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Posts posted by boognish

  1. ... at the end of the day he was just a singer, and doesnt deserve the hero worship or the weeping and wailing because he has died...


    Frank Sinatra was just a singer.

    Michael Jackson was far more than a singer, far more than an entertainer and artist, far more than a philanthropist. He was a community activist on a global scale, an advocate for peace, and a source of hope for people with little. He was a cultural icon and he is a hero for millions of people.


    You're all just as sad as he is

    don't want to add to the flame, be we can spell.

  2. Thank you, Michael, for your talent and music. Rest in peace.




    I wonder what makes some people that much better than Jackson they felt free to judge him regardless of no proof or first-hand information.


    Right on.

    If you want to make the world a better place

    take a look at yourself and make a change.

  3. Aside from everybody's personal opinions and fears, the fact is, the man can be considered the most influential performer of our time. There is no doubt about that, I can cite a page of examples. Just because had an abnormal personal life, or put out a string of bad records, it can't take away from that fact.

  4. And yes, US is a fascist nation as well (can't do drugs, minors can go to jail for havign sex with other minors, you need prescriptions to buy even relatively harmless medicine, and shit like that).


    fascism -n. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.


    In no way is the US a fascist nation. Maybe rural Arkansas where your local sheriff is in everyone's business. But to say the entire nation is fascist is a generalization and an over-simplification. Because you need a prescription for relatively harmless medicine? really?

  5. The iron sword is much better exp used in armed orc summoning stone, which also has lower lvl needed to make.


    Goblin is 300 base and you use a few meats and bones, orc stone is 400 base and you use 2 SR 10 LE and 20! gypsum. The additional ingredients are worth more than the sword and for only 100 extra points.


    Also iirc stone takes 5 nexus and goblin only 3.


    I will not disagree that some parts of summoning are out-of-whack, but this is not one of them.

  6. I would agree with you about the cyclops, no way would i use a serpent sword to summon it.

    There is a strong demand for s2e and steel longs, so those monsters will not be summoned much.

    But the other sword monsters, ti short/long, iron/broad sword. These are all ok. I summon these monsters often for points. There is an abundance of ti longs in the game so you can get them for cheap. I can also train manufacture or support a manufacturer's training by making/buying ti shorts.

    Most sword monsters are a way for fast points at a high cost and I think there is a place for this.

  7. How many children playing EL have a forum account/read forums anyways?


    How many children playing EL, having a forum account/read forums anyways, will read this?


    How many children playing EL, having a forum account, who read this, will obey and not say STFU, leave me alone?




    So this discussion is somehow pointless.




    Can you give me lottery numbers for tonight?


    Isnt it your repsonisibility to protect Children from elements in your own game?

    Id be surprised if it isnt, with all of the laws and regulations and stuff that is made and set up. As far as i know EL doesnt have any sort of age restriction or even a guidline anywhere i can see (main webpage or in game.) id think that even a simple statement that this game is not suitible for those under 12/13/106 w/e you think is the appropriate age for players. This acts as a guide for parents (those that bother anyways). Just a simple disclaimer. Either way just a thought and question as the subject is at hand.


    This is an important point, if something goes bad in the game Radu, you do not want to be held responsible. Games today have all kinds of legal disclaimers on them. May cause epilepsy, carpal tunnel, etc. This is to protect the game makers as much as the players.

  8. Is there another way to get the summon menu other than the pointy finger on the summon?

    Maybe its just me but this is hard to do sometimes, to catch a rabbit and make sure the right cursor is used.

    Also, summon mode can not be changed until i already summon a creature. It would be ideal to set it before I start to summon.

    Something like a #sum command to bring up the menu.

    Thanks for listening.

  9. E.g. It will be harder now for aspiring crafters to hit 60S, let alone the 110S some ppl have in craft.


    You are kidding right? Crafting is one skill that was made easier for new players. Those 110s people didn't have thread to make or a NPC to buy polished gems.

    These changes are not made on a whim, they are in response to players abusing some part of the system. Naturally they will make it harder to get points or gc or whatever.

    All those oldbies that have forum IDs under 1,000. the new players can only get 60,000+. Maybe they should be reset so new players have the chance to get a cool low number. Is that really fair?


    on topic: mini-events are OK. but could be reduced in rate a little, I think they would still remain effective and be less annoying.

  10. I don't really like this idea for some reasons already stated.

    If it's truly better for the game and radu's bank account, then I support it.

    I'm just not too keen on all the intricacies of the problem.

    Encourage people to support the developers, not the gold farmers.


    btw I'll be sending in a big money order tomorrow, so no Paypal or taxes if you decide :w00t:


    evil IRL $$$

  11. Thanks, looking forward to the awards.

    I don't care how many fire essence there are in the game, not sure how that knowledge will help the game market/economy for anybody but teh god.

    Players killed this week would be an interesting statistic, and just that. It's not going to solve any debates around here.

    Maybe this is better in the "suggestions" section.
