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About Murlock

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  • Birthday 05/26/1971

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  1. Linux 64-Bit Version

    You don't need to create a package, just compile the EL client source code. That will give you a bin file that is tailored for your setup. Go to this website: http://developer.berlios.de/cvs/?group_id=1256 and follow the instructions to get the source code (The module name is elc). Edit the 'Makefile.linux' and add '-DX86_64' to the 'OPTIONS=' line. Change the line 'PLATFORM=-march=i686' to 'PLATFORM=-march=k8'. This assumes that you have a AMD64 cpu, if not then you should google to find out what your cpu requires. The 'STATICLIBS' line in the makefile will give you clues as to what dev packages you need to have loaded to sucessfully compile. To compile: make -f Makefile.linux release To clean a partial/complete compile: make -f Makefile.linux clean Make sure you have the original client downloaded/extracted somewhere and then copy the compiled bin into that directory. Voila, all *should* be working. Apologies if there are any errors in this, but I'm doing it from memory as I'm at work. Any problems, then post here and I'll try to help.
  2. Linux 64-Bit Version

    Your best bet is to compile a 64bit version of the EL client.
  3. challenge

    Doesn't sound like the actions of a 'friend' to me
  4. Encyclopedia Modifications

    As I've worked my way through the file I really could do with some info from the high level summoners out there. When you summon a Bear, is it a Black bear or a Grizzly? When you summon a Chimera, what type is it?
  5. Encyclopedia Modifications

    I thought it best to start a new topic about the 'Monster and Animals' (now called 'Creatures') section of the Encyclopedia. Does the current Encyc cover all of the information for creatures that can be summoned in EL? For example there are now four types of bear, is the Black bear the only one that can be summoned or can the Grizzly be summoned as well?
  6. vampireLOREN is a bagjumper

    VampireLoren does not steal/take death bags, simple as that.
  7. Encyclopedia Maintainers.

    I'm happy to help out with the English version as well if you need it.
  8. WindowsXP Specs, data, stats? [SOLVED]

    If your running XP it is msinfo32.exe
  9. Problems with the update

    Error: Can't open file "./3dobjects/misc_objects/stonebrick1.e3d" Something nasty happened while trying to process: This is caused by stonebrick1.e3d having the extension .E3D in the linux download.
  10. New website!

    It looks fine to me under Firefox 1.5 (linux) unless you are referring to a particular part?
  11. Release candidate 4

    It's not my intention to get anyone into trouble (banned or otherwise). I checked the area again as I had the same problem in a previous update just as KeiraOwl described it, but it seems to have have been fixed.
  12. Release candidate 4

    Would it not make sense to close this thread since it refers to an older update than this one: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22207 I have no problem with this area.
  13. Please test the test server

    I'm with Aislinn on this one. I really don't like the particles either. They are too big and too fast moving. Edit: Not all particles seem to be like this. The tele at Aluwen temple are the slower glowing 'x' type and still look good imho.
  14. Release candidate 4

    I get the same problem in Tarsengard running the latest CVS. System: Suse Linux 10.0 Nvidia 6800GT OpenGL version string: 2.0.1 NVIDIA 81.74
  15. For the UK people

    Ent - I've pm'ed you links to the images.