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Posts posted by Sir_Megatron

  1. Blessed be Nathan

    Troubles me hear the loss you had. We gets filled with discouragement when peoples do things like this against us. much of our gear we worked our arses of to get, and then loose it in a snap be course an irresponsible person finds it funny. The only words which summons in my brain is a mix of impotence and discouragement





  2. *** The shadows in the mist ***


    In the mist i sees you dancing

    Memories strokes back, a walk in pale moonshine

    Never we was afraid a mysterie exploring

    Gratefull I am for you handed me your time


    Beleave me some things just never leaves ones heart

    In the fog i still sees things manifested massively

    On that beach i now, prints my view over ocean

    Carriad in the mist i still sees you dancing


    *** The pillow of clouds ***

    Proud and strong as noone else i sees you

    The things which takes shape in any size

    You with a magic stroke pets to pure bless

    The demanding crowd takes nest with you


    You finds time and space where such not are

    Love and tenderly care you most willing hands out

    My life you filled with light and conformable joy

    I ask myself is this something i can ever repay enough

    The pillow of clouds to me you are Blossom :)

  3. Blessed be all


    Fortune smiled at me, and handed me a Magic Removal Stone.

    wil be sold for highest offer. auction wil go from (today) wedensday the 6. to tuesday the 12. time 8 pm both day included.





    Post offers here/

    or send me an ingame which il post then



    Nb Starts at 500 kilo (was taken out from Trinity which was 400 to 600 went in the middle of it) It wil go for highest bid



    This an bonus add: For the highest bid on end date there will be a saving stone to in top of that Magic Removal



    Auction i s over, Panzerfaust was the winner :)



    Thx for your interest

    Megz :pickaxe:

  4. Yea i tryed see fun in harv stopped 34 times in two harvs, it was no succes.


    I like harv events, but then again not in each 1 or 2 minnut. surprices is nice, but when u get surpriced each minut the exiting starts fade a lil out.


    i must admid i liked it better before




  5. Why i don't PK


    There Will always come one which is stronger than you, in war there is no winers only loser's; and thats how i se PK'ing a battle which was born lost before it even was started. When it comes to respect, i don't respect peeps from their Att/Deff; rather their personality and backbone to reach their goal.


    This don't mean i don't respect PK'eres, i will say I do if they prove them selves worth respected as all else. there is quit a lot i know which practices that sport, which i respect.


    Bottom line is, its my convincing all skills are like respectful and honorable; Pk'ing is just not one of myne personal choises.


    Be wel all

  6. Have fun


    Why did we join this game, for the fun i think most wil answer right away. Besides having fun, we ofcourse seeks the adventures. What we can offer is, comfort in that task. Often its real simpel stuff wich is needed to know, just to get along with things. When things are a rutine, the hunger for more knowledge aproaches. If that hunger is succeded waking and even more succeded the direction where the goal could be, Il say goal is reached.


    We are in no inttentions of hijacking any members, its just an offer to newcomers.


    Thers nothing wrong in being a jumping board to annother place, if it was fun being at that jumping board. And if u like stay at it and have more fun, wel perfect il say.



    Bright blessed be all

  7. Lots of people know my opinion: Now that we know mines can kill people on Peace Day, there is no more Peace Day. Take it out of the game already because it's just a lie now that confuses newer players.


    This whole mines thing just goes to show how player attitudes affect games. Even though this is a social interactive game, there are lots of people who just don't want to share it. They just don't want ever to give up a little of their thing to make room for someone else's thing. Never. Period. This goes equally for trainers who bitch about No Drop Days, harvesters who bitch about invasions, and PKers who bitch about Peace Day. It seems no matter what someone gets, someone else will resent it, and no matter how much of their thing some people get, it will never be enough. Whatever.


    Bottom line: There is no Peace Day. Once people get that through their heads, all this "fun" and arguing will be over.


    What u say is totally correct, I had to give this some thoughts tho. Summa Sumarum the day the bomp got in here Peace day became a joke. and I rest my case leaning to your words. And im really over the negative feelings inclosed to all this mine stuf, all in the facts PK mabs are a closed area for none fighters.


    Long live killing in them areas, long live pease everywhere else

    Blessed be all

  8. I sure remember them days I had some great joy in exploring the maps I commonly not used. It was really nice to just walk them mabs se what is closed world for (us) harvesters, a experiense for just that one day. was a day one could look forward to, things changes; thats normal all do. The dessision have been made, the mines are here "cased closed sofare", untill annother idea comes around "fair enough". Until then Peeps like me wil stick to safe maps im sure, I do never the less not see any reason for being angry and express like.


    Coment copied from TooMass

    " ((( next time i lay my mines somewhere on the path to hydro and we will see if u enjoy peace again.harvesters arnt save on peace day anymore ))) "


    Its my beleaving EL is big enough for all, and thers some for all, I dont have the need of digging a hole in hope a PK'er wil drop in it, nore do I wish so.


    Excuse my poor way of handling the language



    Blessed be you all

  9. Wel can we agree to the theme is disapointment about exploding mines under a pease day


    and the pease day stands for "Today we celebrate life,and, as such, we will not fight with eachother, nor will we harm any life form".


    If the two lines above are accepted as the discussion subject, then..



    If above lines are violated, peaseday is a joke sinse you should be able to cross between mabs without conciderings am this in dangerus for my life or ????.


    But if Sniping, assasins, on so on is a go on a peaseday then my inlay loose its foundation



    Blessed be all

  10. Mines - Traps - Harm spell - Life drain whatever


    I se no point in a pease day with the ruleset made, as long inderectly atcking are alowed.

    Its an insoult of freedom nothing else.



    Blessed be all

  11. Could mebbe be more nice with more different events, so we dont have the exactly same procedure each and every weekend. An Invasion runs allmost over two days. could be awsome if double or scholars did the same. The special days like mentioned above could be in the weekends to. In that way Manufactors, Figheters or what ever you are, could say this was a really good week-end for me here.
