Eternal Lands History: Past and Present

General Info
    Gods of the World

Historical Records
    War of the Gods
    The Great War

Myths & Legends

Short Stories

General Info

1st Age Stories & Events: The Age of Power (B.G.A = Before Great Agreement)
approx. 6,000 B.G.A Creation of the World (Unknown)
approx. 5,500 B.G.A Dragons created (Kayliana)
approx. 5,450 B.G.A Elves created (Kayliana)
approx. 5,300 B.G.A Dwarves created (Kayliana)
approx. 5,200 B.G.A Humans created (Kayliana)
5,200 – 5,000 B.G.A Other races created (Saii & Kayliana)
4,750 – 4,600 B.G.A The Dragon Wars (Kayliana)
approx. 4,500 B.G.A Orchans begin to exist. Mortos banished to underworld. (Saii)
4,000 – 1,000 B.G.A Mortos slowly corrupts the gods (Saii)
approx. 3,600 B.G.A Mount Polan erupts (Aira)
400 – 50 B.G.A Mortos teaches Unolas & Selain (Saii)
48 B.G.A Unolas promoted, Selain declares his own godhood & the beginning of the War of the Gods (Saii)
47 – 21 B.G.A Destruction of the Centaurs (Saii)
3 B.G.A Glilin and the Dwarves join the War (Saii)
2 B.G.A Battle of Portland (Saii)

- Signing of the Great Agreement and the End of the War of the Gods. –

2nd Age Stories & Events: The UnNamed Age (A.G.A = After Great Agreement)
1 A.G.A Elevation of Glilin (Saii)
213 A.G.A The Great Battle of Grubani (Tumaros)
412 A.G.A Battle at the Gates of White Stone (Aira)
2293 A.G.A Birth of Fingolfin Telemnar
2373 A.G.A Fingolfin Telemnar captures Mynadar
2583 A.G.A Orchans overrun Mynadar and the Elven City
~ Dwarves reclaim Mynadar sometime between 2583 & 2795 ~
2795 A.G.A Gondric Mithrilfist leads the Dwarves of Mynadar against Mortos (Tumaros)
2796 A.G.A Gondric Mithrilfist becomes King of Mynadar (Tumaros)
2937 A.G.A Battle of Mynadar and the Beginning of the Great War (Tumaros)
2978 A.G.A End of the Great War

3rd Age Stories & Events: The Age of Purpose (A.G.W = After Great War)

817 A.G.W (Senatious’s Rough Draft Storyline)
1988 A.G.W Mage occupies Vermor Castle (Slasher)
1999 A.G.W Kayliana the Black Dragon is released from her silver pendant and begins to search for the other Dragons. (Kayliana)

Gods of the World:


Humans feel the need to create a shelter by cutting down trees, and anything else that stands in their way, and to constantly create, build, and improve things. They hunt animals for food, as well as eating the vegetation of the land. The humans take whatever they could and use it to their advantage. Although they also show compassion, kindness, and generousity when the times are right. They have many abilities and create big cities and towns.

Elves revere life, and are very careful not to waste things. They hunt animals in low moderation, always giving thanks to their god when they kill, and before they eat. They build their homes in the seclusion of the forests, in a style all their own, and rarely open up to let outsiders in. Although they don't interact much with those of other races, the Elves are the most knowledgable of all the races, for they live lives of up to five times that of a human.

Dwarves stay to themselves the majority of the time. They don't travel too much, prefering the warmth and comfort of their own home to the outside world. Dwarves are excellent craftsmen. They buid the most sturdy and elaborate structures, the most accurately carved statues, and exquisite jewelry. They carve wood, chip stone, and shape metal until it is almost perfect. Because of this they generally have their homes in or around caves, building mines that they share together.

Gnomes are another small dwarfish race, but unlike dwarves they are outgoing social travelers. They are also pretty good craftsmen, and tailors of clothing. Another skill of their's is map making, although you can never trust a Gnome's map to be 100% accurate all the time. And not to forget their unsatiable curiousity for trying to find a new invention for one of life's many difficulties. They are probably the most helpful, generous, and unbiased of all the races.

Orchans were named so because they look like a cross between a human, and an orc. Whether or not they were bred that way is a commonly disputed topic, no one knows for sure. There are legends and myths going in each direction. They are a people that believe in judging someone on their strength, heroism, and bravery. They hold many contests of strength, and also elect their leaders by the competitions. Many of them are fights to the death, which the other races see them as being barbaric. They are also very honorable however, always keeping their word when they took an oath, even if it means their life is at stake.

Draegoni are what look to be a cross between a human and a dragon, yet much more human than dragon like. Legend says that they are children of the mythical dragon god, Iringold. They are highly magical beings that dwell in the colder regions on the extreme ends of the world. It is said that their inherent magical abilities come from the dragon blood that is mixed in their veins, and in their few scales that sparkle on their bodies.


Goblins are ugly, smelly scavengers. They mostly travel in packs of 5 or 6, but many times they could also be seen traveling alone. Varying around 5 feet or less in height, they have greenish pock marked skin, yellowish brown eyes, and wear clothing, armor and weapons that they pilfered from dead corpses in graves, an unsuspecting traveler, or each other. They are usually too stupid to determine if fighting you is a good or bad thing for them however.

Orcs are quite intelligent, making strong tactics in battle. They are also very fiersome creatures, as they are usually bigger in stature than a human, and getting wounded only makes them want to fight even harder. They also don't fear much for their lives, and will have fights to the death. Standing at around 6-8 feet tall, they have greenish blue-brown skin, and wear their own unique armor and clothing, usually finding those from other races to be inferior to their own weaponry.

Ogres tend to live by themselves, and set their own territories usually quite far from other ogres. They throw out any other humanoid creature they find living there and will attack you on site. They are not as intelligent as the Orcs, and are very grouchy and lazy. Their skin tones vary from a greenish color to a human's peach tone, and they're usually a hulking 8 feet tall with a wide girth(due to their laziness).

Cyclopses are big strong brutes that will attack anything moving in site when they feel threatened. With their obvious lack of brains, they make up for in strength and size. Not much is known about their societies because no one has gotten close enough, or lasted long enough, to tell the tale.
