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Everything posted by fred_penner

  1. New Elixirs

    I like it. Fred_Penner seal of approval. Or they could be a quest item. You get one random elixir when you finish the quest, and you can only do the quest once.
  2. e3dobject list

    And maybe the depth of the water (or distance from shore) starts applying "cold" damage. Just to put some danger into swimming. I'm thinking people might be able to swim to the new continent, but only if they're strong enough. Or maybe "might" or some skill dictates how long you can be in the water before you start to drown. And the inventory you're carrying could make a difference too. Some formula involving the weight you're carrying and your "might" skill could dictate how long you can swim for before you start drowning. There's lots of fun things you could do with swimming. Make it a skill maybe; somehting to practice. Put islands out in the water, maybe with rare resources on them like mercury or enriched essence spawns, etc.
  3. Do You Summon ?

    What's the point of summoning something?
  4. He's setting himself up for his own:
  5. El Walkthrough

    Being in a guild can be helpful for levelling up your character. Get some guildmates to help you gather stuff for alchemy or manufacturing, or have them run the stuff you make to the storage so you don't lose it. And if you're trying to level at fighting, it can be nice to have a chaperone around who can pick up the stuff you drop if you die.
  6. <name> met Dahmer for lunch.
  7. New Idea For Horsies

    This is the second time I've seen this "muling" idea come up, and I've even mentioned it once too. I like the idea, but I recall there were technical problems such as keeping track of "your" horse, since there could potentially be thousands of these animals (if everyone had one) and they'd each be individually tracked, along with their inventory.
  8. e3dobject list

    Swimming? Can you drown? Say for example, your food level drops to 0 then you're too tired to swim (just like you get too tired to harvest effectively) and you'll start losing 1 mat point every n seconds until you die or get out of the water.
  9. My Avatar Is Getting Squashed!

    There, avatar 80x80.... The King is not above the law.
  10. My Avatar Is Getting Squashed!

    Ok, now I see that avatars are 80x80 only... that's not enough for a King, baby! Let's the proles stay at 80x80, I need bigger avatar. After all, I am the King.
  11. El Walkthrough

    And let's not forget www.elrocks.com for the facts, once you're over the noobie hump...
  12. Automatic Updates

    teh banned 0n3na only says it on her first post in the thread. Take a look at the top of this thread. She's breaking from tradition.
  13. Hazor has left the building...

    Why would anyone (except for the Beverly Hillbillies when they go broke) move from California to Tennessee?
  14. screen twitch

    I've noticed this too. I thought it might just be my POS monitor going on me.
  15. platin coins.

    Why's it obsolete? I've got plenty more than 1000gc, so what's the harm in changing them to plats? No real benefit I guess, but I just don't understand why the plat was removed in the first place. Why bother putting in the work to remove it. What was the point?
  16. Automatic Updates

    Or just remove it from the client ourselves. In that case, go ahead and add the autoupdate thing.
  17. The underworld isn't scary. When you get killed, you walk out and that's it. We need some demons, baby! Add a few demons down there. They don't even have to be that strong (since your mat points are already depleted). And that would also avoid people trying to use them for levelling. If a demon nails you, you start back at the beginning of the Underworld. And since you drop your stuff in the underworld, so you can go look for it (if you dare!). This way, people would be more inclined to stay out of the Underworld, since it is possible that you could get stuck down there by being repeatedly pk'ed by a demon.
  18. Automatic Updates

    Hello. I make fun where I like, and for reasons you obviously can't fathom. And besides, isn't immitation the best part of flattery? (Hope that's not too much of a hint). Regards.
  19. platin coins.

    Keep them at 1000gc=1plat... and bring them back. What's the reason for leaving them out?
  20. Song Game!!

    I will kill you. I will.
  21. Song Game!!

    I think that killed the game, so let's start a new one! Goats wins a prize or someting. Here we go: You Were Always On My Mind - Pet Shop Boys Lotsa words to choose from there...
  22. Automatic Updates

    Hello. I agree with teh banned 0n3na. I would not like auto-updates, especially because I keep my client totally customised. Regards.
  23. vagina banned (don't even think about it guys...)

    Vagina was once banned from me too... :shock: "Hey, what's that rash?" :| "Nothing. Don't worry about it." :shock: "When did you first notice it?" :| "Um, I don't know... a while ago. Forget it. Here, bend over." :shock: "Wait a sec. What is it? Did you see a doctor?" :| "Doctor? I don't need a doc. Don't worry about it. Grab that bottle of astroglide." :shock: "No, wait. How do you know what it is?" :| "It's nothing. Forget it, ok? :shock: "I don't think so. Good night." :| "Good night!? It's nothing, ok?? Get over here." :shock: "No thanks. Go to the walk-in tomorrow and then we'll talk." :| "Damn it!"
  24. Are you drunk? Welcome...

    Post here if you're hammered! Sober people, please resist the urge to comment. I'm looking for alcohol induced posts only! Do it. Do it. Post away. (ps. I'm totally hammered and just listening to music while I harvest fruit in game. If it wasn't for EL, I'd light fires. Fire rulez. And I'm a grown-up! I'll regret this tomorrow, I'm sure. I'm gonna be so embarassed. Have I talked about anything embarassing yet? Shut up now man! You know the rule! No posting when you're hammered! Damn it... hands.. not.. responding.. can't.. stop... posting.... ack!)
  25. New fighting books

    Thats a good idea too. You can use the weapons without reading the books, but your chance of breaking it are much greater. Of course, for equality, the same should be applied to alchemists and manufaturers. Your failure (with loss of ingredients) rate would be higher if you haven't read the book.