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Everything posted by roren

  1. you know when you played too much EL when..

    nope, ppl do that who never even heard of EL (mostly in parts of africa) You know when you have played EL for too long when you make a health pot out of stuff you got from the flower shop, drink it, and wonder why you went to the hospital
  2. first of all, the difference with guns, and Rings of Damage, is that Rings dont do very much damage at once. anyone with some decent healing pots, spells, or a fast regeneration cloak will be able to heal the damage taken from a ring before you find your next target. with guns, depending on how lucky you are/ the power of the gun, it could easily take out an average PKer if anyone picked it up. and, since rings dont do as much damage, the person would have to be an extremely fast clicker to do any serious damage before he target gets close. second, i was saying that IF we did get any kind of firearm, there would have to be tons of ways to limit their use, BECAUSE, as you said, anyone could pick one up and kill a noble knight, without any training whatsoever, because it was based completly on luck.most of the ideas i said were ways to limit their use.
  3. the other reason guns became fairly popular in the middle ages , other than how little skill it took to effectively use, was that it could punch through iron armor fairly easily. In fact, early guns were the one of the reasons we developed steel. steel was lighter, stronger, and, most of all, it could withstand gunfire. a bow was still more effective against average soldiers, but again having lots of ppl being able to effectivly use a weapon that could kill noblmen if their heavy armor was very a very attractive prospect in the middle ages, when , if you were a soldier, and you knew there was a knight on the battlefield, it was pretty safe to say you wetrent coming home after the war.
  4. but you still seem to be missing my point. the reason i dont like the idea of just being able to fire shots off in quick succetion, is that even though they dont have a very high chance of hitting, anyone, nomatter what lvl, can stock up on tons of shots and become nearly unstoppable, because if you get tons of shots, and take into account how much damage they would do, anyone could kill a high lvl player fairly easily, because if they get lots of shots, a few of them are bound to hit, no matter hao bad the odds are. so i said you need to have lots of lvls, items, luck, and possibly some other factor, to stop the widespread use firearms so PKing would still be controlled by the person with high lvls, not the guy who somehow scraped up enough money for a gun and lots of shots
  5. so you're saying that for guns, instead of higher lvls to matter, you need to read certain books to use, and possibly a ring of some kind to fire it? interesting... but you seem to have missed the point of my other ideas, like need ing a high archery lvl to use it as to limit it's use, so any newb that creats an account will become unstoppable if he/she/it somehow comes across a gun. this was also the point of the other things i said, like needing a bullet, gunpowder, fire ess, and 10 min between shots to load so that gun's use would not become widesoread, therefor making other weapons obsolete. if the person just needs to read a few books and a ring to fire it, all someone has to do is stock upon rings, either by buying them or crafting them, would become unstoppable overnight.
  6. guns: thats basicaly (dont remember how to spell it) what i said. but i like the idea of the shot having a chance of backifiring, that could be an interesting twist to firing a shot. Having a chance that the weapon would backfire and hurt the user, the high price of bullets, and the time it takes to load, it would limit greatly the number of ppl who would use it while pking. and, an idea for making bullets, making the actual bullet would need a high manufacturing lvl, and you could make gunpowder using alchemy. then you could use the bullet and the gunpowder in the manufacturing widow and have it fire like a spell.and, for having a gun, you would probably need a very high archery lvl before you can effectively use it, or use it t all. bombs: fo bombs, having it hurt the user if he/she/ it is in range would also limit the number of bombs being used. if it hurts the user, then most ppl would be reluctant to use it if the person gets to close. and, having timing involved would also limit the number used. for example: first, you use the bomb with a fire ess to arm it, then, you have maybe 10 seconds or so before it explodes, which means you hyave to find a target and throw, within 10 seconds , or it will heavily damage the user. plus, if the target come within the blast range of the user, the the grenade will be useless, and if it is armed, thn the user will have to get rid of the bomb before it explodes, therefor making it useless, and a waste of amunition. and one more thing that goes along with the bomb, if the target is killed by the bomb, any armor/ weapon that is flamable ( staffs, leather-based armor, etc.) would have a chance of being destroyed, again, making manyppl reluctant to use bombs exsessivly. you could also make it ossible for high-lvl alchemists to make bombs. i was thinking that you would use black podwer, leather, thread( for tying it together, and acting as the fuse), fire ess, and wind ess to make a bomb. as for arming it, use a fire ess with it, and have a time limit before it is used. as for a name for bombs/ guns, bombs: take "the Holy Hand Grenade", from Monty Python, The Holy Grail. Guns: muskets, fire stick, magic staff, etc.
  7. Your age in minutes

