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Posts posted by Bret

  1. great, now he'll be a bigger pain in the ass to kill


    would brod him if i could, but sadly my last brod got broded ;)


    *accepting donations for a new one to brod him* ^^

    who broded ur brod btw?

  2. Auction of a Dragon Set:

    Black Dragon Torso

    Red Dragon Cuisses

    Red Dragon Greaves

    Start Biding : 200 k

    BIN : 265 k

    Auction Ends: Today 9 PM GMT

    Also : Buying Cutlass

  3. Witam.


    Po kilku dluzszych miesiacach odpoczynku od Eternal Lands poczulem chec powrotu, tylko czy ten powrot jest mozliwy? Tutaj znajduje sie temat, w ktorym to znajduja sie wnikliwe informacje na temat mojego przewinienia. Od tego czasu nie gralem w EL, jednak cos mnie ruszylo :icon13:




    Mam kilka pytan odnosnie tej calej sprawy. Czy moja postac "NautiluS" moglaby zostac odblokowana? Czy jakie sa szanse na powrot do gry? Kare swoja chcac nie chcac odbylem. Wiec jesli mozna, to chcialbym sie dowiedziec na jakich zasadach moglbym wrocic.


    Moge co najwyzej jeszcze dodac, ze wiecej takij glupoty nie popelnie.


    Tyle z mojej strony :)


    Prosze o przetlumaczenie :) Z gory dzieki :)



    Pozdrawiam, Damian

    Translation :



    After a few months of me not playing Eternal Lands i started missing it and i am wondering if it's possible for me to come bacK?the link below contains all the information about my ban. I didn't play EL ever since ,but i really would like to come back


    I've got couple of questions about the whole case .My character "NautiluS" could be unbanned?Do I even have any chance of coming back to the game?I've done my punishment even though i wasn't planning on coming back. So If I may,I'd like to know what conditions do I have to come back on.

    I can add, that i won't do anything that stupid ever again.

    That's all I have to say

    Please translate :) thanks :)

    PS My first translation so nono laugh at me :P

  4. Cutlass 21k

    OS 21k

    Halberd 45 k

    Som 75 k obo SOLD

    2 red capes 6.5 k ea SOLD

    1 mirror 6 kSOLD

    1 COL 57 k SOLD

    1 full steel set 105 k

    4 rostos 18.5 k ea SOLD

    titanium shield 27 k

    MOL 15 k

    3.5 k ae 22 kSOLD

    3.5 k srs 40 k SOLD

    PM me ingame - Bretryano
