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Everything posted by MagpieLee

  1. Iscalrith Storage

    Actually there are more 'spots' where you can access the storage. Its just that the NPC is out of reach. so you have to open up storage and THEN walk to the active spots. It beats having to wait for afk people at storage.
  2. Vermor Castle Maze

    Teleport to range...my fav spell ;-)
  3. Why was raven moved

    At last! Someone can see what I see.
  4. Mine Store Bots

    I don't get it... Why is this thread filled with so much negativity whilst the previous one (the wandering one) had everyone praising the idea? The one refered to: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...opic=14420&st=0 was a wandering merchant type, but it was said not to have gone ahead due to muling and macroing issues, fair enough (but the post didn't state cleary if it wasn't definately allowed, only "I think its against the rules" or "talk to xxx about it" ... you get the picture). And this one, stationary gets a few bashes because...well I don't know why actually. It'd be good if people used constructive cricitsm, rather then the blunt NO (you don't have to use insults, just say why you didn't like it). As for me, I'm quite partial to the idea. Its a relatively old selling concept for bots but with an added twist. I think this idea needs a bit of work for it to work.
  5. January voting @ www.mpogd.com

    8 Soul Knights 119 3.07% 9 Call of Combat 111 2.87% 10 Eternal Lands 107 2.76% 11 TDZK - Taenaria Derivia Zallus Kitara 106 2.74%
  6. Latest Mortos att

    lol I remember that...I couldn't believe it when I saw it. What WAS funny as hell was that when he (or was ot Aluwen) summoned a few more with red names, there was this newbie who totally panicked and was trying to beam. 2beam me, 2beam me, 2beam me.!
  7. Latest Mortos att

    Cool picture FireBalls Yea lol that was insane when it happened (it happened twice too). And since they have the red name you'd *think* they'd attack you and we'd all die but they don't attack They were summoned by Aluwen (who wasn't present) to save us from the invasion PS: Unicorns are associated with Aluwen (not others who claim they belonged to them ) Should be submitted for EL.com
  8. Ok, should the cooldowns stay or not?

    Couldn't you do some minor tweaks FIRST then post something like this after another 2 weeks? I voted yes - for them to stay
  9. Today is a special day also for the bots

    Remote Heal bots
  10. What we're currently working on

    woo Intelligent weapons, I can't wait to see this one. will there be weapons that insult us if the monster hit us or luagh at us if mother nature hits us? or will they be helpful and give us tips on how to kill things? Elven short swords that glow blue when near orcs?
  11. #view_guild_colors oddity

    guild doesn't exist anymore?
  12. First step

    I don't disagree with you Enyo, the CHOICE to have them on or off is a nice option. At times I go through periods of putting it ON then OFF and I see advantages of both...and it is my CHOICE to have it off.
  13. First step

    I'm proud of my newbie-like stats. And I've nothing to hide. privacy is off here - for the most part anyway.
  14. Buddy List mantanence

    I sooo agree here. I thought they had plans to 'grey-out' inactive buddies on your list.
  15. What we're currently working on

    Will these new maps have New monsters?
  16. Looking for succesor ;)

    wow I remember your name. You're acc is too good to just 'give away though.
  17. Random Events

    Could you have #date to show if its a random day too? edit: #day (curtesy to Pyderz and guy). I didn't know about this.
  18. desdamona and scyth wedding pics

    I saw these two today in Irilion having some sort of 'honeymoon' for a bit - my chatlog will have: "Close your eyes, no peeking" "ok" "All of them!" "ok babe" etc etc. I left them well alone...
  19. ejderha

    I don't think that is a newcomer. I think its just someone elses alt char
  20. Random Events

    Read here for more info: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20099
  21. Calling all guildleaders

    Let's make it clear then: and now this: Every guild has a guidleader..and every guildleader can sit in at the Council. I can't agree with you. Considering that it is JezeBelle's answers in RED colour it wasn't MagpieLee who suggested infamous 'outlaw guilds' list. Thx for clearing that up Vanyel (I've had to shrink the text to make it more page friendly). I haven't really kept up with this thread since the 3rd page - nice to see someone saying I started off the whole 'Outlaw guild' thing. :lol: In anycase, I'm a prime example of one of those '1-3 player guilds' - I'm the GM. And like I said before: I never felt like one (or ever considered it as a true guild), which means I am as guildless as any newcomer. All I wanted, was to have those four letters after my name, have fun and play the game. Thats why the GM of NUFC will not consider thinking about join the council (but will keep an eye on its developments) unless the council is in full swing and underway.
  22. Who was that Poor_Begger guy?

    Yeah I don't know if anyone noticed him...he was this character named Poor_Begger wondering around begging in Votd. I don't know if he was someone who was role-playing or playing a joke but nevertheless, I gave him some food and coins. Did anyone else notice this guy? Where ever he is, I hope the guy comes back to 'role play' in other character roles.
  23. Who was that Poor_Begger guy?

    That wasn't you anyway!
  24. Mass Production ?

    I thought one of the reasons why the Cooldown was implemented was to dilute the amount of things on the market, its done almost the opposite lol. The only problem is keeping up with the ingreds which runs out quicker then ever. Anyway - I want to know more about these new items..

    #guild_info XMAS