    just a thought, if you add the result in seconds (your minutes result x60) to your result for the death clock (giannis's link), you get the total number of seconds you will live in your lifetime . just a thought
  8. now that ive done weapon ideas, heres some armor, weapons and monster ideas: monsters: dragons, demons of some sort(mostly for quests), human like things, like, badit, a randon event mercenary, etc. some sort of uber-monster with, like, 5 arms, 3 heads, fire breath, and extremely high stats that only high lvl players will be able to beat. or better yet, needs multiple ppl to kill, so for example, you could have an event with your guild or a party of friends to go out and slay the beast.things like, mythological creatures, such as werewolves or vampires. Armor/weapons: plate armor made of steel or titanium. more matirials for diffren armor/ weapons. enhanced armores, so they have special attributes that make it much more powerful. and for weapons, you could add other things like silver, essenses, magic, etc so it has special attributes, like a special ingrediant that gives you an edge over certain monsters. for example: you could lace the metal in your sword with silver so you could have an edge over thing like the said werewolves/ vampires from my suggested monsters. putting special attributes would also greatly decrease the chanse of success, no matter what your manufacturing/ crafting lvl.
  9. and, im not sure about this, but early grenades were also developed around medieval/ reneseanse times, so they could be another possible weapon. How they would work, they would spread out damage in say, a 3x3 square, and do an even amount of damage to every character (monster or player) within the blast area, but the more targets are hit, the less damage is done. just an idea
  10. well, early muskets DID come out during the later medieval times (or was i reneseanse? i forget) , but they took a long time to load and fire, and were useless in close-combat. Then later, bayonets were made so gunners would have a chance of survival if someone got close. So a musket could work as a polearm with a special attack that has a low chance of hitting. i was thinking that you could only shoot 1 bullet every 10 minutes or so, you would need to use food points for it, and bullets are extremely expensive, so not many ppl would be able to use guns. amazing what kind of stuff you learn when you watch the History channel alot
  11. UFO, lights on sky...

    you sure you didnt just hit your head really hard? sounds like what happens to me when i wake up and slam my head on something
  12. Your age in minutes

    ok, fixed it. Did i miss anything else?
  13. Your age in minutes

    yeah, i've been to that site a few times before. I would guess that to figure out seconds, you just multiply your result for minutes by 60. and i left that part out cuz i doubted many ppl know what time they were born, so that part is optional.
  14. Unicorns

    not good at rewards, so im only gonna do punishments. i was thinking that the punishments would get worse and worse the more unicorns you kill. 1st offence (1-2 killed): PKable for 3 ingame days 2nd offense (3-4 killed): all monsters in map converge on the unicorn's killer 3rd offense (5-6 killed): al lvls set to 0 for 3 ingame days 4th offense (7-8 killed) 3 most valuable items (in storage or inventory) of unicorn's killer are destroyed 5th offense (9-10 killed) all lvls set to 0 for 1 ingame day + PKable 6th offense (11-12 killed) all lvls set to 0 +PKable + all monsters coverging on killer (multi combat) 7th offense (13-14+ killed) 1st-4th offenses all at once for 2 ingame days
  15. since when you play this game?

