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Everything posted by MoonShadow

  1. SPecial characters

  2. Can i make more than 1 character

    9. No multiple accounts on at the same time from the same person, that help each other by cheating. [ http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=104 ] So as lobonar said you can have more than account but they are not allowed to interact with each other.
  3. Song game...

    Crazy - Brooklyn Bounce
  4. Less P2P stuff

    I think that you can be happy that Ent and Roja don't plan to make much stuff which you have to pay for. At least I think so. For example for the second continent which we wanted to make a p2p continent we decided to make the main maps enterable for everyone. However you can donate money! :-)
  5. me=teh spamz0rs

    Herny - i suggest you to read the rules. You also spam the bans forum and there are a few rules ... you might want to read them before being suspended from the forums. (in case you go on spamming there)
  6. VOTD Tavern completely covered by fire

    Hey! Don't burn that tavern! Burn another one instead xD
  7. Song game...

    It's Going Down - Linkin Park
  8. I_hate_crannog pbanned

    The topic is kind of self explaning.
  9. 1337

    6u355 1'm 5p34k1n6 y0ur 14n6u463. :-)
  10. Roanof

    Btw - there are more secrets that haven't been found yet (at least I think so). :-)
  11. Random Spawns

    I like the idea. What i would like to see is monsters/animals that form herds if they find monsters/animals of the same kind or a similar kind. Like deers wandering around together. This has the advantage that if you find the herd then you can hunt down more than one. It would be good especially on big maps since you can only find animals wandering around alone so far. That is why hunting on big maps doesn't make much sense/fun and it could be fixed by the herd feature.
  12. awesome Germans !

    Welchen Link ich im IRC mindestens 3 Mal pro Woche verschicke ist dieser hier: http://www.seitseid.de/ Echt schlimm ... aber ihr wisst schon, dass ihr nicht gemeint seit, weil seid ich euch kenne, seit ihr sehr sicher mit Rechtschreibung und sowas. X.x
  13. Song game...

    Let Your Love Flow - Dream Dance Inc. edit: artist is bold now xD
  14. awesome Germans !

    *nimmt das mal als Beleidigung* :-P
  15. awesome Germans !

    Die Lehrer könnten ja nach Deutschland kommen - hier gibt es genug Leute, die nicht richtig Deutsch sprechen/schreiben können. Meistens sind Ausländer auch die besseren Grammatikkenner. Zumindest kommt mir das ab und zu so vor, wenn mich jemand irgendwas zur deutschen Sprache fragt und ich erst lange überlegen muss, da ich die Regeln selbst nicht kenne .. naja als Einheimischer hat man eben das Sprachgefühl.
  16. do you like el now or back befor the big chnages

    All these comments sound very much like "stop working on el and backdate it" - where are the comments of the players that clicked "I like el now" :-( And for these who want special "old" items back - think of what you wouldn't have then. All the changes mostly brought many different features with them so don't say that you liked the old version more because of a special item. That just sounds stupid.
  17. Help on using

    3dobjects/structures/wallxx.e3d xx stands for the number
  18. I lost items in an event

    Yes, this is always a hard thing to do during pk contests. Sometimes many people are being pked so you can't get all the stuff before someone else does. We can't guarantee giving equipment back in events, even if we say that we try to do so. It is a hard thing to do. :-/
  19. New Nordcarn Cave.

    Agh .. already fixed a bunch when we implemented it. *pokes shyfx* .. bad heightmap. I will have a look arouund the entrance. If there is anything else then please post specific coordinates - this makes it way easier.
  20. Don pawnage ~!~~!~!

    Wow this is one of the greatest screenshots I have seen so far in el. Many messages, names and healthbars but so much action. Yay, I like EL-war.
  21. bigblackballs pban

    *also misses Mono* Anyways offtopic. *wants to close the thread but can't* x.x
  22. Ok, Why.

    No idea either. Somebody should have a look into the logs to find out what happened.
  23. is making a map in this subject or in another

    And read the maps page on the homepage. :-) Anything else Tiras?
  24. awesome Germans !

    Wäre eine Idee - *geht in das Forum von Schweden*
  25. Platyna

    I have to say that i don't regret it at all - that i changed that poll that is (*CO* r0xx) xD And for everything else you said i can only say that you are the one who is always starting the "old stuff" again. I forgave you more than one time but you don't seem to understand that. You keep thinking I would treat you bad or anything just because of some stuff that happened a year ago .. which I didn't even remember anymore! It is just sad Platyna. This was my last comment on this topic. If I see any other new topics about this I will simply close it because I am really tired of this kind of discussion.