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Everything posted by Orbu

  1. Română

    Voi staţi pe canalul 999 dedicat chatului în limba română?
  2. server shut down?

    I was trading in just that moment. I waner if I lost something.
  3. Română

    He, he, he... un pic de română pe căldura asta... băieți, v-ați cam lenevit. Nu mai văd nimic în secțiunea News a forumului. Mai lăsați dracu vacanța și apucați-vă de treabă Btw: nu este cea mai bună idee să-ți petreci vacanța în România
  4. What about setting shortcut keys for spells? Anyone who played Neverwinter has saw the utility of Shortcut Keys for different spell. Those shortcuts allow faster switching of spells. For example, in a combat situation is very useful to switch FAST between SHIELD-HARM-RESTORATION (only a example). Of corse, these new keys can be set for 4 or 5 (or more) and the spells for each can be written in the .ini file.
  5. Wraith

    Food levels are good ideea! It should be related some how with the matereial ponits - more material points, more food.
  6. Welcome Back Rogue ;)

    Welcome back!!!!
  7. Named Bags

    Well, a good ideea is the name of the owner to stay only a time (let's say 3/4 of the bag life). After this time the name will dissapear and the bag will be "free".
  8. Marriage

    Marriage is good (in the game ). And should be a place to officialize the commitment. But not a church! Not all the players are cristians! We need more like a city hall. And to officialize the marrige should need some witnesses. Players witnesses! They should say somthin like We agree with this uninon. Married players shoul have something like shared HP (!), automatically geting random items from the dead partner, knowing when the other is dead, and maybe the most important is to have some special magic ONLY FOR THE FAMYLIES!!!, or, the existing ones to get stronger when are made by them in a special way (ex: family mode).
  9. EL too dark?

    I voted NO: all problems can be solved by adjusting the monitor settings.
  10. Emathug A.k.a Bufu

    If you have that Rostogol stone in you inventory, you don't loose anything when you die, except that stone.
  11. Eternal landish

    It is an ancient language. I thought it is a dead language. But, it looks that are few who stiil speak it. It was spoken in Northern Europe until 5th century and suprisingly in some isolated villages in Tansilvanya. I know few words: WEee noi arrr sunnntem stiyl| âncã hERe aici.
  12. Ce pula noastra?

    Oh... Speram ca macar aici sa scapam de mitocaniile autohtone. Este adevarat ca Entropy a dat tonul, dar lui i se trece cu vederea. Ii rog pe admini sa interzica posturile anonime si sa stearga mesajele anterioare pline de "substanta". Acum parca vad ca or sa inceapa flood-ule cu "m**e Becali" sau cu alte chestii sensibile sufletului romanesc. Va rog baieti: folositi forumul acesta pentru chestii legate de EL. Lasati acasa proasta crestere!
  13. God Quests - What I get?

    I think to folow the Defence God - Aluwen. On Alastria's manuals say that I get Free Heal at any time?". What is that question mark? I need to complete all the quests to get that free heal? What if I'm folowing the Attack God Mortos? I get 15 Atk anytime?
  14. God Quests - What I get?

    Guys, there is a very important thing you omitted to speak about: If I choose to follow Mortos, I'll start winth rank -2. That means every attack Xp I'll make with this rank it will be substracted from my existing XP!!!. A recommandation is you to have already all the items for 2-3 quests when you go to Mortos!
  15. Vatican City

    Hm, the official language here is Latin. So: Acvila non capit muscam or Et in Arcadia Ego
  16. Ce pula noastra?

    Hm <_< custom key-urile nu sunt ce ma asteptam eu. Credeam ca o sa am o combinatie pentru un spell (heal spre exemplu) si o alta pentru alt spell (ex. full rest.). Mi se pare mai confortabil. Daca sunt in mijlocul unei lupte este destul de greu sa fac toate combinatiile necesare. A? Ce ziceti? Custom keys pentru spelluri si pentru manufacturing. O alta sugestie ar fi folosirea armelor in custom bar! Adica la comanda "Use" o arma sa fie purtata automat, iar daca playerul foloseste deja o arma, sa o inlocuiasca pe aceea. Stiu ca toate astea af fi trebuit spuse la rubrica de sugestii a forumului, dar stiu ca postul asta e citit si de dezvoltatori
  17. Ce pula noastra?

    Eu am aflat de EL de pe www.mpogd.com. Bine-nteles ca m-am uitat pe site-ul EL si pe forum. Aici am dat de numele "mihaim" care mi-a sunat familiar. Probabil faptul ca acum sunt in ghilda *O* are legatura cu asta Intrebare: la Pula in taverna, Pula este chiar ce cred eu ?! P.S. Poate ma lamuriti totusi cu <custom keys-urile> alea...
  18. Japan

    Reading is sooo important... Hmmm <_< I saw the dude is living in England. Was thinking about the people who live in Japan . Afterall the post was for japanese...
  19. what happens if u reset

    Well, I did a reset when I was oa 28. I can tell you that I avance pretty fast after because my skills (atk, def, har etc.) where the same as before reset.
  20. Japan

    I wander how is to play this game from Japan Probably you will have a terrible lag with huge ping times. So, if you're a japanese, move to Europe to play EL
  21. Ce pula noastra?

    Ca sa fiu in ton cu titlul topicului: "Ce p**a mea ma aburiti cu <custom keys>?" Va laudati peste tot, dar nu spuneti nicaieri cum se foloseste. Este adevarat ca acum sunt la serviciu si nu am clientul deschis (mai lucrez si pe MAC ), dar nu gasesc nicaieri indicatii.
  22. Selling guild maps

    What if one guild wants to add a change to his map?
  23. Monsters Invasions

    I think is a good idea. But not few and strong monsters. I’ll have no chance against them. Better more but weaker monsters.
  24. Particle System

    I know is a stupid question, but how can I install the last update of the game. I’m not a developer and don’t know to work with the developer stuff. Have you made an update with the particles on? I’ve road something about CVS. Why is nothing on the site? (I play under windows)
  25. Entropy Takes Money For Stats.

    I’ll never pay for play! I’ve chosen EL just for this. But this is one of the strongest thinks that makes him so active. For example: Dransik. Is a MMORPG who used to be free in beta-test. Very active: about 600 players at the same time. Now, they require money for playing and the game is no more so popular. There are a lot of paid games. See Ryzom, or the future World of Worcraft, Matrix Online. But EL is free! If developers want to make money from selling stats and items, that’s their money! Is their game! Of course, will look pretty stupid: 1 ovreall point = 10$ 1 serpent sword = 50$ and so on. At last, is their choice.