    started mid-May, 2005. dont remember the date
  16. do you think it's good?

    i really dont care too much if someone gives their account to someone else, as long as they dont bother me. Edit: i would be kinda dissapointed if it was one of my friends who sold an account
  17. Your age in minutes

    well, i rounded it when i did this, cuz i didnt have time to work in thing like February, leap years, etc. without going even crazier than i already was when i did this. but not bad for a demented doodle
  18. 50 Things to Do on the First Day of class

    hmmm, this looks familiar... Did you get this from www.getamused.com or www.getannoyed.com?
  19. How did you come up with your EL name?

    i got my name partly from, i think it was a book or a game ive played, dont remember which. After i downloaded EL when i got home from shool, i typed ror, thinking of that character. Then, my mom told me to feed the fish. When i got back to the comp, i had just lost my train of thought, and i couldnt remember what i was typing. So i just typed two random letters, and got roren
  20. Omfg....

    i think they fast-forwarded that, cuz i know lots of ppl who can do that, just not that fast. not saying they arent good though
  21. stuff you hate!

    here's some more: -stomach flu, do i need to say more? -when the computer crashes -school -politics -anything useless -city busses -public transportation in general -alarm clocks -waking up -when there is nothing but reruns on TV -when there is a storm alert test, and i interupts the oly good show thats on -people who refuse to be wrong for once O.K., i think thats all of them. Whew.
  22. Stopping my Manu services

    actually, ive seen most of those ideas in other games ive played, and they all work. tha anvil thing was a pain though, but they did work quite well, so i hope they are implememted inthis game too.
  23. rabbit + beaver

    i just closed my eyes and clicked, i dont know what i voted for
  24. stuff you hate!

    my list: -feeling like im forgetting something -always being right when i feel like im forgetting something -feeling like something has/will go wrong -always being right when i feel like something will/has gone wrong -people who never shut up -people who miss thing that are extremely obvious -figuring out how the damn VCR works -doing some really long-winded something (calculation, puzzle, theory, etc.) and finding out you made some really simple mistake and having to start over -people who interupt an otherwise good conversation -people who CONSTANTLY interupt otherwise good conversations -having to lower standards -homework -flat-out idiots -walking into a room and not remembering what you are there for -leaving the said room then suddenly remembering repeating the last two things i hate over and over again -PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS -working with other people when i could have done then same thiong much faster and better i fi worked on my own -failing because of having to work with other people -printer running out of ink when i need to print a really important paper -being really close to figuring something out, then being distracted and losing my train of thought -making a stupid move in chess because i was distracted -losing a game when i could have won if i had one more move +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ingame hates: -ppl who never shut up in an arguement that will never end -ppl blocking the entrance to the cemetary in votd -being killed when i could have won if i made one more hit -PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS -people who beg for free stuff -people who refuse to do anything for themselves -people who flame/scream/ etc when someone gives them an answer they done like -ppl who spam -ppl who flame you if you tell them not to spam, when they obviously are -people who flame just for the hell of it -when i spend all day/ week gathering matirials to make something, then when i try and make it, i fail and lose the ingredients -when my computer freezes when im close to doing something, and having to start over -when i spend a long time trying to find something so i can buy it, then finding out i didnt bring enough money -having tons of books to read before i can do a simple thing -ppl who refuse to lose an arguement -getting into a pointless argue ment where you know it will never end, but you refuse to lose - when ppl refuse to listen to a reasonable solution Hmm, i think thats most of them. there will be more.
  25. What type of player are you?

    im pretty good at everything cept PKing. somehow, whenever i try to pk, i always find a band of ppl all with full plate ith serps, a band of ppl all with magic sword, or both. Other wise, im mostly and explorer because, before i do anything in game, i memorize pretty much everything in the manual, then go out and test everything im not sure about. im such an explorer that part of the reason i left runescape was cuz there was nothing else to explore.