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Everything posted by Lotheneil

  1. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    6k iron ore please (=18k gc)
  2. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    3k silver and 3k diamonds if possible, if not 2k each please.
  3. harvesting

    5k iron ore please and Merry Christmas!
  4. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Lotheneil - 2k rubies, 2k iron (12k gc)
  5. Mage class formulas

    I'm glad we've came to an agreement. The formula seems very reasonable and from what I've heard from testers pretty balanced. Number of HP restored is an incentive to train magic and/or put pp in rationality without demanding everyone to do so. Lowering cooldown on srs a bit might be a good idea, better than lowering mana usage I think - it'll take more of them from the system
  6. Give Boneless creatures bones

    Well, some of them would, some wouldn't, others would make a pile of bones at one place and call a guildie with a perk to pick them up...there are possibilities I think adding bones to cyclops', chimeras' and fluffy's drops wouldn't hurt, if we can eat ogres, rabbit and yeti bones (yummy!) why not those monsters?
  7. Mage class formulas

    Now that's the idea I really like! It would solve the "invincible fighters" problem, without being a nuisance to everybody else.If that idea is unacceptable, I'd rather see the formula being magic*(1,5 or 2)+rationality*5, as the second one forces EVERYBODY to put at least 50pp in will/reasoning for restoration to be useful (if my math is correct it would let a person with 50 magic heal 130 hp) - totally impossible for most people.
  8. Decay rates on enriched essences

    Well, I'm not too fond of the idea of taking away from hoarders items they rightfully got. It's the same as you'd require people to hand down all the money they keep in their socks because it generates no profit and is just frozen. Besides, the idea is completely impossible to implement. Can you imagine 10k-s of rare essences each with it's own timer? It'd require a lot of space in the database and would put more strain on the server (clearing "overdue" items all the time). With the current item system there is no way to tell which efe is which, they're all the same for server - just item number and quantity number.
  9. Video Extensions test

    Strange. I've downloaded it without problems (save target as...)
  10. Mage class, Fighter class

    Magic*1.5+rationality*5 seems a better restoration formula than the previous one to me, I think making it based more on magic than rationality is a good idea. Training magic at higher levels is quite time consuming and expensive, so I think there should be some kind of incentive for it. Even magic*2+rationality*5 shouldn't be too much, depends on how much hp you'd like a typical player to be able to restore - 80 magic is a lot, from what I was able to see on toplists only 15 players have that much, I'd say an average is around 40-50. Imho formula for damage spells is OK, it should work fine and it's always possible to tweak it later. Btw: restoration spell is used commonly by everyone on Draia, and not only by PKers, some people tend to forget that. There is one reason I like the whole idea - I'll have a motivation to train my magic above lvl 50, because for non-PK people there is none atm. I'd say test it on PK server, then if it works fine bring it on to the main
  11. Mage class, Fighter class

    Well, there is a huge difference between healing 60 hp and 200+ I'd say. What I think now (first thoughts, might be wrong and not thought (sp?) over too much, just tossing thoughts around). For PKers (and perhaps invasions participants): great idea, will make combat much more interesting and strategic. For monster trainers: let's face that, the only spell they really use and need is restoration (maybe some shields and magic immunities here and there, but I don't think it's too common). As asgnny said it'll make training much more expensive and risky with no positives I can see (correct me if I'm wrong please). For mixers: mixing on toads will become harder and more risky, on the other hand they may get more orders for hes, sr and perhaps other essences as well (as some spells may be used more commonly). I think this may help less experienced players, but for higher levelled it'll be a nuisance.
  12. Mage class, Fighter class

    A little clarification please: 10 hp for every point in reasoning or rationality? Eithere way: I think creating a magician "class" is an interesting idea, which will make even more character builds possible, and PK/raids should be more interesting than they're now. For fighters it's a great idea for sure. On the other hand, new formula for restoration spell will become a true disaster for mixers, as it'll make mixing on toadies much harder. I've just checked - with my current stats I'll be able to heal 65/105 points of damage (depending on which stat that number depends on). Well, it might be what you intend to do, but I can't say I'm going to like this change too much
  13. Attributes cap for the main server

    I voted no. The thing I really like in EL is that possibilities aren't limited - you can make your character in whatever way you wish, and it's partially thanks to no limits. I'm not a PKer and in fact I don't know what's the best for them. But we shouldn't forget there is a PK server now, so PKers needs are more or less catered for. For me personally (90% mixer 10% monster killer) this limit has absolutely no advantages. Of course if that's what is the best for the game I will adapt, I still think the limit of 48 is a bit too small.
  14. Siggy/avy/alch shop

    Max on water essences if the shop is still open
  15. Cotton in tailoring

    Besides, if I'm correct Entropy wanted tailoring to be a hard and expensive skill (good, some challenge at last ). Everybody and their mother can make thread from cotton
  16. Remove 'Beta' mark from the game

    Yes, when the game comes out of beta it usually means it's more or less complete, and development means just adding some new stuff. In beta stage changes are usually bigger and sometimes drastic. I'd say EL falls into the second category.
  17. Siggy/avy/alch shop

    5k we and 1k silver bars (just for a change ) If not possible only the former please. EDIT: ok, so 1k silver bars and 1k we please
  18. cant flee sometimes

    Yes, I experienced this bug as well. It never happens during training with monsters, but very often at pvp. The "flee curse" usually strucks one person, the other has no problems with fleeing. Having 30+ "you failed to flee" messages is nothing special, it happens to me as well. The problem is when you try to flee (both home button and clicking away) and NOTHING happens - no messages, no change in animation (normally when you try to flee your character "freezes" and stops attacking) - and you can't flee at all. For me casting heal (not restore) seems to help - sometimes a few tries are needed.
  19. Special Days

    I second (third? ;P) the idea.
  20. Dragon Blade

    Ok, I'll finish it - 75k
  21. Dragon Blade

    Sorry 60k
  22. Dragon Blade

    Bad Fedora 50k
  23. Dragon Blade

  24. Dragon Blade

  25. Dragon Blade
