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Posts posted by xenkoriu

  1. I like this idea a lot and I don't think it would be too hard to implement. Makes battle more realistic.



    Another suggestion I might add, while on the topic of sound, is to perhaps change the sounds made when a character is hit. It sounds a lot like someone just taped themselves grunting into a mic and I personally don't think it sounds very good (no offense to any of the sound implementers of course)

  2. Maybe the GIWS could be enhanced to include a detector? For a fee of course :blink:. Now I am not suggesting it tell is where the leo is because that would just defeat the purpose of surprise, but a hint of some sort to get the fighters all thinking? It may be a pain in the ass to impliment, so forgive me if you hate this idea, just thinking out loud :D


    I think the best form of announcement would be "Rumors tell that XXX has been eaten by a man-eating leopard." (substitute man- with whatever race XXX is at will :P) when the leopard makes a victim. Scary, informative, sure to attract your attention, makes sure appropriate condoleances can be PM'ed to XXX by close friends and relatives. :D

    Also, the frequency of these messages will give you an idea of the danger (and maybe also of location, if you know where XXX was at the time).


    On the other hand, an announcement like "The fame of XXX, who killed a man-eating leopard, reaches your hears." would serve both as an acknowledgement of XXX's boldness, and as a signal that for the next 20 hrs or so the leopard will not be around. As I understand it, these messages will be very infrequent, so they would not add to the general blue spam.


    I like this addition to the idea :)

  3. So is humor not allowed on this forum or something? Just curious, my post wasn't rude as far as I could tell, you didn't need to remove it.

    I wasn't the one who removed it, but humor is fine when it is included in addition to something contributing to the subject matter. Otherwise it is pretty much a spam post.


    Oh, I thought my post was in relation to what was going on, but apparently not. Not a big deal, I'm dropping it now :P

  4. lol that didnt work for some reason last time.... I'll try again though. If that's all I gotta do......*schamcks self*





    edit: Just tryed it and it didn't work so I dunno. This thread is for the pics though :P (probabaly mostly mine seeing as I doubt others took any) Maybe it was bad idea, oh well :-P

  5. Not sure if you think I'm stupid for doing this or actually think it's amusing :P









    *Oh, and as a really random side note, if any mod sees this can you make the 'x' in my name capital? its been bugging me that's its lower case :o Unless of course, changing one letter is too much work, I understand*

  6. So is humor not allowed on this forum or something? Just curious, my post wasn't rude as far as I could tell, you didn't need to remove it.






    On another note, Lumino, might I suggest an area on your site to suggest events? :P

  7. I was on my way to Idaloran storage and my character ended up in an ally way, seemingly 'hiding' from the invasion monsters so I thought it was semi-amusing and took a picture.





    If by any chance you took any pictures today, post them here please :P

  8. No apology necessary as far as I'm concerned. Lum, you were simply trying to promote your group as you said and made a small miscalculation on how you should go about doing that. It's still a great idea, just give it some time to work out on it's own. People will join more once things get going.
