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Posts posted by rebootedrock

  1. :P

    i think it would be VERY useful if we could resize windows,

    for instance you could resize your inv so that its a small "quick use" boxes.

    or you could resize your magic window so that you saw only the cast button, making it easier to find and click on a target.


    post ideas, suggestions, flames here :D

  2. times and date: tonight at 8pm usa eastern (7pm central)

    place: arena

    prizes: anything from money to serps and capes


    Will be similar to slayton's triva party.

    (looking for a guild to play "bouncer")



    Ideas and input are welcomed

    EDIT: oops it was slayton! silly me :)

  3. this post isnt about the issue of NH for p2p.

    the reason this is so is because of the answer to this question.

    Q: If NH's get p2p where will they be??

    A: on p2p. not helping newbs as they should be.


    the point is that we spend our time donating time towards newbs and not our own skills. I can see roja's reasoning behind that if only 1 item as a reward would at least show we are being appreciated for our work.

  4. spawn off of roja's post under Should NH's get free P2P?

    in gen discussion.


    Sounds like a good idea, anyone have any possible ideas?

    i was thinking something along the lines of a red cape :D or something to that effect.


    Seeing as we do alot of work and seeing as p2p is not possible.(not that im worked up about it at all) I thought this would be ok.

    BTW b4 you might flame, i only posted this because of what roja said.

  5. its not that you dont try, its that most of these ideas have been mentioned/dscussed/flawed before


    and about the joker, it would intro a special class of item and would fc up the already fced up econmy(although it seems to be fixed currently by entropy)


    example:runescape anyone?

  6. having years of experiance with rs i can change this idea to be unique..

    1. must wear gloves

    2. something to hold the gem as you cut it

    3.dont make amulets, necklaces,rings. (unless the name has something added to it) like amulet of the sky (sapphire ammulet)

    4.dont have just thread added into the manu window.. say a different task to make it gold, etc plated.

    5. have different types of casts, like silver, gold etc.

    6. have different types of purity in the gold.

    7." " say a lesser purity means it is duller and cheaper.

    8. to make the gold idea work, make gold rarer or harder to carry.(say very high emu)

    9.DONT add smelts.

    10. dual with magic, say different enchantments an ammy. (for instance)


    sapph ammy-holds 1 enchant

    emerald ammy-holds 2

    ruby ammy-holds 3

    diamond ammy-holds 4


    list of enchants


    +15 defense

    +15 attack

    ~lv 2 spells

    +10 magic

    +10 alch

    ~lv 3 spells

    +10 manu

    +10 harvest

    ~lv 4 spells

    +20 eth pts

    +20 material pts


    ok to understand read this:


    sapphire amulets can only use lv 1 spells

    emerald can use lv 2 and 1

    ruby can use lvs 3 2 1

    diamond can use all spells


    and as for the actual enchanting i was thinking of:

    lv1 = 10 magic

    lv 2= 20 magic

    lv 3= 25 magic

    lv 4= 30 magic



    an npc can be added also to take care of whatever is missing


    Hope this made sense :? :)
