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Everything posted by Infamous

  1. sorry, but thats wrong. Why is there something like an exchange rate $ to gc ? Like Learner showed us with his rostogol stunt, the real price of rosto in game is just determined by the $-price from shop combined with that rate. And thats true for all rare items that you can buy from the shop. And the reason why cutlass from NPC is too cheap with 40k is exactly the price of the rare ingredients calculated as stated. If we raise NPC selling price, the mentioned $-to-gc-ratio WILL NOT CHANGE, because its determined by other factors mainly. regards its not wrong. there is something like a $ to gc exchange because people need so much gc to buy something that the gc is worth RL $. raise NPC price and manuers increase price, people need more gc and they buy more gc, increasing the amount of gc you get each $ people take that rate for their rosto/binding selling and prices go through the roof, again your stuck in a vicious circle and the only solution you guys seem to come up with is just staying inside that circle complaining each time you get at the point where things dont sell anymore... and now you reached the limit and suggest to increase prices even more? sounds like a big joke :/ in a working economy providers strive for competition, providers stay competitive by offering goods at lower prices then other sellers.. just use some common sense and realise that you cant get feathers from a frog.. for those of you who dont get that, you cant expect people to pay what they dont have, focus on what they do have to spend and adjust prices according to that, thats when you sell the most, when you offer goods at an affordable rate.
  2. It would be wonderful for sellers if they got to decide how much profit they wanted, but that's not how commerce works. We don't get to decide what we pay for EFE or for anything else. Buyers don't get to name their own price. If we could do that, I'd buy an ice dragon set for 1gc. How do you propose we set the price on harvestables? buyers do et to name their own price when NPC's set the price for anything, if a manuer chargers 60k for a steel plate while an NPC sells the same steel plate for 50k the buyer can say "no thank you, i rather buy from NPC" since NPC's stock cant run out it would force manuers to lower their price to 50k or lower, if with the current EFE/binding prices the manuer would end up with a big loss then the manuer would force binding/EFE sellers to lower their price by simply not buying those rare ingreds at a high price. and im just providing an idea, the setting of prices would have to be done by radu, or maybe a group of players. 4 hydro bars less than 25k? Imagine the PP party. It is not that simple . There are too many items that need armors / swords to be made, thats why the only solution as i understand it is to increase npc prices. (that is because i dont think Radu is gonna give us like better chances finding/making rare ings ) the prices mentioned are just examples, im not saying that should be the exact price on those ingreds. and increasing NPC prices is just being ignorant and ignoring the problem there is, increase NPC prices and you give manuers a reason to increase their prices more, what happens when they increase their prices more? thats right.. NPC will be cheaper again, and then you whine about a NPC price increase again. what you are suggesting is just moving the problem to another date, a quick fix that wouldnt help much at all and would end up with the same issues again in a week or a month. take a real life example, wall-mart is a big chain of stores making huge profits, why? because they sell cheaper then anyone else. thats what you should be aiming for, getting the prices lower and lower, when you make things more expensive people dont buy as much, but when its cheap people can buy alot, and if fighters save too much gc cause of that radu can increase breakrate, and with that keeping the manufacturer employed/busy if radu would set those NPC prices on all items sellers of items would be forced to sell at NPC price, or sell lower. it gives the manuer a huge loss but then its up to them to stop buying EFE and bindings for 15k, and force those sellers to lower binding/EFE prices to (just an example) 5k, or 4k each. at the moment a manufacturer sells something like each month? with a loss? wouldnt you be much happier selling something each day/2 days or week for less gc but still with profit?
  3. Simple contest

