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Everything posted by scarr

  1. Make it part of a raffle, chance a person who donated wins something the more oranges the more chance
  2. you DON'T need good gear to train, these are luxury items, and shouldn't be easy to obtain.
  3. my day shopping

    moral of story: don't carry a gun
  4. why is the response time still so bad? it takes about 4 tiles for your character to "think" about moving to another location after clicking somewhere... so frustrating at times, is there a reason for this?
  5. click response time

    if the response time would be instant, then it would make chasing mobs less frustrating and it will also reward good movement in pk, nice for archers etc
  6. Creatures that dont use melee

    Humanoid ranger mobs!
  7. New Plant Ideas

    don't need new items, need re balance of most current items!
  8. New scammer or new name

    Want to buy? Lorck is correct
  9. What happens again in 120 and 128 years ?

    All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.
  10. God Please Save PK - Fighters

    Brod effect has already been decreased in the past iirc. bralex knows, he is top 5
  11. What do you do while you harvest?

    funny how harvesting is quite a large aspect of this game, yet most people do something else while doing it.
  12. What do you do while you harvest?

    http://www.redditmedia.com/ads/reddit-fun-2 lvl 14
  13. What do you do while you harvest?

    harvesting with 25hp? dangerous work, son
  14. Geoffrey singalong!

    yeah because poems have to rhyme and also this is a sing a long and not a poem
  15. New Spell Ideas

    support spells for invance pls ty bye
  16. =hc=

  17. i don't even know what these treasurers are... no information what so ever...
  18. Glory Days.

  19. Privacy

    Why have players levels listed somewhere anyways? Why do you want to know them? About protecting newbies, there could be a given level, a+d, OA or whatever, you need to enter ANY PK map. So, when a newbie gets the message, that he can't enter a PK map because of his low levels, and a small explanation about newbie looting, that should help a lot IMO. Same could be made for dangerous maps with strong monsters, like SKF or TD or RoT or Grubani. Don't let NEWBIES enter them, until they got a certain level. And by talking about that level, i mean something like a+d<40 or such, not a+d<100 or 200. I think, defining a newbie as someone with a+d<40 hits the nail on its head. anyone who got a+d>=40 and still has no clue, isnt a newbie but an eternal noob Piper Piper Whats the point in having stats, just so you can't see them?
  20. Privacy

    remove whole privacy, whats the point of having privacy anyways?
  21. Quote of the week submissions

    LMFAO wat.