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Everything posted by DeadlyTears

  1. Server Update Suggestions

    It's okay. just ban em!
  2. Server Update Suggestions

    It's quality of life. And it's a request for only extremely low recommended level items. I think having 30 characters harvesting is more detrimental than someone macroing fire essence. Just my opinion. I'm sure you have your special mod ways to detect macroing. I have faith
  3. Server Update Suggestions

    Make all rare monsters that drop oranges have a chance to drop random other fruits. At this point, oranges are essentially useless. Everyone has all the perks that they provide. Bananas, grapes, and pears are extremely useful and will always be useful because action points are used for everything.
  4. Server Update Suggestions

    Oh... And for the love of all that's holy, my brother in Christ, PLEASE make fire essence have no fail chance after a certain level. I should not fail a recommended level 1 item at level 100 alchemy... We need FE's in insane bulk for projects etc and this would be a nice QOL update
  5. Server Update Suggestions

    Just to add a few: Remove EFE from tools. No one mixes vials/merc etc because it's simply not worth the loss when the tool breaks. Can add an enriched energy essence if you want to give that a use, or just 50-100 FE's instead of the EFE to make it still not a cheap tool. Add double or even triple spawns to good monsters. cockstrice/yeti/mcw/acw/giant. Make people want to train again instead of flee training and/or standing around for a minute+ on respawn time. Put them on maps that aren't used a lot to get people to want to go there. Automatic way to start an invance. Have the NPC need 10-12 players to sign up in order to send out the message. **New instance maps/dungeons** Just adding emphasis to this. We've always had map makers around, and just need to brainstorm balanced waves. We can have more dungeon like maps where different waves are locked behind doors/barred doors instead of walking 50 miles to the next set of monsters.
  6. Bounty Board

    Bounty board. Pick up a bounty on a certain monster. "Kill 250 wolves" and rewarded with 15kgc "Kill 150 feros" and rewarded 20kgc Just some examples. Could also gain points per bounty that you can spend on something. (nothing crazy, already giving gcs). Could add perks to buy with the points Could be another huge portion added to the game similar to instances. Open to severe changes, just let me know what you think. It adds another thing to do other than invasion/instance/harvest/mix. Drop ideas
  7. IP Storage for everyone.

    Maybe there could be another NPC two steps to the left, and another two steps to the left of that one. All storage NPC's so people can crowd around each NPC. room for probably more people than there are playing right now. Also, I heard radu thought the flower market will crash from this? May I ask... what flower market? You can observe channel 3 for 1 week, 24 hours a day and not see someone selling flowers as a source of income. I don't see how this will ever become an issue. And even if it is, the chance that new players will stay outweigh the high flower influx.... by a lot. Also if it becomes a REAL issue, just remove the few that are too OP. radu removed the BSF that was next to MM sto many years back so it is possible. Again, anything to get new players is WORTH. ALSO, if this idea falls though, at least remove the non-mixing at VOTD as that map is most likely the second storage a newbie will see, and that's empty too... very unwelcoming to a newbie.
  8. Raise attribute caps to 52. Vote now!

    This idea is 10x better. I will make a poll and a topic about it later
  9. Get rid of rule #5?

    I like the idea. Taking away rule 5 would be a little helpful. And why can't we just make it so any one main account can only have 1 alt account? So we can't just have "Raz_arrows, Raz_Pofs, etc" ? Maybe we can think of a way to make this happen. Flag a character as your main, Flag your other character as your alt. And if blackmarket is illegal, then buying and selling chars would just be banned, so this "main" and "alt" thing would seem, at first glace, pretty useful,
  10. SouthernComforts Top Shelf Service's

    ingame name Jay - 10k BQ (2x5k batches) 20kgc 20k BSF (4x5k batches) 10kgc Total: 30kgc. Thanks, Jay
  11. Clearing storage :)

    1 Long Bow 6 Pre-Owned Titanium/Steel Alloy Short Sword 7 Black Dragon Scale 16 Ring of Power 5.2k
  12. Smallish sto sale

    3 Ring of Hurquin 7 Unicorn Medallion 2 Stars Medallion 2 Moon Medallion 1 Ring of White Stone 1 Potion of Extra Mana 17 Poison Antidote 7 Invisibility Potion 5 Potion of Defense 1 Potion of Great Healing 1 Magic Potion 1 White Chanterelle - Ogre Toes - Tree Mushroom Extract 275 Potion of Body Restoration 7 Potion of Heat Protection 79 Potion of Coordination 2 Potion of Radiation Protection 1 Potion of Attack 5 Potion of Potion 1 Fast Regeneration Cape 23 Augmented Leather Armor 6 Leather Boots 1 Leather Pants 4 Padded Leather Armor 24 Augmented Leather Pants 15 Empty Vial 1 Disengagement Ring Building I'll take all
  13. Invasion 13.07.2011

    GJ m8, was a nice invasion! All except my CoL being destroyed xD I liked it, big improvement from your last inva. No offence!
  14. Golden chainmail.

    Just an idea, golden platemail or chainmail. this one looks more like a chainmail... will give Gold ore some more use! http://www.aboutcostume.com/images/accessories_makeup_weapons_armor/20767.jpg
  15. New achivements.

    I like it, more tasks to look forward to.
  16. PandemiC fail scam

    Brod tag means make your EL life a living hell, by any means necessary. I think you misunderstood...
  17. Invasion 29.05.2011

    Rosto stealers, especially in C2 portals - put massive ammounts of things people train on. for me, FCW, add bears, white tigers and hawks to throw them off, and keep it up. alot of people won't notice, and before you know it, boom. one of the things you did was put like 20 things somewhere, and then stop... that kinda stinks, lol. non-stop getting attacked it what everyone wants.
  18. Privacy option on Achievements

    Sorry, I disagree. Most people are private, It's nice to see a little bit of what the mysterious player is about. People think Mason rank 3 is embarrassing, I think it's impressive.
  19. Was wondering if there was any way to show everyone how much they have left to get another rank in your achievement. Figured since the server already keeps track of it, it might as well show it to everyone. Also, another good one was to show a timer on the mule while leveling it, just as another thing people can grind the last 20 minutes of just to get it before bed. Just an example. But, yeah, tell me what you think! I did a search, and didn't find anything specifically suggesting this, so I went ahead and made it. My apologies if I missed the suggestion for this already. Sincerely, Jay
  20. Gem sander

    I think something along these lines would be godsent. I would LOVE it.
  21. Video card OpenGL version

    Fail. Video card: Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator Vendor ID: Intel OpenGL Version: 1.5.0 - Build
  22. Global advantages

    +/- monster HP by a certain percentage (5-10%) No cooldowns for a month is a bit drastic, so Half cooldown time on items Double Queen of Nature bless EXP and/or double the amount of ticks of harv EXP (instead of 110 or 120, whatever it is now, 220 or 240 with the monthly bonus)
  23. Kaos Bag jump warning

  24. Kaos Bag jump warning

    no but we only get 50k... i mean only nocturne and _RaH_ haul 50k, thats all they git.