    so i came up with a contest, not too hard and not too easy. contest will be Thursday, at 10:00 (GMT -7:00) that time is Los Angeles time, so you can look up on internet what time it will be for you. this is what the contest will be: at the given time you'll need to be in C1 portal rooms (in the middle of the portal rooms) from there, when i give a start signal we all rush to Killeran Fields (dont worry it's No Drops, so you dont lose stuff when you die) and go to the coordinates [143,101] there is a Tiger Lilly bush there, and everyone will start harvesting. the first one to get 5 regular harvest events (not mini events) will win. to make it interesting contestants are allowed to pk eachother. Prizes are: 1 Halberd 2 Enriched Magic Essences 3 Heavenspawn Medallions 2 Harvester Medallions and last but not least, I can cancel the contest IF there are RL issues that prevent me from being on EL, or if there arent enough people participating.
  4. Why would someone rather pay 40k than 33 to 38k? The reason this thread was created was in response to the fact that the ings for many high level items cost more than the NPC price for that item. If the ings for a sword cost 10k gc and the NPC price for that sword is 7k, players aren't going to sell the sword for 7k and absorb the 3k gc difference as a loss. They will simply not make the sword at all. Why would anyone spend 10k gc to make an item if they can only sell it for 7k? but with buy/sell prices on NPC's for any item the product can be as cheap to produce as radu wants it, or sell for as much as radu wants. take Steel Plate as an example Ingreds for a Steel plate: 4 Hydro bars 3 EFE 30 steel bars 5 leather 6 threads if all the ingreds, excluding the EFE were available from an NPC for like 25k all together, and the same NPC would sell Steel Plate for 50k you'd have a set amount of prices on those ingreds, and your end product, it would be up to you how big your profit is depending on how much you want to pay for EFE. you'd always have certainty of having profit, unless you decide to overbid on EFE, but then you cant include the extra cost from overbidding into your end product price, cause then a buyer would say "no ty, ill buy from npc" (or someone else) right now theres no set amount of prices, if one decides to buy EFE for 15k that will be the new price, he includes the raise in the end product price and that raise in the end product will be the new price.. and then buyers will say "fk this im not paying that much for that" with a set price on harvestables harvesters wouldnt be able to overprice their iron, silver or other ore/mineral/flower cause it would be more worthwhile to buy from NPC, keeping the prices on items low and profitable. same goes for manuers, crafters, potters, alchers, engineers, etc
  5. so instead of buying the item directly from radu you buy a token directly from radu to buy your item in-game, how does that make a change? I don't think there is a way to force players to sell items at certain prices. It's natural for people to sell things for the highest offered price. If you're proposing that Radu increase the chances of finding and creating rare items for players with a low oa level, that will only entice players to constantly create alts. it is possible to force players to sel items at certain prices, make NPC's buy/sell those items at a certain price, lets say 7k each. if someone sells for more the buyer can say no and go to the npc. but then you get over producing, people making tons of items for those magic versions of an armor/sword, then increase breakrate to keep people buying those armors/swords. with the right price players can keep up replacing their armor without going too poor.
  6. no, the NPC price can be 5 million and not a single manuer would be able to sell still. why? look at players online, and the constant increase in price prices rise dramaticly and the players arent able to buy them, how come? with everything more expensive and players income staying the same they spend less, in other words: a recession other then that, average of ~250 players online, 200 of them being able to make great swords and up to titanium armor.. supply kinda overruns demand by alot. so i dont think increasing prices is gonna help, only thing that would help is lowered prices, stop buying ingreds for so much and sell your end product cheaper. isnt it common sense that its better to sell a cheap end product then to not sell at all at a high price? with doing that you'll have to say no to high ingred prices and only buy those ingreds for cheap. if enough people do that things will get better, but as people suck at doing such things radu needs to regulate the market. last but not least, most of EL's economic problems are cause of someone not knowing what he's doing, things are available from shop at a high price giving players and excuse to overprice them. players are free to determine their own prices on anything. that only leads to people outbidding eachother on ingreds with no limit, resulting in what you have now.. dramatic price increase, people stop buying, till prices go down. good solutions would be: 1) Higher breakrates but everything alot more cheap. 2) set NPC prices for everything, dont make them higher or lower, just set an NPC price for every item in game, so people cant overbid eachother and make an end product too expensive 3) lower the price of bindings, EFE, EME, serp stones in the shop so people dont have an excuse to overprice them. 4) or just stop buying at high prices and hope manuers lower their prices. which could take a while as you see
  7. Simple contest

    you could team up with certain people and share the prize with them ^^
  8. Simple contest

    10 AM
  9. Simple contest

    ok ^^
  10. Golden Star Mace

    might aswell buy a brod for that amount of gc, everyone wears cotu anyway and you'll save 30k on a useless weapon ^^
  11. PK Goddess of EL

    i demand a recount of votes, this is rigged D:
  12. War against =HC=

    Piners team if im on
  13. Kilaran Fields

    it is funny cause its true :<
  14. PK Goddess of EL

    agree with korrode, topic wasnt needed at all everyone knows Tyra is the most skilled, and that making such a poll will only result in friends-politics, people voting for the one they like most "oh she's on my buddylist i want her to win"
  15. Emote Suggestions

