
Dawn of a New Day: A Story of Empress Hyanithe IX
by Acelon

Chapter 3

The sun began to rise on the dawn of the eighth day since the Empress’s decision. It was hard to tell, because the clouds were gray and a light drizzle of rain fell upon the faces of the armies of the Idal Empire. The Empress, nobles within the empire, and families of the troops, stood at the docks in the Idaloran Harbor. The Empress was to make a farewell speech to bid the troops a safe journey and good luck with the war. She was nervous. This was her first address she had to deliver in the midst of a developing war. Siran and Glinda both stood behind the Empress, both only a few feet away, silently sending support to their friend.

"My brave soldiers. I want to extend the gratitude this kingdom has for your bravery. The threat of Luxin’s armies is too great for us to stand by and wait, therefore we must draw first blood in order to save our own. With this, we can rest easy that our children and our homes may be safe from the terrors of war. Before you go, remember what we fight for. We fight for honor and dignity. We fight for our families and our friends. We fight for our kingdom! We fight for the future!"

A roar accompanied with applause assaulted the ears of the Empress as she stood there looking out at the crowd of people. They had the utmost faith in her, the same faith Siran had in her. She knew at the moment she could not let her people down, at any cost.

The fleet set sail toward Seridia. It would take them a few weeks to arrive. Since Sarma had re-discovered a way to travel between the continents, the Idal Empire had mapped out the currents between them so that quick routes for normal ships to take could be found.

The crowd slowly diminished. Some stayed and watched the ships disappear beyond the horizon while others sought shelter from the steadily worsening rain. The Empress remained on the docks watching the horizon, though the fleet could no longer be seen. Her guards stood under a nearby shelter, leaving the Empress to her thoughts. Siran remained with her, just standing by her side. No words were needed; she knew that he was there to comfort her.

"I’m worried about the consequences of my decision. What if I’m sending our armies to be slaughtered? I still feel so inexperienced with things such as this."

Siran noticed the tears welling up in the Empress’s eyes. He took her hand within his and caressed her palm with his finger.

"Victoria. I may not be of noble blood, or have any experience at ruling an empire, but I do know that all decisions I make, I make them with my heart. If something feels wrong to you, then listen to yourself. Your brain can make up lies to convince you something is right, but your heart cannot."

The Empress was taken back by Siran’s gesture. She was not used to him calling her by her name, but it just felt too right to be wrong. "Well my heart is pounding now with you by my side and I know what I feel is not false."

They embraced and shared a long-awaited kiss. Only one person noticed the moment that Siran and the Empress had shared. A cloaked figured stood in the shadows of the harbor. A dagger glinted from a loop in his belt. With a raspy whisper, he made a verbal note to himself.

"Perhaps I can use this to my advantage."

The hooded figure slinked away from the docks headed toward the Idaloran Palace.

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