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Everything posted by Soldus

  1. Mystics Spearheading CO

    I have no idea what got to you Yoshi, but i'm quite sure you didn't really mean to say what you stated above... You hopefully weren't making fun of someone because of his english, which is not his first, mebbe not even his second language ??? You better get your ass back in here and apologize ! and by the way, i don't know the slang, but last time i checked, "friend" was spelled f-r-i-e-n-d... if this is a joke between the 2 of you, and i just didn't get it, please disregard this post...
  2. Racism

    Livingston has not even posted to this topic, so perhaps you should get your facts right before you attempt to sling mud at him because YOU have the grudge against HIM - not the other way around. All evidence here makes it very obvious who has the problem with who. Makaveli made a post here about you and you automatically get it into your head that Livingston is trying to get you into trouble. And for some weird reason you continue to post about Livingston even though he has not said a single word about you on this entire forum, let alone this thread about your racist comments (which I too have witnessed and have screenshots of). You PMed me out-of-nowhere a few weeks back, and said you bet I was wondering why you contacted me. Although I was not even slightly curious, the polite thing to do was respond, which I did a couple of days later (it took that long as you logged off right after you PMed me). A day or two after that (as you logged out again) you then asked me "Are you really a girl?" I was amazed that *this* was what you had contacted me about, as my age/sex/location have absolutely no bearing on my character, and it's not like we had ever even talked before. So I replied with "Is that what you wanted to ask me?" And then you replied with something to the effect of "I wanted to know what you think of Livingston, because I think he is an annoying noob" (I am more than happy to dig up the logs if anyone cares to read them). It seems to me that you are trying to rally some sort of support group against him because of your biased hatred towards him, not the other way around. And personally that sickens and disgusts me almost as much as your prejudicial comments. The only reason you find him "annoying" is because he does not share your tainted views towards others that do not fit your ideals. And for that matter, many people in our todays society DO NOT tolerate the kind of hatred that you are continually perpetuating every time you embark on your quest to downgrade people who are in any way "different" to your ideals. Sharing an opinion is one thing, but refusing to deal with someone due to your suspicion that the player might not be caucasion - that is wrong on so many levels that I will not even begin to comment on it! You should be ashamed of yourself! Not only do you make these hateful remarks, but you try to cover it up behind you just not liking capitalism, and you don't even have the common courtesy to apologise for them, which makes your actions a thousand times worse. Do you think people here are lying when they say you offended them? You have HURT others by your remarks and instead of doing what any good and decent human being would do when they realised they had hurt someone - even if that hurt was unintentional - you don't even have the decency to say you are sorry. Instead of behaving like a prejudicial bigot who has nothing better to do with his time than make childish racially-based slurs against all and sundry, perhaps you might actually take a step back and consider how your words might be taken by others. I really do not think it is too much to expect that you exercise a little common courtesy instead of spewing venom and hatred from your mouth every time the opportunity presents itself. This game is played by people from all walks of life, and when someone behaves in this manner, not only does it drive people away from the game, but it also gives the entire game a bad reputation as word gets around, especially in an online environment. I can see Entropy has put a lot of time and effort into this game, and I for one truly appreciate that. But when I see others so blatantly ignoring the rules and trying to ruin this game for others, to me it shows a total lack of respect not only for the players, but for the game creator himself. If you can't understand why people are hurt Spiritus, and you truly believe you are innocent of any wrong doing, then I feel sorry for you because that makes you a very sad individual indeed. But even more than that, I feel sorry for all those individuals who ever have the terrible misfortune to come into contact with you in their lives. Gothic-Rose Sorry i have actually nothing to add to this, i just wanted to say thank you for this posting, i bow to your wisdom and your ability to use a language like this! very impressive indeed. contentwise i might say that spiritus was the first player ever to make my ignore list, i think on the second day i ever met him. his disrespect for everything besides himself is showing in every word he says, the first day i thought he was drunk, the second day i realised that was actually him talking, not the alcohol. very sad indeed. <--- back to lurk mode
  3. i definitely would, as long as not all the work and time i put into my stats will be obsolete. and it should not be like fighting is worthless but summoning makes all the difference...look at my stats and you'll know why... :wink: and as long as we can keep our beloved guild EG ! :lol:
  4. that would certainly settle it for me...spend way too much time here anyways i would really miss seeing my fellow EG-members tho...well mebbe we all can get into video-messaging... 8) 8) 8)
  5. Move VOTD storage

    i just don't get it...why don't we just get more storage areas ? WS map should have rather 3 then none...