    a flex and kiss emotions ^^
  16. War against =HC=

    i think he made it pretty clear
  17. PK Goddess of EL

    Tyra has ~35 pki with about 900 or 1k won fights, less then 100 lost which other female pker achieved that? no1 i know Desda and she was a rival of me, when i left Ca$h we fought regulary and although she's a good pk'er.. i have to be honest Tyra is better you could send her in against 5 enemies and she'd probably be the last one standing, or when we go in as group she's always the last one of us standing, standing her ground till guildies get back to kf. even with the fancy pk gear everyone has nowadays, Osomn, bronzes, SoM's, def greaves, md cuiss, rdholm.. she goes in and makes it worth her while by killing a few enemies without dieing mostly thanks to her we own kf sometimes, and even when another guild makes us run, Tyra always gets a few kills for our side without any of us dieing sure Cherut trains alot, but this is about pk, and im sure Tyra has Cherut on her counters atleast about 10 times even with training, Tyra had her times of training and leveled faster then Cherut edit: yeah Kad, im sure kf will be lots more fun then, maybe people can pk the trees they hug to get some action, or ask allies for friendly fights without weapons cause they might hurt eachother ^^
  18. The Heath Care Bill

    do you have proof that it is corrupt?
  19. The Heath Care Bill

    so where is proof that most have no problem with health bills? your country is behind in almost everything the rest of the world has, healthcare, a good economy, technology, and has more crime :\ amazing how most can stick their head in the sand and pretend everything is ok http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/...-dying-each.php those dead people are ok with their health bills too? so basicly you prefer 60 people dying a day then have the government make sure everyone gets insured getting the treatment they need to stay alive?
  20. The Heath Care Bill

    She didn't have credit available. A lien was put on her house. The hospital had no idea of whether she could pay it before she was treated. She could not be denied treatment for not having insurance. Dilly, I don't understand your question. I am at the age to have kids. And under the Obama health care bill, I will be forced to buy insurance. By the government. The government will be forcing me to buy something. To me, this is unacceptable interference by the government into my personal life. My husband is French and his family lives in France, so I know both systems. I know the downsides of both. I went without insurance for a large portion of my own childhood. I also know that I would rather have what I have now forever than put politicians in charge of deciding what gets covered and what doesn't. Because once they have made the decision whether my treatment is worth covering or not, I have nowhere to turn. At least now, if my health insurance provider denies me, I have recourse in court. Try suing the federal government when this is all said and done. There are better solutions to the problems we have, than the bill passed by congress. But politicians are all too eager to gain more power over the lives of the citizens than to do what is truly right. so you'd rather be in huge debts then have treatment paid for? Americans are weird Oo , all the government does here is make sure you wont get in huge debts (which ruin your life) when something happens, and you pretend they are running your life lol no wonder why americans are so unpopular, bitch and moan about getting insurance rofl, there are loads of countries with citizens dieing to get insurance for anything
  21. The Heath Care Bill

    Oh, I realize it! That's why I don't want them in charge of my health care. they are just in charge of the insurance, making sure someone pays for your healthcare the actual healthcare would be in charge of doctors and surgeons who are treating you if something happens ^^
  22. The Heath Care Bill

    With what money? Your right about the spending, how it puts back into the economy (Reagan presidency). But for people to spend freely, major tax cuts would be in order... nobody (smart) is going to spend without being able to pay their taxes. with the $400 bucks ^^ not everyone isnt able to pay their taxes, those who can, can use the free $400 to spend and stimulate, added up thats quite alot and Obama promised tax cuts for working class families whatever you spend it on, even taxes, it ends up somewhere and comes back to you in some way. for example: here when companies have a hard time, like farms, they get extra money from the government, the farm gets tax money and is able to continue providing us with food. it most likely is the same over there people are just afraid of change, and expect results immediatly, but fixing something like this takes time to make an easy comparisment: people were like "fk cooldown, i dont want that, omg it will ru1n ze gam3!!@~@~@" now after some time its beneficial to the game about Reagan so if im right about the spending, the economy will be up and running again and lots more jobs get added (soon?)
  23. The Heath Care Bill

    sounds like the health care bill passed
  24. The Heath Care Bill

    You mean how he gave us 400 bucks each, or what? I'm merely pointing out taxes haven't gone up. Gosh, that silly federal government, helping people pay off their bills. What an awful group of people, right? Srsly though, I don't have a problem with the government spending, they can just keep borrowing. @ the first quote : For people making a certain amount of money they have, and they will for others soon too. Obama lied about everything else he campaigned for (except for the spreading the wealth around), so why should this be any different? @ the second : Yeah, what an awful group of bastards people. Srsly though, why screw up the economy with more spending with no return? (Some of that group of awful people want our economy screwed up because they are radical shits who want a world government) do you know what you are talking about? you expect to spend something and immediatly see anything for it in return? fgs you got the free money, spend it, the money you spend circles around, it could end up at your employer and use it to let you keep your job spend more and companies get more money to spend on their employees, letting them keep their job and/or give them raises extra bonuses, more money ends up at your government that way who can use it to repair roads, make things more safe and what not
  25. A priest on IP

    best would be to have a wraith with neg perks and positive perks somewhere else, so newbs dont randomly take something for some extra pp