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Posts posted by Alastria

  1. well, I admit...I've been a bag jumper, when the bag is left unattended...


    ...but that's because I wanna make sure it's not someone's that has died or something or lagged out...I ask around, see what's happened...even if I've been sitting next to the person and they've lagged out, I'll jump on their bag so it doesn't poof when they come back, or I'll hold onto the stuff for when the next time I see them in game to give it back...or even see if they still want it. Sometimes it's a matter of that they harvested too much to carry or found something else they wanted to pick up instead (had that happen one day when me and another fellow ELer were helping to find someone's bag that died, he dropped a bunch of ihs hard earned iron ore to pick up that person's items and return them to him, I picked up the ore but he didn't want it back...)


    The majority of the community helps each other out, we're nice to each other because we want to get along...


    Just look at it this way...for every 5 of us that is nice and gives back items found in a bag, there's 1 bag jumper who won't...(I prolly have the odds wrong, but that's the way it seems)...I see people all the time in Newbie Chat asking "Hey, did someone die in such-and-such place? I found a bag with such-and-such items in it" Some people will joke around and say, yeah, it's mine, but the original owner is sometimes found...and people who have died will ask for help and there's always a few people willing to help out, find those items and give them back...


    Don't like those that are bag jumpers ruin your own game or your own view of the game and it's community. It's one of those things people are going to do and they'll never change their mind nor their point of view...

  2. One thing I've noticed about the manual and an updated one from one of the sites (can't remember if it was ELManuals or ELRocks) is that EXP gained was off by 2-5 points, such as all base experience (with exception to attack and defense) is 7, yet the manuals say 5, Silver is I think 42, but the manuals say 39 (I think), it says Sulpher is 25, when it's really 28, etc.

    well, this is where everyone else's help comes in handy...I do have the Submit Information for the Manuals so I can get in correct information, as long as people realize what they're doing...experience does rely on reasoning/rationality when it comes to doing anything. There's no true way to get all the info in correctly if all the stats (well, not all) aren't there...


    So, you may have some points into reasoning and will (?) and your rationality might be up a point or two and your experience you're gaining per thing that you're doing is higher...


    Only thing I can think of..

  3. yeah, it is rather humourous how it looks...I tried to make some of the tiles still have a bit of texture, but it doesn't quite work out right...hehe...


    But if it's helping w/ your performance, I'm glad to hear it :(


    Maybe I can play w/ it some more later and fix it up a bit so it doesn't look at cartoony..:D

  4. W00t! Finished it...finally...yeesh, lots of stuff in the game...hehe...


    Re-did some of the textures so they'd, well have texture, but a lot of the textures are just plain 1 or 2 colours. Plants and leaves I left alone, but tree bark is obsolete now (1 colour), same w/ leaving alone the capes, clothes, people, and animals.


    There's a full download of the game, or just a Content (2d objects, 3d objects, textures, tiles) download on EL Manuals. Let me know how it goes for you if you decide to D/L it Zhila...


    Frankly, I think it's a kewl idea all together...if there's still some problems, let me know on what and maybe I can work on a few more of the graphics..


    Only other problem is some of the colours don't match up, like main ground parts and the edgings..hehe...*shrugs* but it's workable, I think...

  5. *ponders*


    I think they shouldn't, considering the Newbie chat is always going across the screen, and someone starting out might miss what the Newbie Helper is telling them, if it shows up in their Chat. If it's a bubble, like Wraith has, might not be too big of a deal, but if the Newbie Helper explains to them what they need to do, how to chat, then the person can decide on their own if they want to bother with the global chat or not. They tend not to know right away (until a Hint appears or someone tells them) that they aren't chatting in the Newbie Channel yet.


    That's one of the reasons Newbie Island was kinda nice. Really very few people around for the chat to enter on their screen just yet and I don't think they started in Newbie chat right away. Less chance to get confused as to what's going on.


    I think they should choose for themselves..

  6. If you'll read here:




    Learner made a Help Bot for people, but we're trying to find some ways to make it more interactive.


    It was Raven on Newbie Island and yeah, that always helped a TON when you started in the game...I miss it myself...So many people these days can't figure out what to do and are too lazy to read even FAQ's or they're too low on the EL website to see them....


    Maybe we can help Learner some with his bot or something...

  7. *hugs to Learner*


    KK...he works well, just wasn't sure who owned him for some of things to happen more...


    Is there possibly a way that Help Bot could be given NH privileges, that way when someone's new character is made, it will automatically PM them? Something about reading the chat code that comes by and it'll read the "#Message from God: Our newest member is playername! " and then PM them from whatever is in place of Playername? 'Course, it'd have to be up to Roja and Ent to add Help to the NH channel, but I think it'd be a great help...I know I've missed having Raven on Newbie Island, less people had problems starting and figuring out the game when we still had Newbie Island.

  8. LOL, it's not that big of a deal Ember, everyone uses Fred's these days and it's a great thing that at least someone had the time and the chance to get something put together when I got too busy to keep up w/ my own. Now I'm getting some freetime to go back and try to fix stuff, update, etc..it's very understandable...



  9. I come in and he just stands there...I think I tried creating a new character once and he still just stands there...any way to make him more interactive? There's nothing that tells you right off to talk to him to get some help. I tried trading w/ him to see if he'd do anything and he started the Help speil...


    If you could click on him instead, like you do with Wraith, maybe it'll help a bit more? I don't know if he's an EL creation or someone else's, but he's a good idea, just needs to be more interactive...

  10. Yeah, I know iPowerweb is the ones that screwed EL over but so far I haven't had any problems with them *crosses fingers* I like being able to have my own bulletin board w/ out having to run it off of Jakuren's work computer...


    teh banned 0n3na, I've used some of Fred's stuff (considering he has used some of mine) but there's things that aren't on the website that I feel need to be out there, like a lot of coordinates that are missing...that's probably the biggest thing that is needed right now...


    The Manufacturing Jewelry and Weapons pages, I didn't have time to fill in the info, I just wanted to get the pages posted because they've been sitting on my computer at work and I'd like to be able to work on it at home some, at least...anyways, things I'm not sure what their stats are, I can at least post the picture and others can help out with the stats, like the new weapons that are out...if it's in the game image directory, then you know it'll be implemented eventually...


    Aepox, if you have popups, it's your own problem, I haven't had any problems thorugh IPowerWeb with any of that...:P Make sure you're going to the right address, too...I still have the old one up at elmanuals.cjb.net but the re-director has pop-up problems...

  11. Finally bought a new website for it...still working on fixing up the old website, fixing, adding...things like that...I'll be sure to get my new e-mail address out to those that want it...


    Finally got tired of having to put everything in a seperate folder on my own website, when I think I'd like to eventually use my own website for, well, my own things, one of these days...


    I went through iPowerWeb.com this time, it had a really kewl package with it, it's own bulletin board, etc this time, instead of going through a third party...it just appealed to me a lot more, and it's a little cheaper than my service through Ready Hosting anyways...


    But it'll be 24 hours before I recieve my information on getting to even start uploading anything to it to play with, but just wanted to let everyone know my good news :(
