (I dont play that way) I think you are very clever, just saying it wont work for me or many mixers I know.


    Okay, there ya have it, let me have a Paladina here :icon13: she misses me :)
